Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Guide for Zetsubou No Shima – 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Guide for Zetsubou No Shima – 2021 1 -
Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Guide for Zetsubou No Shima – 2021 1 -

Ultimate Guide for Zetsobou No Shima. In this guide, I will explain how to do the Main Easter Egg Quest and give gameplay facts. This guide includes an in-depth Easter Egg Guide as well as walkthroughs for Plant growing and Equipment building.

Hopefully, you find this guide inviting and intuitive.

If you’re ever wanting to build a crew for Easter Eggs, I’m always up for them.


General Play Guide


Activating Main Power

In Zetsubou No Shima, the Power is activated differently from other maps. Each of the two Labs has 115 energy harnessing technology that is used to provide Power to those two areas of the map. These two Labs must have Power enabled to be able to access and power the Bunker doors. To Power the Labs, players must collect any coloured Element 115-infused Water into the Power Panel Funnels in the Labs.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
This will temporarily activate Power giving the player limited time to go to the Bunker to open the doors.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Navigate to Power, go into the Water and you’ll notice one of the vents is blocked by Spider Webbing.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Once you clear the Webbing, the stairway taking you underwater will become sealed off by a door. You will have to survive underwater killing Zombies until the door eventually reopens. Make sure to destroy the Spore for Air or go upwards to find pockets of Air to avoid drowning.

Once the Lockdown is over, leave the way you entered the Water and the Power Switch will now function as normal.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Activating this will permanently activate Main Power.

Accessing Pack-A-Punch

There are three parts that are required to unlock access to the Pack-A-Punch Machine.

The First Part is obtainable from surviving the underwater Power Lockdown. You will see the part sitting in front of the vent you cleared beginning the Lockdown.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
The Second Part is found in the hanging Cocoons in the Purple 115 Water area. One by one, knife the Cocoons to cause Zombies to drop. One of the Cocoons will drop a Zombie like normal, but will also drop the required part.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
The Third Part is found in the underwater area past Mule Kick. The part is a red Valve Wheel and can simply be picked up.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Use these parts on each pump surrounding Pack-A-Punch to drain the water unlocking the machines access.



The Gas Mask

The Gas Mask is wearable equipment that is used to protect you from the Spores that cause the mutation of Zombies when exposed. Without the mask, your character will cough and will be unable to use any weaponry until the coughing subsides. The Gas Mask is useful in general play and is practically essential for the Easter Egg.

The parts required to craft the Gas Mask are the Face Mask, the Cable Tubing and the Filtration Unit.

The Face Mask may be found in the Lab B area (Green Water area):

  • On a Wooden Box between the Lab B area and the Plant growing spot in the Green Water area.
  • Next to the Green 115 Water on a Box.
  • Up the stairs in the Green 115 Water area in front of the Perk Machine.

The Cable Tubing may be found in the Crash Site area (Plane Propeller Trap area):

  • Right outside of the Plane on either side of it.
  • On the Rock face left of the Mystery Box location.

The Filtration Unit may be found outside through the door from the Power (Where the Zip-line take you from Lab A):

  • On the Boxes between the Zip-line and the Skull Podium.
  • On the Rock clusters in the general vicinity of the Mystery Box location


The Shield

Like in all other maps, the Shield has the sole purpose of protecting your flank from damage. This is not a requirement for the Easter Egg, but it very obviously helpful for the Easter Egg and even General Play.

The First Piece is found in the Anti-Aircraft Gun area (The first door on the right when entering the Bunker):

  • Near the Mystery Box location.
  • On a pile of broken wall debris.
  • Near a Zombie Spawn window.

The Second Piece is found in the Lab A area:

  • Next to the Kuda.
  • On the support beam underneath the Lab.
  • Near by the Zombie Spawn windows.

The Third Piece is found in the Lab B area (generally on trees):

  • Resting on a tree over a hill facing the lab (easily recognised by the large boulder and the glowing lamppost leading up to it).
  • Hanging on the wall opposite to the tree.
  • Underneath the main section of the Lab.


The Bucket

The Bucket is equipment that is used to collect the 4 different types of Element 115 Water located around the map. There are multiple buckets around the map allowing more than one player to carry one.

The Buckets can be found in Spawn, Lab A, Lab B near the Blue & Green 115 Waters and in the Bunker.

