PAYDAY 2 – Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 – Graze Mechanics 1 -
PAYDAY 2 – Graze Mechanics 1 -
This guide shows you in details who Graze works.


Basics of Graze


What is Graze ?

Graze is the last skills in the Sharpshooter Tree in Mastermind.

BASIC: Snipers that hit their target deal 20% of the damage dealt in a 100cm radius around the bullet trajectory.
The basic version is less effective but still interesting nonetheless. The real deal with Graze its when you aced it.

ACE: If a bullet would headshot-kill someone, the graze skill will deal 100% of the weapon’s damage instead of 20%.
This is where Graze shine and makes it one powerful skill, making sniper rifles deadly in the right hands.

However, It should be noted even tho Graze is powerful, it required more efforts to use than shotguns and LMGs skills.

Key Factors of Graze

For Graze to work with effectiveness, You have to consider some factors:

  1. The environment
  2. The position of the shooter
  3. The accuracy of the shooter
  4. The shooting angle of the shooter
  5. The position of the target
  6. The position of allies around the target
  7. The sniper rifle use by the shooter
  8. The target prioritization


The Environment

Of course, the first factor is the environment. A more closed area, with corridors and narrow rooms will make your and Graze’s work easier. Conversely, a more open area will make it more difficult and ask more efforts in the position and surrounding of the target.

For example, Goat Simulator will ask more efforts for using Graze with efficiency,
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

while Undercover will make the job easier.
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

It should also be noted that sniper rifles have the ability to pierce through thin walls and doors, granting you the ability to activate Graze whitout being shot. In certain heists, this technique can let you take down enemies in their spawn zone, but this required a better understanding and knowledge of spawn points & thin walls.

The Shooter

We are talking about you, the player, especially your accuracy, shooting angle and position.
Nothing to add for the accuracy, your aim will determine this factor.
Your position and shooting angle are closely link together.
Since Graze is a question about the bullet trajectory, It is best to be in the same height as the targets to be able to fully use Graze’s potential.
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The Target and his Surroundings

What matters here is the position and surroundings of the target. The most optimal position for a successful Graze shot is as far as possible. The furthest the target is, the longer Graze’s range will be. Of course, make sure you have a sufficient amount of enemies in Graze’s range.
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The Sniper Rifles

According to the sniper rifle you choose, It will be more or less difficult to take down in one shot (We talk about Breakpoints but I will not include the term here to make it simple for everyone).
Sniper rifles are sorted in 4 categories:

Low Damage Sniper Rifles

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The LDS category includes the Lebensauger .308, the Contractor .308, the Grom and the Kàng Arms X1. These sniper rifles are semi-automatic with ~150 damage and can deliver bullets quickly compare to the others. There are more and less concealable and give a good option for critical chances. Berzerker also works with them.

Medium Damage Sniper Rifles

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Under the MDS category, we find the Rattlesnake, the Repeater 1874 and the R700. All do ~250 damage, have a reduce ammo capacity and are harder to conceal for crits than the LDSs. However, they have a better fire rate than the HDSs and are still a middle between LDSs and HDSs.

Warning: Silencing those sniper rifles while remove the ability to take down a heavy swat with a one head-shot. If your build use silencer skills, it is advised to have either critical chances or Berzerker.

High Damage Sniper Rifles

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The HDS are the following sniper rifles: the R93, the Nagant and the Platypus 70. They all do ~480 damage and can still one shot head-shot a target with silencers. Despite that, they have a low fire rate, a lessened ammo capacity and are more difficult to conceal for critical chances.

Unique Sniper Rifles

Three sniper rifles stand out from the 3 main categories thanks to their unique stats:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The Thanatos .50 is the most powerful sniper rifle in the game and the ballistic-type firearms with the most damage. Very hard to conceal for critical chances but is very effective at killing in a single blow with most targets. However, having better care for the ammo is something you can’t ignore.

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The Desertfox is the unique HDS with a better concealment, make it easier to get maximum critical chance and giving more choices for your secondary.

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

The Bernetti Rangehitter is the middle sniper rifle between LDS and MDS. ~205 damage with a fire rate comparable to a semi-automatic and a good concealment. Even tho this weapon have a bullet per bullet reload, it should be underestimated.

Accuracy Matters

Some of those sniper rifles will have a low accuracy, to remedy this problem, you will need the Marskman skill in Ace.

The Target Prioritization

This is a very important factor because it is based on a fundamental standard of Graze Ace:
The main target’s health will be the damage around the bullet.
The more health the main targets are, the better you will effectively take down enemies around the bullet.

This standard will task you to prioritize your main target. So here’s the list of the priority targets in terms of their health:

  1. Bulldozer
  2. Cloaker
  3. Medic and Taser
  4. Heavy Swat
  5. Shield
  6. Light Swat (+ Cops, Sniper etc…)

However, some parameters will have to be taken into account and two specials which are not included in the list:


PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Bulldozers will take more bullets to take down. It is better to take them out with a secondary or using a pierce-able surface to get them. The Thanatos also works but care is advised. They have a lower priority because of how hard Graze can work with bulldozers.


PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Cloakers are rarely in group with the other units but he still have a huge amount of health.


PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Medics, even with their low health compare to above, are priority N°1 because of their ability to revive enemies. Make sure medic gets down by the bullet and not Graze, if Graze take him down, he will be able to revive one enemies before dying with the exception of cloakers.


PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Tasers can empty your mags and will be a problem, keeps them down as soon as possible.


PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Even with their low health points, Shields’ damage cannot be ignored, dispatched them quickly.

Unit not mentioned: SWAT Turret

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

SWAT Turrets should be ignored, they are not an absolute priority because Graze cannot be applied on them, leave this for people who can destroy or if you have a Thanatos or critical.

Unit not mentioned: Captain Winters

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Captain Winters isn’t necessarily here and stay in one place, one of two shot can dispatch his team easily
Warning: Don’t shoot the captain directly, shoot at his shields buddy, especially the furthest of you, behind the Captain.

The Breakpoints

Breakpoints are the numbers of bullets required to take down an enemy with a weapon.
This is used to determine the power of a weapon.
Little note: Silencers on MDS are the only ones which affects the breakpoints, also the Thanatos have the same breakpoints in the same.

Low Damage Sniper Rifles

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Critique:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Berzerker:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Berzerker/Critique:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Medium Damage Sniper Rifles

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk/Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Medium Damage Sniper Rifles (Silenced)

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk/Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

High Damage Sniper Rifles

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk/Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Thanatos .50

PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics


PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics

Headshot Zerk/Crit:
PAYDAY 2 - Graze Mechanics



This is all about PAYDAY 2 – Graze Mechanics; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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