Corpse Party (2021) – All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters

Corpse Party (2021) – All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters 23 -
Corpse Party (2021) – All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters 23 -

Welcome to this post This Corpse Party (2021) – All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters Guide was written to be of use to you, and it is our honest hope that you will find that to be the case.


You can obtain the associated achievements by finding all the nametags that are scattered throughout the chapters with the aid of this guidance.



The five major chapters each contain collectibles. In Heavenly Horst, you can discover 84 nametags of the deceased. Although it might seem overwhelming, you can have confidence that this guide will help you locate every nametag and contribute to your list of accomplishments. Each segment will be discussed in-depth, with any spoilers included. The locations of each nametag are described in each chapter.

Since I didn’t capture screenshots of every name tag position, I made a note of them and plotted them on this map.


Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Intro - F906BE8

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 includes six collectable nametags and can be found during natural advancement for the chapter.

Name Tag 1 – : Yoshiyuki Shinohara

The first nametag can be found in classroom 2A, while you are playing as Naomi or Seiko. The name tag can be collected by simply looking at the bones after the cutscene.

Name Tag 2 – : Yuzuha Mikami

On the first floor, you’ll find a small skeleton and a note in the hallway. The note contains additional information regarding the Seisei Academy for Girls student who became victims in Heavenly Host.

Name Tag 3 – : Koito Fujiwara

Walking through the first-floor hallway will eventually lead you to a T junction. Turning to the left will take you to a second corpse and a different note. This note tells you the story of who the victim was before you.

Name Tag 4 – : Asuka Kato

I believe this corpse appears after exploring the first floor. The third floor is the best place to find it. The corpse can be found in classroom 5-A, along with another note.

Name Tag 5 – : Sasha Shinonome

Like the previous victim this corpse won’t spawn if explored the third floor before it (it’s possible you will have to read each body’s notes). This one can be found on the third floor, next to the toilets.

Name Tag 6 – : Shin Aichi

The last nametag for chapter 1 can found in classroom 3-A. After picking up the key at the stairwell by class 1-A, you will be able to unlock the room. After reading the newspaper and letting events play out, the name tags can be collected and examined by you.

Chapter 2

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Chapter 2 - 2E55A8B

The chapter 2 chapter also contains six name tags. All of these can be found while playing with Yoshiki/Ayumi.

Name Tag 1 – : Kai Shimada

Name Tag 2 – : Tomohiro Ohkawa

Name Tag 3 – : Masato Fu kuroi

Name Tag 4 – : Hikari Kirigami

All four of the initial name tags can be obtained at the same time.

Name Tag 5 – : Emi Kudou

Continue along the hallway to the left to reach classroom 4-A. This will be accessible from the open entrance. You will find the fifth chapter corpse in front of that classroom. Also, the first victim memoir.

Name Tag 6 — : Ryosuke Kathayama

After going through the chapter, you can find your last nametag. Once you reach the third-floor bathrooms, you’ll see the last corpse hidden in the corner.

Chapter 3

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Chapter 3 - F4A7FFE

There are 16 name tags in Chapter 3. It is recommended that you save your temp data as one of these name tags may be blocked by bad endings.

Playing as Satoshi, Yuka, and Yuka, you’ll be able find just half of the names tags.

Name Tag 1 – : Takayuki Motomura

Name Tag 2- : Hirokomotomura

Head to classroom 2A to locate the first two corpses. After you have examined the first corpse, a dialogue will start. To collect the nametag, you will need a second look at the corpse. The second body can be found next to a note.

Name Tag 3 – : Mitsuhara Ohtaki

You can find the first victim memoirs by entering through classroom 2-A’s top entrance. To collect the third tag, you’ll need read the memoir.

Name Tag 4 – : Mao Kashiwatani

Once you have the loose board which you can use to get to the top floor, you’ll find the next corpse and a note.

Name Tag 5 – : Megumi Sugii

On the east side you will find the staircase that leads to the bathrooms. You’ll also see a corpse half-way up the stairs.