Plant Varients

Watering with Green Water 3 times will grow a Mantis-like claw that will impale a passing Zombie. The plant will hold the Zombie in place for a long time until a player inflicts any damage to the Zombie. The plant will then kill the Zombie.

Watering with Blue Water 3 times will grow a plant that will yield random rewards such as power-up drops and weapons. If shot by the KT-4 as it grows, the rewards are likely to be greater in rarity. Watering and shooting with the KT-4 each round is required to attempt to spawn the Cannon Shell for the Easter Egg.

Watering with Purple Water 3 times grows a Carnivorous plant that will attract Zombies to it and kill them. The plant will also attack players in close proximity to it.

Watering with Green, Blue & Purple Water 1 time each may grow a plant that the final colour would have grown or a Fruit plant. The Fruit plant when eaten may award the player with a Perk or make the player vomit.

Fertilising with the KT-4 3 times (and not watered at all) has a chance to spawn the Clone Plant. The plant can be interacted with allowing a Clone of the players Perk setup, Gum setup and weaponry setup to be exactly imitated. Upon the players death, they will emerge from the plant having the precise setup they did when they imprinted themselves on the plant.

Trials of the Ancients (player challenges)

Players can choose to do 3 challenges to earn a free Weapon, a Perk Bottle and a Max Ammo. If doing the Easter Egg, these challenges are required to be completed.

  • Eat a fruit grown by a plant.
  • Kill eight spiders with spores.
  • Kill three zombies as they are mutating.
  • Get thirty kills with the Propeller Trap.
  • Shoot the heads off of five mutated zombies.
  • Obtain a power up from a plant.
  • Kill fifteen zombies attracted to a plant.
  • Kill twenty zombies while underwater.
  • Kill ten spore-infected zombies with headshots.
  • Kill a Thrasher before it becomes enraged.
  • Get twenty kills with the Fan Trap.
  • Water the same plant three times.
  • Water five plants.
  • Shoot five spores.
  • Use a spore to regain air underwater.
  • Destroy five webs with explosives.


KT-4 Construction & Upgrade

The KT-4 is Zetsubou No Shimas Wonderweapon of the map and can be obtained by all players. Although the KT-4 is pre-built, it cannot be used as the ammunition it uses must be created.

The parts for the ammunition are:

  • Vial
  • Plant
  • Venom

The Vial is found in the Lab B & Green 115 Water area being carried by a Zombie Scientist. The Zombie will be very obvious as they will have a yellowish/green glow indicating they carry the Vial.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Kill the Zombie and pickup the Vial.

The Plant is located in the flooded section of the Bunker Laboratory at the end of a tunnel of Element 115 deposits.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Interact to pick it up.

The Venom is contained within the Spiders of the Island and must be extracted. To do this, navigate to Lab A and make sure that Main Power has been restored. Go up into Lab A and go to the Control Panel in front of the Cage. Interact with it to lower the Cage below the Lab. Go beneath the Lab and note the Cage is open. Circle nearby the Cage with a Spider following until the Spider enters the Cage.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
The Cage will lock, go back into the Lab and interact with the Cage Control Panel once again. The Venom will be extracted from the Spider via an automated extraction Syringe, killing the Spider in the process.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Interact with the Syringe to collect the Venom.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
You can now go to the left work bench to obtain a functional KT-4.


To upgrade the KT-4 to the Masamune, a more potent ammo concoction must be created by finding different ingredients.

(Note: The Trials of the Ancients player challenges must be completed and the Shield constructed by this point to continue)

To get the New Vial, get an Electrified Shield by waiting for a Lightning strike at the Trials of the Ancients area. Once obtained, make your way over to Lab B and melee the Control Panel beside the Cage to open it.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
In Solo, enter the Cage and you’ll be lowered and brought back up automatically.

In Co-op, a comrade will be required to interact with the Control Panel to both lower you down and raise you back up to the Lab.

When lowered below ground from the Lab, you see will see bones and Skeletal remains. The Skeleton will be holding a Vial in its rib-cage.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Press the interaction button when facing the Skeleton and your character will make a response indicating that you picked up the Vial.

To get the Spider Fang, you must battle the Spider Boss hidden in the caves. When beaten, go up to its head and hit the interaction button.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Although fairly dark, you may see the Fang disappear from the Spider Boss indicating you have obtained it.

