WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE 1 - steamlists.com
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE 1 - steamlists.com
Here I teach you how to get a mate and all about getting one. Hopefully you won’t mind the corny puns as you progress. I’m pretty much going to be covering everything about mates, from things as complicated as the K locus system to easy things like impressing your mate with continuous actions. There are three sections in total. I hope you make it to the end!



Finding Your Prey

First thing’s first, you should figure out how to track your pray. You need to know how to track elk so you can persuade a wolf to be your mate. You do this by killing two elk, which you can’t do if you aren’t able to find them.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE
We need to track them. You can track them by clicking ‘V’ to go into scent view. Elk have dark pink or light pink dots. Dark pink dots are bull elk. All bull elk have antlers, and they’re quite strong, so I don’t recommend fighting these guys alone if you’re not in easy mode. Light pink means cow elk. Here’s an example of a light pink dot. To follow scents, you just need to go to where the dots are coming from.

Killing Your Prey

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, it’s time to kill your actual prey. After you follow the elk’s scent, there should be a large herd of elk. Bull elk rut in fall, so they are usually travelling in smaller herds. Nevertheless, everything in WolfQuest is kill-able, so don’t be afraid to attempt defeating these male elk. However, be wary in the small bull elk herds because they’ll team on you like the cheating ruminants they are and you’ll be lying there being told carrion feeders will consume your body in the following days before you can even say “I object”.

Anyways, here’s an example of an elk herd in and out of scent mode.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE
Notice all of the circled elk. The circled elk to the right is an immature male elk. The circled elk to the left is a mature female elk. The circled elk in the background (slightly hard to see) is a mature male elk. Since there isn’t any elk calves in this photo, here’s a photo of an up-close calf with a raging mother.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE

You need to lock onto your target. To do this, you need to click when the yellow arrow appears above them. When you click on it, it should be red with a yellow highlight. When you do this, it prevents you from losing the elk. WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE
Once you’ve locked onto them, when you’re closer to them you can hold space to literally lock your jaws onto them, or click space to bite them. In my opinion I prefer holding onto them. That is also shown in the image above. You should always go for the elk that stands their ground when you first start chasing the herd as these are the weakest. If you miss this chance, however, you might have to bite a few to find the weakest. From what I’ve seen, the lowest health bar I’ve seen an elk at is half. When the elk you’re biting is at low health, they’ll lay down making it easier to kill them. Please note that elk calves can count as elks, but I don’t recommend them. Reason being the adult female elks will come protect their calf and will attack you during the process. In the end, it’s easier killing the adult female than the small calf. Plus, who would want to willingly harm those cute little things?

Finding Your Mate

Finding One

After you’ve killed your two elk, the game will give you a pop-up saying you can find your mate now. But, the question is, how? Of course, the pop-up says how, but they leave out a few things. There are three ways to find a mate.

1. Howl 1-3 times then sleep
2. Sleep in pack territory
3. Find one through scent

First, let’s go over number one. To be honest, it’s pretty self explanatory. Howl, then sleep. I’m pretty sure the more you howl the higher chance there’ll be a dispersal wolf. I find that howling then sleeping on the outskirts of pack territory (not in the territory) brings more dispersal wolves. One time I got a whole five wolves using this method. Sometimes when you wake up there won’t be any dispersal wolves, but that, my friend, is just a bad case of luck. Here’s an image of my wolf, Latte waking up to dispersal wolves.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE
There’s two wolves in this image, but it’s late at night and it could be slightly hard to see so I circled them for you. If you look at the wolf I’m selecting, it has a chart at the top right. At the bottom of that chart it has ‘Diversity’ with four stars. More on that later, let’s move on.

Now, number two. Similar to number one, you need to sleep but scratch the howling out, unless of course, you’re like me and do it anyway for the pure fun of it. In my experience, it’s really rare to find a docile pack wolf looking for a mate, and instead I found hostile wolves disturbing Latte’s sleep. I’d stick with number one if I were you.

Number three is also not swell, but it’s not as bad, it just takes a little while to find a dispersal’s scent. Again, stick with number one.

Also, since this would be too small to fit in a sub-section, if you’re a male, don’t go seeking out male dispersals. You’re most likely going to get into a fight. Same with females. Just don’t do it.

Genetics, Diversity, and Advantages

Remember when we started talking about diversity then stopped? I realized it’s a lot to talk about and therefore would fit in a whole other sub-section. Yeah, so. Diversity. What does it mean? Well, it means;

the state of being diverse; variety.
“there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports”
the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.
“equality and diversity should be supported for their own sake”

So, basically, in my way, compatibility. The higher the diversity rating the more the pups. Simple. In this setting, it’s probably the second one. And, yes, I did take that straight out of the dictionary so you didn’t have to. You’re welcome. 🙂

When you create your wolf character, it has some different options.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE

Believe it or not, the chance to change your personality actually has a purpose. For example, there’s a dispersal wolf that’s laying down, but your wolf is energetic. This means the wolf that’s laying down is a lazy-type wolf and therefore would not be compatible with your energetic wolf, meaning they’d have a lower diversity than a more energetic wolf. Here’s a whole video about it by the developers if you’re having problems understanding or would just like some more facts about it.

Here’s some more info on it if you’re curious but feel free to skip this whole section as a summary of it will be given. (You’re not missing anything, I promise.)