Name Tag 6 – : Mika Naruse

After some progress, the second wing will be accessible to Heavenly Host. Once you exit the hallway, you’ll see a corpse on the right. This corpse can be examined.

Name Tag 7 – : Kaori Kimura

To get to the second wing of the building, head to the west. Then go to the stairs. If you’ve been reading them, you’ll find a body at the bottom.

Name Tag 8 – : Ryoko Fujiwara

If you climb all the stairs, you’ll see a skeleton.

Name Tag 9 – : Nao Takahashi

If you are following a straight path down the hallway (after you have left the west stairswell), you will eventually reach the east staircasewell and another body.

–This marks Satoshi’s chapter 3 name tag hunting. Now it’s Kizami’s turn.

Name Tag 10 – : Akihiko Kagurazaka

Once you have switched to playing as Kizami then you will need to return to the first Wing/main building of Heavenly Host. Next, go north from the place where the ghost boy was. You will be able now to move the cabinet. Once you have the cabinet moved, move your head forward a little and you will find the next body. This one can be hard to spot due the low visibility.

Name Tag 11 – : Yuuki Tsuruta

Name Tag 12 – : Hatto Sudo

The next two bodies are just slightly away from the first one and can be found next to each other.

Name Tag 13: Emi Urabe

Turn right away from the corpses and find another one down the hall.

Name Tag 14 – : Kanau Sachimura

You will find an inaccessible corpse if you turn in the opposite direction (so go all the way left) to the corpse. To retrieve the nametag, you must return to the cabinet at your second wing entrance and collect a looseboard. You can then use the board to close the gap and access the body.

Name Tag 15 – : Mitsuki Yamamoto

Go back to the second section and then continue to the left stairwell for the second floor. A corpse of someone has been found. You will have to examine the corpse several times before you are able to get the nametag.

Name Tag 16 – : Kain Hagiwara

The last name tag cannot be collected unless you switch to Satoshi at chapter’s end in the staff lounge. Please note that if your victim memoirs are in progress, the last page will block your route to the room. I recommend that you do a temp save before you begin reading the fourth memoir. That way you will be able to access the last nametag of chapter 3.

Chapter 4

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The chapter 4 name tags are sixteen, just like the chapter 3. This chapter also has 16 name tags. You’ll be collecting them while switching to new characters (this chapter has many more than the last, but I’ll take note of which characters can locate which tags).

Name Tag 1 – : Yuuya Kumada

The chapter will be started by Satoshi. He will guide you to the first name tag. This one will be found after a story progression. On the east stairway you’ll find a skull and your first personal name tag.

Name Tag 2 – : Kotowe Kuroyama

Name Tag 3 – : Mari Rokuhara

After Satoshi’s examination of the second wing’s location, you’ll briefly switch to Kizami. Once you’re in the bathroom, check the second and forth stalls for the next name tags. You’re more than welcome not to check the rest of these stalls.

Name Tag 4 – : Seiko Tanaka

Once you have left the bathroom as Kizami then you’ll immediately be thrown over and given control to Ayumi. You’ll immediately find your next corpse when you return to main building.

Name Tag 5 – : Yuma Misaki

Name Tag 6 – : Tomoe Mizuki

Next, go to the north hall to locate a corpse. You will be able to find a pair name tags by looking at both.

Name Tag 7 – : Yohsuke Maebana

Just before you enter west side stairway, there is another body directly opposite.

Name Tag 8 – : Hotaru Kanzaki

Name Tag 9 – : Nayuki Minatogawa

After meeting again with Yoshiki, Ayumi, the control will switch to him. To find the next pair, you should head to classroom 1.A (the small backroom where the crank switches are).

Name Tag 10 – : Hidemasa Kojima

Name Tag 11 – : Satoshi Matsubara

To regain control over Satoshi, you need to make your way towards classroom 4-A. Once you reach a T junction, take a right to find a notice and a body. Examine both to find their name tags.