To get the Unique Plant, the player must make their way all the way through the Bunker past Mule Kick into the flooded area and navigate to where they picked up the original KT-4 plant part. Beside the original plant part will be a wall that can be removed. Using the Skull of Nan Sapwe, Mesmerise the wall and it will dematerialise revealing a hidden seed plant location.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
You’ll now need to obtain a special version of the 115 Water which can be found when travelling the Sewer Pipes. Go through the Sewer Pipes and keep an eye out for a blue Element 115 deposit to the right side of the Pipe. As you begin to see it, hit the interaction button a little prematurely in front of it to pick up the Rainbow 115 Water.(You’ll have to vary your attempt to pick up this water based on your reaction speed and input delay your method of input may have).
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
When you have the Rainbow 115 Water, make your way back to the hidden seed plant location and plant a Seed. You will then need to water the Seed with the Rainbow 115 Water for 3 consecutive rounds until it is full grown.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
When grown, harvest the plant for the ingredient.

You can now obtain the Masamune by going back to where the KT-4 was obtained and interacting with the work bench.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021


This Easter Egg requires the “Anywhere But Here” Gobble Gum to be able to get one of the parts. Make sure this Gobble Gum is equipped before you launch the map as the Easter Egg cannot be completed without it.

As a short requirement run-through to reach the boss fight, you will need to:

  • Turn on the Power
  • Obtain a Bucket
  • Complete all player unique challenges
  • Obtain the Skull of Nan Sapwe
  • Craft the Gas Mask
  • Craft and upgrade the KT-4 wonder-weapon to the Masamune


Main Easter Egg


Seeds of Doubt

To begin this Easter Egg, you must have:

  • Activated the Main Power
  • Put the Anywhere But Here Gobble Gum in your setup
  • Checked player challenges
  • Constructed the KT-4 and upgraded it to the Masamune
  • Obtained the Skull of Nan Sapwe

Boiling down the purpose of the Easter Egg, you are aiming to reach an Ultimus type Takeo imprisoned in the underground Prison Cells of the Division 9 Island Facility. You need to repair the elevator that takes you down to the Prison Cells by locating 3 Mechanical Gears. To reach Takeo, you will finally use the power of the Masamune to defeat a massive mutation blocking your path.

Step 1:

Using the Skull of Nan Sapwe, any player must go to the Living Quarters in the Bunker and go down to where the Purple 115 Water is. Using the Skull, the player must mesmerise a torn Poster Diagram on the wall across from the Purple 115 Water.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
This will materialise the missing half of the Poster Diagram.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Doing this enables the ability to use the Skull to unhide other hidden doors and walls scattered around the map and is required to start collecting the next required parts.

On the left of the Bunker as you enter is a non-functional Elevator. To the left of that is a wall that can be removed.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Again using the Skull of Nan Sapwe, the player must mesmerise the wall to dematerialise it revealing a small secret passage.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
The passage leads to the mechanical parts of the Elevator revealing 3 missing Gears.

Step 2:

Gear 1
For the first Gear, players are to battle the Spider Boss in the caves meaning the KT-4 must have been constructed by this point to access the cave. Upon killing the Spider Boss and grabbing its Fang (used for the KT-4 Upgrade), you can use your “Anywhere But Here” Gobble Gum which should teleport you to a normally inaccessible area above Lab A. In this area, you’ll see broken Dragon Eggs and other irrelevant things hinting to Gorod Krovi. In this area, you will find the first Gear.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Interact with it to pick it up.

Gear 2
To get the second Gear, players need to destroy a Plane that flies overhead which will drop the Gear. To be able to destroy the plane, players must have some Seeds to plant. Plant Seeds in any location and water specifically with the Blue 115 Water. As you water the Seeds each round with the Blue 115 Water, the Seed must also be shot with the KT-4 per watering to give the plant location an added green glowing emission.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
This is required to get a Plant to give an FlaK Shell that will be used to shoot down a passing Plane. (Note: you can grow as many Plants as you want to give the best chance of spawning the FlaK Shell)
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
When you get a plant to give the FlaK Shell, navigate to the first door on the right when entering the Bunker. Through that door you’ll find Artillery Equipment.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Go up to the FlaK 88 Cannon and interact with it to put in the Shell. You will trigger a sound effect indicating the FlaK 88 has been loaded ready to fire. Wait for the Plane to fly over the Island and when the Plane lines up with the Barrel of the Cannon, interact with the Cannon to fire the Shell.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
The Plane will be destroyed and the Gear will fall into the map. The Gear can be tracked whilst falling, but can still be found through general searching if you were unable to follow it down.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Possible spawns for the Plane Gear:

  • By the Meteorite past Lab B
  • By the Staircase heading up towards the Zipline at Lab A
  • Outside the Bunker Entrance

The Gear will have a black Smoke raising to make locating it a little more obvious.