If one parent has a gray coat (kk), and the other has a black coat (Kk because KK rarely survive), then each pup has a 50% chance of being Kk (black coat) and 50% chance of gray coat (kk).
If both parents are black and Kk (because KK wolves rarely survive), then each pup has a 25% chance of being KK (black, and probably dying in utero), a 50% chance of being Kk (black), and a 25% chance of being kk (gray).

If both parents are kk (both have gray coats), then all their pups will have gray coats.
So the K locus determines the wolf’s coat color:

If a wolf has two small k variants (e.g. kk), then it has a gray coat (which might be anything from white to dark gray or brown).
If a wolf has one small k and one big K (Kk), then it has a black coat (since K is dominant). This combination appears to give wolves extra resistance to disease.
If a wolf has two big Ks (KK), then it is black…but it’s probably also dead, since this combination is usually fatal before birth.

If you have a gray coat (kk), then choosing a black wolf (which is probably Kk) gives your pups at least a 50% chance to be Kk, and thus have higher disease resistance.
If you have a black coat (probably Kk, but small chance of KK), choosing another black wolf could give your pups higher disease resistance — but there’s a good chance (25% to 100%) that some pups will die before birth. Litter size in WQ3 will vary (probably between 4 and 7, but we’ll tune that during beta testing), and this risk of a KK pup will add another element of uncertainty to litter size.
I copied that from the description of this video I’m going to show you in case you feel the need to watch for even more information, so credit to them! Besides, I would never be smart enough to write that from scratch.

So basically, blackxblack would bring black pups and blackxgray would bring black and grey and greyxgrey would bring grey. Black pups are more disease resistant while grey pups are not. Also there’s a good chance (25% to 100% if you want technicalities) a black wolf’s pups will die from birth, meaning if you chose a black coat your litter size could decrease from seven to four. A curse or a blessing; that is the question.


Here’s a way to tell what their personality is. Imagine this; You’re attacking a bull elk, but your mate’s not helping, why?

Well, either they just don’t care, or, it’s their personality. That’s right folks, it has another purpose rather than genetic/diversity reasons.

For example, when you’re finding your mate you might notice each wolf has different ways to approach, or, don’t approach at all, maybe even backing up like you just got some insane virus that totally doesn’t exist. Right. Or, if you’re like me, didn’t even notice.

The bold type dives in, not afraid to squeeze into that little airspace your personal bubble has to offer.
While, the cautious wolves wait for you to move, and, when you do, back up. Talk about trust issues, am I right?
And of course the lazies of the group lay down instead of getting up. “If they’re so lazy then how did they get here?” You might ask. And, to be honest, I don’t know.
The social wolves go right into courtship and usually make the first move. You usually find them play-bowing.
Then the loners, well, just give them a hug and a pat on the back, alright?

Wowee, that was fun to type.

Bonding With The Chosen One


Well, we need to start somewhere. And by starting, I mean extremely friendly motions to another wolf indicating you want to get to know each-other better. Sounds fun, right? So, basically, once you find a wolf you want to get to know better, highlight them then use some friendly animations like rollover, playbow, and some other simple animations that I completely forgot existed. Once you use one, the corresponding wolf will do an animation as well. Each animation you do will slightly bring the heart meter up. Here’s a picture I showed you from earlier that represents this.
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition - Ultimate Guide to Getting A Mate In WolfQuest: AE

The downside is the fact that you have to wait for the other wolf to do their animation THEN you do yours again.

I usually start off with the play-bow, then roll-over even though the game keeps telling me to wait my turn, which I will NOT do.

Once you use enough animations to peak the wolf’s interest, a pop-up will, well, pop-up and tell you that you’ve interested the wolf and you’ve unlocked three heartwarming animations to continue your bonding session with your potential partner in crime. These three include;

Chin Rest
Sniff Noses

All very self explanatory, I have a feeling you won’t need extra information on these. Let’s move on, shall we?


Once you’ve filled up that heart meter the game will tell you that you’ve now entered a trial state with your fiance/mate-to-be that can be cancelled by growling three times. To become actual mates, you must fill up the affinity meter at the top left. You can do this by;

1. Socializing with your mate. (Playbow, tail wag, etc)
2. Hunting with your mate

The bigger thing you hunt, the more affinity points, as I like to call them, you receive, making your affinity bar larger. What I mean is, if you were to hunt, in example, a mule deer, you’d get less points than if you were to kill a cow elk. This bar can fill up very quickly, but I do a little test to make sure I have a good mate.

“What could that test be?” You might ask. Well, good question. That test is a test where I target a bison and circle it, growling. I approach closer and closer, until I eventually nip at its side. If my mate helps, yes, if not, shoo pest. One time I had a four star diversity mate on trial. I did the test, and guess what? He failed. Do you know what I did? That’s right. “Shoo pest.” Because who wants a lazy mate who makes you do everything for them? Not me, that’s for sure.

Now that we’ve finally found our mate, it’s time to travel to Slough Creek. Your mate will help you with territory-maintaining, killing prey (hopefully), and even will go on solo-hunting trips to help provide for your puppers. What a guy! (or gal)

The Ultimate End

Hello! This honestly took hours, so I really hope you enjoyed reading my cheesy puns and sarcastic ways.. This is actually the first guide I’ve ever made, so I understand if you don’t like it. I accept constructive criticism and would appreciate grammatical mistakes I missed being corrected. Please give me tips on how to make it better. If this (somehow) manages to be popular, I might make an ultimate guide on having pups in WolfQuest. Thanks again. I appreciate it so much!

Lots of Love,

Written by dinoandscooter

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