Name Tag 12 – : Takuya Arai

After some story progression, Yoshiki’s control will be restored and you can access the pool area. To find a nametag, go to the locker and then to the place where the spirit walked.

Name Tag 13 – : Mitsuki Kamijou

Name Tag 14 – : Kanzuki Saito

Name Tag 15: Hirune Tanahaka

Name Tag 16 – : Tsukasa Tsuruta

After draining all the water from the pool, the four last bodies can now be found. Two of them can be found in lower parts of the pool while the other two can also be found in upper parts.

Chapter 5 (part 1)

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Chapter 5 (part 1) - 3E2803A

We are now at chapter 5, and this chapter is massive. There are 40 tags that we need to find. I will break this down into two major parts to make it more understandable. The first section will be about all the name tags that can be found in both the main building and the second wing. This will cover from 1 – 21.

Name Tag 1 – : Eriya Seto

The first name tag you will find is Yuka’s after you have climbed the second wing stairs. This body is located at the stairwell landing.

Name Tag 2 – : Ayana Misono

Name Tag 3 – : Toshimi Shinomiya

Head to the end and find two corpses in the hallway with the slime tiles. Be aware that you won’t have the opportunity to collect these nametags if you don’t find them.

Name Tag 4 – : Kokuhaku Akaboji

Continue down the hall, then look for the nametag on the art bust.

Name Tag 5 – : Rio Kazane

Turn left past the art bust to reach the stairwell. To find the skeleton at the dead-end, you will need to go to the very bottom.

Name Tag 6 – : Kaya Kizaki

Continue on to the east corridor and go into the music area. You’ll find a body towards the bottom corner.

Name Tag 7 – : Sunoko Tamura

Name Tag 8 – : Hideki Tachibana

Name Tag 9 – : Mai Kumasaki

After you exit the music area and head up, you will immediately find three corpses.

Name Tag 10 – : Mio Kanaki

Look to the right to see a dead body seated in a seat. You should not be trapped here, as it is at the dead end.

Name Tag 11 – : Kagemi Yano

After your close encounters, you’ll be playing again as Ayumi. Otherwise, you’ll be trapped in a terrible ending. This corpse can also be found near the stairs at the end of classroom 1-A.

Name Tag 12 – : Shiho Hasegawa

After going down the stairs and following some progressions, you’ll be brought directly in front the next corpse.

Name Tag 13 – : Kyosuke Himonya

For the next skeleton, turn back towards the main entryway.

Name Tag 14 – : Kensuke Kurosaki

While you cannot collect this nametag when playing as Yuka, once you reach the point where Satoshi is back playing, you’ll be able collect it while exploring second wing. All you have to do is examine the corpse and then you’ll be able get the nametag.

Name Tag 15 – : Yuuki Nishimiya

Return to the main structure and continue on the hallway to find the corpse.

Name Tag 16 – : Tohko Kirisaki

Another body will be encountered if you go upstairs to the east hallway on the second floor. To pull a lever, this body must be passed by.

Name Tag 17 – : Yuuya Kizami

Once you switch to Ayumi again and gain access to science lab, you can find Kizami’s tag right beside the entrance.

Name Tag 18 – : Kazunari Takayanagi

A corpse will be found in the lower half, between the tables, when you enter the science lab.

Name Tag 19 – : Naho Saenoki

You will find it in the reference space, but only after having collected all the pages from Naho’s notebook.

Name Tag 20 – : Takuji Mizuno

After a bit of story progression, you will be heading down the hall towards an incinerator. As you descend the stairs towards the science lab, a corpse will be visible.

Name Tag 21- : Makoto Nagareyama

A corpse will be found at the bend in the hallway leading to the incinerator as you enter the L-shaped hallway.

These are all the name tags you will find in the main structure and second wings.

Chapter 5 (part 2)

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Part 2 of chapter 5 will cover 22 – to 40 – and all can be found within the bomb shelter.