(Note: If the Shell shot misses the Plane, another one must be obtained by growing the Plan again).

Gear 3
The third Gear is like the first, located in an area considered out of bounds in normal gameplay. To be able to get this Gear, all the players in the game must have completed their Trials of the Ancients (player challenges) and have the Shield constructed by this point. The completed challenges enable Lightning to strike the Trials of the Ancients area. One player with the Shield must wait in the area to be hit with the Lightning. When struck, the Shield will be visibly electrified.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
The next step is dependent on whether the game is being played Solo or Co-op.

The player must go the the Lab A Zipline and melee the Control Panel used to buy the Zipline. The Panel will now be electrified.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Use the Zipline and when you are directly over the out of bound Docks, hit your melee button to drop you onto the Docks.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
(Important Note: When travelling the Zipline, no inertia or momentum is maintained when dropping off meaning you do not need to anticipate an early drop off. Make sure you take your fall directly above the target area as you will drop completely vertically with no horizontal motion. If you miss, you will fall completely out of bounds and be instantly killed ending your run unless you have a Clone Plant).

When you fall on the Docks, you will see the Gear. Interact with it to pick it up.

Two players (one with an electrified Shield) must make their way to the Lab A Zipline. The player with the Electrified Shield will remain at the top of the Zipline whilst the other player will be the one using the Zipline. Verbal coordination is essential at this step as making a mistake can cause the instant death of the Ziplining player and the loss of his weaponry. One player will use the Zipline and as they are just over the Docks, they will call out for their comrade at the top of the Zipline to melee the Control Panel with their Electrified Shield. This will cause the the Ziplining player to fall.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
(Important Note: When travelling the Zipline, no inertia or momentum is maintained when dropping off meaning you do not need to anticipate an early drop off. Make sure you take your fall directly above the target area as you will drop completely vertically with no horizontal motion. If you miss, you will fall completely out of bounds and be instantly killed and lose your weaponry unless you have a Clone Plant).

When you fall on the Docks, you will see the Gear. Interact with it to pick it up.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Main Easter Egg (Continued)


Step 3:

Now that you have all 3 Gears, go to the area you revealed with the Skull to the left of the Elevator. Interact with the machinery to place the 3 Gears repairing machine and restoring the functionality of the Elevator.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Boss Battle Requirements
Before using the Elevator, make sure that:

  • At least one player has the upgraded KT-4 (Masamune)
  • All players have a Gas Mask


  • Shield
  • Powerful Gobble Gums of your choice (Revival based Gums are good here)
  • Pack-A-Punched weaponry

Once ready, all players go into the Elevator and interact with the Control Panel. The Elevator will lower to a corridor leading to some Prison Cells. Three mutated Vines will block the path which can only be destroyed with the Masamune firepower.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Proceed forward and find yourself at the Boss fight.

Once players enter, the Islands largest Thrasher can be found in a giant cage. In order to start the battle, the player with the Masamune must shoot the Spore on one of the Giant Thrasher’s arm, which will begin the Boss Battle.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
There, the players must survive an onslaught of Zombies, Thrashers and Spiders before another Spore will appear on another one of the Giant Thrashers arms. Again, the Masamune must hit the Spore and repeat the this until the Giant Thrasher is killed. Once killed, the Easter Egg is complete and the cutscene will begin.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021

Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Guide for Zetsubou No Shima - 2021
Players will be awarded all Perks and given the “Seeds of Doubt” Achievement.

Zombies Timeline

Here are links to the daily Zombies Timeline events as they occur:

Discord: (Server with a dedicated timeline channel which can be followed in your own server)

Written by Logan

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Guide for Zetsubou No Shima – 2021; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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