DOOM Eternal – BATTLEMODE Guide 1 -
DOOM Eternal – BATTLEMODE Guide 1 -

Guide for DOOM Eternal – BATTLEMODE Guide


An okayish in-depth guide about BATTLEMODE and how to win on both sides.



I have played a lot of Singleplayer and BATTLEMODE, and I give myself the right to create a guide since the Battlemode system is pretty easy to understand. Unfortunately, I don’t know EVERYTHING, but here I share and update all the things I see, noticed, and experience.

Have fun!


Aaaaah. The Doomslayer, Doomguy, Mother of all Demon killers (wait for what).

First, looking at the situation facing 2 demons controlled by other players seems pretty unfair, right?
Well, it is kind of. Two brains against one. (Even tho it feels like a half brain vs. you sometimes :D)

In fact, the mode is pretty balanced.

“WHAAAAAAAAAT hang him!” -Randome ragekiddy

Now let me break down the Doomguy setup.

1. He is small
2. He is quick
3. He has a lot of weapons
4. He deals a ♥♥♥♥ ton of damage (we come to that part later)
5. He has a lot of armor and health
6. I forgot point 2.
7. You went back to check 😀

In a nutshell, he is extremely well prepared.

Now, what exactly does he have? And how to use it.

You spawn with every weapon you gain in Singleplayer with mods. You can change them just like in singleplayer.


So you have a shotgun, the Super Shotgun, the Assault rifle, the Plasmacanon, a Gattling gun, the BFG, and a rocket launcher.


The shotgun is pretty useless, I think.

The Supershotgun is an AWESOME weapon. It deals between 150-900(!) damage with one shot. It also increases your mobility a lot due to the feature to grapple with nearby enemies. I will refer to it as SShot later in the guide.

The Assault rifle is pretty decent. But without mods, just good against deathhandycaped zombies.

The Gattling gun is a pretty strong weapon with around 20-50 damage per shot and a high fire rate.

The Plasmagun deals around 30 damage per shot.

The Ballista is a potent weapon, but that comes with a high precision requirement. But the reward for hitting will be around 600 dmg, which is quite a lot. But it suffers from fire speed.
The BFG is useless

The Rocket launcher deals between 1-10×100-200 damage per hit depending on how close you shoot to the enemy. It’s fierce. If your opponent stands on the ground, don’t care too much about hitting him directly if he is big. Shoot at the ground or walls close to him. It will still deal a lot of damage. I will refer to as RL later in the guide.


Now that we know the weapons’ stats, what do I do with these? Spray and pray? No.

I personally am more the brutal classic Doomguy. While playing multiplayer, you have to be your character. Don’t just play the character and spray like an idiot everything around.

It feels like doom. But it doesn’t sound like doom. (also, it doesn’t reflect the Doomguy).


What’re you gonna do? Fight some low imps and get rekt by high demons? NO, YOU KICK THEIR ♥♥♥♥ ASSESSES!!!!!


Ok, back to the topic.

Personally, I prefer a more aggressive style. I mostly ignore the spawns and focus COMPLETELY on the higher demons. Here are my tactics against any demon.


Marauder: That guy is hilarious; the SShot is extremely ineffective due to his small hitbox and high movement speed. I use the RL for it. Usually, 3-4 shots right in front of him kills him. Pretty easy. Next one.

Revenant: Well, there are 2 types of revenant.
1. The one that flies nonstop, jumping left and right.
2. The one that stands there on edge and cries for his mommy.

The 1st one is pretty annoying. But doable. Either you take him down with your Gattling gun because he doesn’t have much health. Or you do some grapple action with your SShot and rip his part. (you will hear that a Looooooot)

The 2ound one is straightforward. Take an RL and blast him to Narnia.

Archvile: Pretty annoying with all his firewall ♥♥♥♥ and AOEs. But if you stay in the air or change areas quickly, he has no chance. Same thing; either you give him full width or just casual spamming. So get close to him, grapple with the hot, and then burst him out of his socks. Else if he is on open field low ground, spam him with the Gattling gun. RL is pretty effective, but the fact that he is teleporting makes it hard to hit with it.

Mancubus: You already know it. Fat, Ugly, slow. Like my mom… ANYWAYS looks all scary and brutal but is as easy as hitting a tree. Just give him 1-2 blasts with the SShot and spam him with the Gattling afterward. For higher frequency, you can use the Plasmagun as well.

Last but not least

Pain Elemental: There is more pain in seeing players struggle with it than in the actual demon.
Anyways. More a supporter. Quick, low health, low chance to win. But what to do?
Yeaaaaah, you got it. Grapple and fill his throat with many little balls. (wait, what?)
Or which is also pretty effective is the Gattling gun due to the high projectile speed, which makes it more effective against that demon than the Plasma gun.