Name Tag 22 – : Nana Ogasawara

Name Tag 23 – : Chihiya Yamase

Name Tag 24 – : Nari Amatoya

Three name tags can be found within the dissection space as Satoshi. The first one is located in the bottom right corner. The second will be found in the small bucket located close to the skeleton. The third can be found in the bucket at the top-right corner.

Name Tag 25 – : Sayaka Ooue

Name Tag 26 – : Masayki Hayashi

Name Tag 27 – : Kaori Hasegawa

Name Tag 28 – : Ken Fujii

Name Tag 29 – : Kotomi Nashimoto

Name Tag 30- : Hinata Ouin

Name Tag 31 – : Tsutaya Azuma

Name Tag 32 – : Marina Okada

Name Tag 33 – : Ryoto Kumakawa

Name Tag 34 – : Yuki Sakakibara

Name Tag 35 – : Izuru Ohkami

When you play as Ayumi, you’ll be in body disposal room. Here, you can pick eleven name tags from the various bodies scattered throughout the floor. Don’t worry about those in the pool. They are inaccessible.

During the final escape sequence of this game, the last few names tags are made available for you to collect. These are easy ones to miss because the final section is often tense and timed. These items can only be collected after the ritual. I recommend setting up a temp save to ensure you don’t worry about missing any name tags or getting out in one go.

Name Tag 36 – : Takuya Nishimura

For this name tag, go to the bathroom and inspect the ground.

Name Tag 37 – : Yasuji Morita

Name Tag 38 – : Tomoyuki Hamada

You will find these name tags in the corner of the stairs and the trap door once you get to the area where the pillars were (where you had been following the blue spirit).

Name Tag 39 – : Yasuhiko Nomura

This one can be tricky but you need to solve it again. It is located on the left side of the table, so you can safely walk down.

Name Tag 40 – : Tohru Fujimoto

This tag can be found on your left side table, at the beginning of the first spirit-puzzle, just near the previous nametag.

You should now have all 84 namestamps. This guide was helpful.

Unlockable Achievements

If you could find every nametag, you should have gotten 15 achievements.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 92BFAF9

Byakudan Bookeeper

Identified all name tags from Byakudan High School.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 751EE2C

Tendo Teller

Found all name tags from Tendo Senior High.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - B9C4653

Amazaki Antiquary

All name tags from AmazakiWest Senior Private School were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - BEEE8A3

Lexern Lovers

All name tags from Lexern Senior High were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 17D68E6

Aizome Authority

All name tags from Aizome Junior Secondary School were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 30B04FC

Musashigawa Magpie

Found all name tags from Musashigawa Middle School.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 3E11E18

Musashigawa Maven

Located all name tags from Musashigawa Girl’s High School.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - ECF35CB

Seisei Scholar

All name tags from Seisei Academy for Girls were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 8162683

Misato Master

Found all name tags of Misato Municipal Brotherhood High.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 93EB7EE

Hakuro Hobbyist

Found all nametags from Hakuro 3 Junior High school.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 6D85E51

St. Maryanne Monitor

All name tags from St. Maryanne University Higher School were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 9DA49B4

Paulownia Pundit

All name tags from Paulownia Academy Secondary School were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 2D7814C

Distant Futures Devotee

All name tags from Distant Futures Elementary school were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 5CDB2F1

Shibagami Specialist

All name tags from Shibagami Private Senior High were found.

Corpse Party (2021) - All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters - Unlock-able Achievements - 7004F07

Crimson Sign

Found all name tags for every school.


We are grateful that you took the time to go through the Corpse Party (2021) – All Name Tag Locations in All Chapters, and we sincerely hope that you discovered it to be of assistance to you in any way. You are more than welcome to point out any mistakes or make suggestions for changes in the comments box below, and we will attend to them as quickly as we can. My warmest thoughts and prayers are with you today. The author and creator of Draco Jin inspired this post. Don’t forget to add us to your bookmarks if you like the post; we update regularly with fresh stuff.

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