TerraTech – Battery Power Information in TerraTech

TerraTech – Battery Power Information in TerraTech 1 - steamlists.com
TerraTech – Battery Power Information in TerraTech 1 - steamlists.com
this guide will help with battery power info



i will compare all batterys with the GSO small battery cell. which i will abbreviate as P.U. (power unit). 
and like a 10% margin of error cuz im useing a stopwach and calculator for most calculations. 

power generators

1.solar generators 
1.1. GSO tall solar generators, 18~ seconds per 1 P.U. 
1.2 better future solar panel, 8~ seconds per 1 P.U. 
2.furnace generators 
2.1 GSO furnace generator 
2.1.1, fiberwood chunk, 2.8 P.U. in 10~ seconds 0.28-sec~ 
2.1.2, fiberon chunk, 2.8 P.U. in 7~ seconds 0.4-sec~ 
2.1.3, carbite ore, 13.6 P.U. in 40~ seconds 0.34-sec~ 
2.1.4, carbius brick, 13.6 P.U. in 22~ seconds 0.61-sec~ 
2.1.5, oleite jelly, 10.5 P.U in 23~ seconds 0.45-sec~ 
2.1.6, olastic brick 10.5 P.U. in 12~ seconds 0.875-sec~ 
im not doing the rest rn i will do it later 
3. other 
3.1 geocorp geothermal generator, 4.5~ seconds per 1 P.U, 


1. GSO small battery cell, 1 P.U. 
2. geocorp battery pack, 9.5~ P.U. 
3. geocorp gluon mega battery, 35~ P.U. 
4. venture battery, 1??? P.U. 
5. hawkeye ion battery, 2.3~ P.U. 
6 better future battery, 2.5~ P.U. 

power consumers

1. GSO 
1.1 GSO repair bubble protector, takes 0.2 P.U. to power up 
1.2 GSO shield bubble protector, takes 0.2 P.U. to power up 
2. Geocorp 
2.1 Geocorp repair bubble, takes 0.6 P.U. to power up 
3. ventuer 
3.1 ventuer repair bubble protector, takes 0.03~ to power up 
3.2 ventuer shield bubble protector, takes 0.03~ to power up 
3.3 ventuer protected tracking shield, takes 0.15~ to power up 
4. Hawkeye 
i will do later 
5. Better future 
i will do later 

Written by Ken

This is all about TerraTech – Battery Power Information in TerraTech; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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