Dread Hunger – doors can be locked

Dread Hunger – doors can be locked 1 - steamlists.com
Dread Hunger – doors can be locked 1 - steamlists.com
I’m just you today to tell you guys that doors can be looked. The reason why even bring this up is because smooth brains like me thought only bad guys can lock doors. I have killed many innocent people cuz of this. when they lock the door in front of me I think they are bad then I murder then.


what they look like

I’m going to give you a example of a door that can be lock 
Dread Hunger - doors can be locked 
see how it has a lock 

how to counter

if a door is locked all you have to do it hit it 10 times then it will break 


thanks for read or just looking at my guide. If this just help one person then it will be worth it 

Written by lazy

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