Sons of the Forest – Building a Floating Base Tips and Tricks

Sons of the Forest – Building a Floating Base Tips and Tricks 1 -
Sons of the Forest – Building a Floating Base Tips and Tricks 1 -

Hey there, welcome to this post. In this guide, we will tell you everything there is to know about Sons of the Forest – Building a Floating Base Tips and Tricks.


Building a Floating Base in Sons of the Forest: Tips and Tricks

Building a floating base in Sons of the Forest is a game-changer. This article will provide you with tips and tricks to help you build your very own floating base.


Finding the Right Location

The first step to building a floating base is finding the right location. While many locations may seem like good choices, you’ll want to make sure that your location has enough room to build your base and that it’s not too far from your other bases.

You’ll also want to consider the environment. Look for a location near water or with access to a water source. This will allow you to fish and gather water easily.

Another important factor to consider is the terrain. You’ll want to find a relatively flat location that doesn’t have too many obstacles that could make it difficult to build.


Building the Foundation

Once you’ve found the right location, you’ll need to start building the foundation for your floating base. This can be done by using a combination of logs and half-logs.

To start, place a full log in each corner of the foundation. Next, chop each log in half and stack them on top of the full logs. You should now have four half-logs stacked on top of each full log.

Finally, you can remove the full logs and your base should now be floating. Remember that you’ll need to add additional support if you build a large base.


Building the Base

With the foundation in place, you can now start building your base. Use a combination of half-logs and full-logs to build the walls and floors of your base.

One important thing to keep in mind when building a floating base is that you’ll need to be careful when placing objects. If you place an object too close to the edge of your base, it could tip over and fall into the water.

Another tip is to use the zip lines to transport materials and supplies up to your floating base. This will make it much easier to build and transport materials.


Final Thoughts

Building a floating base in Sons of the Forest can be a fun and rewarding experience. With the right location and some basic building skills, you can create a unique and interesting base that will be the envy of your friends. Remember to be patient and take your time when building, and you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful and functional floating base.


Also, you can watch this Youtube video on how to build the floating base, The Youtuber gives a lot of information and tips.



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