Rust – Spray Control Tips in Rust + ADS + Mouse Settings – Gameplay Tips

Rust – Spray Control Tips in Rust + ADS + Mouse Settings – Gameplay Tips 3 -
Rust – Spray Control Tips in Rust + ADS + Mouse Settings – Gameplay Tips 3 -

These few tricks will help you to improve your spray a lot faster


When you have low sensitivity, it’s much easier to remember spray and control it more accurately. But when sensitivity is low it’s also a lot harder to turn around when you are building, looting etc…

This command can help you in this case: bind mouse1 “+attack2;+input.sensitivity .25;input.sensitivity .15;”

What this command does is you can have one sensitivity for ADS, and the other when you don’t.

.25; means that your casual rust sensitivity is 0.25

And .15;” means when you ADS your sensitivity is 0.15

You can change it to make it comfortable for yourself.

Polling Rate

You can try to lower your mouse polling rate. The polling rate is measured in Hz. If a mouse has a 125 Hz polling rate, it reports its position to the computer 125 times every second—or every 8 milliseconds. A 500 Hz rate means that the mouse is reporting its position to the computer every 2 milliseconds. So what it does is makes your mouse movement crisper and snappier but less smooth. You won’t feel the difference between 1000Hz and 500Hz, but it could help you when you are controlling the spray.

You can change the pooling rate in your mouse software.

Rust - Spray Control Tips in Rust + ADS + Mouse Settings - Gameplay Tips - Polling Rate - 7CDF739

Iron sights

Make sure to use this command to make your iron sights smaller so you can aim better: graphics.vm_fov_scale false

Server with best aim targets

Press F1 in-game and paste this command to connect to the server: connect

How to quickly learn spray

The best way to learn spray ( at least it was for me) is to shoot with 4x scope in the beginning, so you can feel the pattern of the spray. After 5-10min of shooting with 4x just take it off and try without it, you should see an improvement.

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Written by Slayer

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