Dead by Daylight – Adapting To The DS Nerf for Survivors

Dead by Daylight – Adapting To The DS Nerf for Survivors 1 -
Dead by Daylight – Adapting To The DS Nerf for Survivors 1 -
Adhere to my advice or be tunneled, for the killer cares little to gain a sliver of momentum.



I won’t waste your time. The change to DS is very impactful, so much so that me – a killer main, have decided to write this guide in hopes that the survivors reading this can make more thoughtful plays after the unhooking. Without further ado, the short guide. 

Healing on Hook

Healing on hook is now very scary as a heal without commitment would lead your teammate being put back on the hook for their 2nd or 3rd hook. 
Solution: Healing on hook is still viable, but the keyword here is commit. You either get the heal off or you go at a safer spot and heal there. If you can’t commit to a successful heal, the two of you should run and let the healthy survivor take the hit. 

Abusing DS For Hook bomb or Taking One For The Team

It’s very common with pre-nerfed DS to just hook-bomb (rushing braindead for an unhook because you have BT and you can’t be picked up from DS) or take turns so that the team doesn’t collapse, but you can’t do that anymore post DS nerf. 
Solution: Whenever this happens, the killer will have momentum over the survivor. The survivor has to make a play where the killer feels pressure. Identifying it quickly and making a play of staying on the gen or going for a trade is one of the few ways to get out of this situation 

Doing Totems / Generators After Unhook

As you know, doing both would just instantly render your DS void – as it should. This might be fine if you have to do a gen during early game where your options are nice and spread out. As it gets later in the game though, the playing area becomes even smaller and smaller. This means that gens in the killers vicinity will be VERY deadly for you. 
Solution: Prevent a 3 gen, use Deja Vu to help you determine if the nearest 3 gen spread is 
acceptable so that you can do them relatively safely. Besides that, a killer will not be afraid to come after you if he sees you in the vicinity of the gen – so if you really are unsure or not confident, go and heal up. 


Thank you for reading the short guide. I made this 72hrs after the DS nerf, which means I might leave out a couple of things that you – The Reader – know that I don’t. I hope you’ll comment and tell me what I missed and most importantly, I hope this guide has helped you in your survivor games. 

This is all about Dead by Daylight – Adapting To The DS Nerf for Survivors; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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