How to Create a Customized Preset for Sarah in Starfield

How to Create a Customized Preset for Sarah in Starfield 2 -
How to Create a Customized Preset for Sarah in Starfield 2 -

How to Create a Customized Preset for Sarah in Starfield


How to Create a Customized Preset for Sarah in Starfield 1 -
How to Create a Customized Preset for Sarah in Starfield 1 –


So, let’s say you’re playing and stumble upon an NPC with an amazing look you’re totally vibing with. Want to give Sarah that look? Here’s a step-by-step on how you can make that happen:

  1. First things first, spot that stylish NPC you want to mirror.
  2. Pop open the console and give that NPC a quick click.
  3. You’ll see a code pop up, something like “NPC_ ‘UC_Den_RaynaMarquezRef’ (002A0EA5) [PP]“. What you’ll want to jot down is this part: “002A0EA5“.
  4. Now, head back to our main gal, Sarah. Get a good look at her.
  5. Time to open the console again. Click on Sarah this time.
  6. In the console, type out “console capp 002A0EA5“.
  7.  Sarah now rocks the look of Rayna Marquez, no extra tweaks are needed.

How to Give Sarah Your Custom Look

But maybe you have this unique style in mind for Sarah, something that’s all you. Here’s how you can pass your cool image onto her:

  1. First, open the console and select your character.
  2. Next, type “capp 00005986” (that’s Sarah’s special code).
  3. Hit up “slm player” to dive into the character creation magic.
  4. Get creative and design Sarah’s appearance. Save it once you’re content with the results.
  5. Head back to Sarah, select her in the console, and simply type “capp“.
  6. And just like that, Sarah is rocking the fresh look you whipped up for her!

Where to Find More Character Customization Tools

If you’re itching for even more customization, there’s a bunch of mods out there that can take things up a notch. Here are a few:

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