That’s it for the Doomguy. I think the perks are more for personal preference. I take the “quicker dash recharge thing” first, and the rest is uninteresting for it. Also, use the dash often and try to get behind your enemy. They are just players and also struggle with the 3 -Axis.

Comment if you have other opinions or experienced different things. Of course, if you like it too =)


Wait for waaaaait. You are still in this guide? xD ok, ok, ok seems like you need some REAL help if you look into a demon tutorial.

Moving on! There is only one goal for you. Kill that MoFu. Pretty easy, right!….. right?

There are different tactics, of course. Let me break them down for you.

Archvile: Trash at meele, more a supportive role. Try to kite the player with your AOEs and lead him to your spawns or block his way and let him run back all the way he had crossing your spawn. Also, ofc disturbs him with fireballs. Not much you can do. But this is a team game.

Mancubus: Fat, Ugly, Slow…. wait, we had that joke already? Oh… Ok… yeah yeah, right, moving on…
Either you play him as a tank, which requires a good offensive or supporting teammate. As a tank, you try to draw the Slayer’s attention so your teammate can creep from behind and get his booty. Also, you can deal with some annoying damage with your fireblast on close range. To draw attention, try to stay in the mid-range and don’t use your flamethrower. You can get close to…. 10 doomguy lengths, but that’s it. If you don’t use your Flamethrower, the chance that he will flee is lower.
The same goes for the supportive role, but I have to say that the support role only makes sense when you have other ground demons like the marauder or an Archvile who will lock the slayer in a specific place.

Marauder: I personally don’t like him. There is probably a better way, but you can spam your spawns and go full melee on the doomguy. You cant damage yourself. Also, spam your Wolf since it is autotargeted and deals a lot of damage. Try to stay behind the Doomguy or sneak upon him.
Else make use of your high mobility. Dashing confuses the Doomguy and lets you evade many attacks. Specialty RLs SShots and other slow and spray weapons.

Pain Elemental: Pretty funny guy. Everyone plays it, but no one understands it. It’s more of a supportive role. Not a high aggressor. SURE he has a shield and damage and high mobility. BUT it’s not his point. I ASSUME his point is to make his shield, spam you with skulls, flying close to you, bursting his shield charge into you, and then die. Let the other demon finish the slayer. Or hide until your Mancubus has aggro and then snack the guy from behind.

Revenant: As in the Kampagne. Jump, shoot, repeat. His high mobility and possibility to stay in the air make it hard to hit him with hard weapons. SO USE YOUR ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ JETPACK AND STOP LURKING IN EDGES. Everything else is self-explained. Don’t go too close but not too far.

So, in the end, you need to play together. That is the reason why this mode is 1 vs. 2. If you suck, you lose even in a 2 vs. 1. He has MANY options against you, but you only have a few against him!

AND VERY IMPORTANT. SPLIT UP!!!!! If you stand next to each other, the Doomguy blasts you a rocket and deal like 3000 Damage in one shot to both of you (1500+1500), which is most likely a design. No escape anymore. He will go full rumble then.

ALSO VERY IMPORTANT to spawn your spawns and stay away from them. Imagine he shoots a rocket or getting fire towards you and purposely/accidental hit your spawns, they die, and he collects the packs if you don’t lock them quick enough. That’s bad. He got less pressure, more ammo, and more health. So WATCH… OUT…


Aaaaaw you either are very grateful and finish my guide. Or pretty stupid for still reading this ♥♥♥♥.

Besides THAT, you see, the game is pretty balanced. Even tho I have to say if you have two outstanding players against a Doomguy noob, it is indeed unfair. But that’s the game.

Every side has its ups and downs.


In the end, I say it is better to go full mayhem with the Doomguy. Chasing players like crazy. The spawns slow you down and give the demons time to set up and calm down. You don’t want them to cool down. You want to put them under constant pressure, fearing for their lives, make them eat their nails, counting down the respawn timer. You can see the players panic if you see them running edge to avoid you, EVEN when both demons are living. Always keep track of both demons, so you don’t get surprised ALSO to know where the second one is when you kill the first one.


You are two players, so play as two! IT’S ONE FOR YOU AND YOU FOR ME!

BUT that doesn’t mean you should stand at the exact spot. IN FACT, it is even better to stay away from each other, so you don’t take area damage as explained in the DEMONS section. Also, make sure to play supporting each other. If you do your solo thing, you will lose. The mode is not meant for solo players on the demon side.

That’s it; I hope this will help you in BATTLEMODE sooner or later. Feel free to post feedback, suggestions, and doubts in the comments. I’d really appreciate it =)

Thanks for reading my guide,
Krux is out! o/

Written by Kruxis

This is all about DOOM Eternal – BATTLEMODE Guide; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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