Wobbledogs – List of all dogs codes
Hey there, fellow Wobbledog enthusiasts! I’m super excited to share this awesome list of dog codes with you. As someone who’s spent countless hours breeding and raising these quirky virtual pups, I can’t wait for you to experience the joy of bringing these unique creatures to life in your game.
Quick Answer
Wobbledogs uses special codes to generate unique dogs. These codes determine a dog’s appearance, behavior, and abilities. You can input these codes in the game to create specific types of dogs.
Important Note
Warning: Some dogs may die if placed outside storage with dog death enabled. You can turn this off in the gameplay settings.
My Wobbledogs Journey
Before we dive into the codes, let me share a quick story. When I first started playing Wobbledogs, I had no idea what I was doing. I’d spend hours trying to breed the perfect pup, only to end up with something that looked like a cross between a potato and a slinky. But then I discovered these codes, and it was like finding a treasure map to the cutest, weirdest dogs imaginable. Now, I’m excited to pass this knowledge on to you!
The Wonderful World of Wobbling Dogs
Let’s start with some of the most interesting dogs I’ve come across:
1. The Fly Dog
This one’s literally just a fly! It’s hilarious to watch it buzz around.
2. Charles: The Bouncy Old-Timer
Charles is one of my oldest dogs in the game. He can’t walk very well, so you might need to help feed him. Weirdly, he’s high energy despite never moving – he just bounces aggressively!
060:Aaac8:N24BF63c426cc8aF4.<7D^6.F9D11BbC89^lEEba4:^1:A3d0T1ED6a6A0B0F 61d0F90:34DcAC<3A9b<F338B8Dt<bC4a:5c2:bb7E9A;7:=3l0Cc:8c1=;B06:2:<C536CC489:8:^aD0FmF4C:4F1F^A2FaFaC391a55FF237BE3a9EFFc3E528E8FA2^0FAFCr8N0^Aa^21535AEC25^0^4;29AA8a15A2B:08F185FehC:sBC^800000F4306799Ib6cb6aq<180274FDDA68976AaFE530A705<1
3. Creature: The Multi-Legged Marvel
This dog isn’t too weird, except for the fact that it has five sets of legs! Talk about a speedy pup!
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4. Pancake: The Colorful Charmer
Pancake isn’t particularly unusual, but I just love its colors and face. Sometimes, simple is best!
CFF89E7cCFc1A1AF<2A6175a70;1FAD4FBAC4 1^D0^DF.aE9c2233C81D=Cb46aFc9D40FABBD30 0Eec5a2:850Ab8d9;8B0FC<a7ba68C^9<:hd8721b33 1bbD:015=269<37d7a=06:Cb<4<B2E31FbF;71a47E;:09af= FF3A3aF;1A;7623B80F^7FFF8^D2DC630FF7Fb=1;AFE0TbF.3 <c9eAab^0C0^L785350Ah1662P^48a^:k010C1n^634414E7C:0C2;^3908a8AB8F:83C3F4U8b4C118abFd121FC7aD302C20F85A
5. Dust: The Immobile Veteran
Dust is another one of my long-time companions. Like Charles, he can’t walk well, but he’s got tons of personality!
10Cb4:l0a6cF:c310:FF0j:08DE4CB:B00BB281DdcAa2NC8FA6BA4 D1AB71D8D4263AaDB5758F=4<14E003AcC=7ja8auE1402:4:0b 2b;7B5a7D1aCE<:C3^8:CB1=C0;80ED6A938^3B8007A8b:::4F0^bF4B^<m1CAdE=2 C3B^87E3b8c5F6FcF^C270FF1BB0a:F5^;t2N1:A05.8247<72.0A0F1=602F7C900nF9a^F1 ^0004sF319EeF4FDF0E678Ab0F0a13:4^9c^5IF0E3F4Aa1BB01c0c83:2T1
More Unique Wobbledogs
Let’s explore some more interesting Wobbledogs:
6. Kiwi: The Triple-Horned Wonder
Kiwi’s claim to fame is its weird third horn. It’s like a unicorn… but better!
9B2BF682a^Cf4C2D6C9B:;e519FEA02EA Aa=0cB1c10;3A^2dDF9EDi0509c02^ccEE4ee151E ECCFc:6023a4709F21C=0A0aa82K^3:B03:E7FcF:10=1;bD4<b1:1C1104:;;F^708=3aa<2;b 5E<0Fc9ab5=0A0A8BF29D:U<FF4:28F5D6083^641C5BC3c0FFF2FF044^4:2DaA^889L8h.3.D521a30A0a1-C523iCA0AD0D^C110198092w01B0aC7FF02c^2F7c3c8F8642190130A:4d145F49A7DC^::20T
7. Misha: The Horn Extraordinaire
Misha not only has a middle horn but also sports two different horn-like protrusions. It’s a horn-ucopia of fun!
Cb00c:F^6Cq4;4UA61F7<E962^0:07F18F2^11j0.1B9841i300^82B006Tc01D04Eaa 66B62^=C991:83B5840BAF9B58<hBCE<83D8c^BE:c8=8B5C<;a;4::4650cb73c;^8a:::7aEFCc0:3B 2<1CD<:5a303b^:F1AFDdcE6CC3B00DFC0CCCCF811FFeFFALDC7:370FD98D475302B80344^70 7aB:65sA0E906000DaMFaa30B^BDCC70AAFd5c<834C8CFf8F.8926Eb1^355Fb8BaDF13DF74647;C
8. Dog: The Mysterious Black Canine
This one’s just a fully black dog with a tail. Sometimes, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication!
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9. Bob: The Many-Legged Green Machine
Bob is a simple green dog with many legs. It’s like a caterpillar had a baby with a dog!
18F:f59E82209BE00:D2^7^6AA04CA6CA2;:860880 cF81:A90:E66F55D7;8F81F.7F506F111011aa3 3aaE:eDC;9000aa68aD^8^11DDA4C64:3=28h420^A E:a000=a2=^aB8b0DC^E;AA0D0AD0FB2:0EF:^2026^FFcF^e700
10. Jumpy: The Hyperactive Ear-Flapper
Jumpy is a hyperactive yellow dog with big ears. It’s like a bundle of sunshine and energy!
93^C7:03F2A^10B12a8C88:8C0F8^C810F:aAF;50 2FB7^4b^7a=8e8A::FF10AA=0C9a85B:F6^0^;F 2bD2^EDa;7F^=70;6B;FaF;7aFA8^68F2;B78C^3^aDDCC=2aD1 ;E=39aC30E::DB=3DFa:F^0^BC8E1DC8:16^AF0bD=F8C=FF A:76F68F8D8D=;DEeD7c9E:2;a2FF12AA:00^FBF
Even More Wobbledog Varieties
Let’s round out our collection with a few more interesting Wobbledogs:
11. Peanut: The Bobblehead
Peanut is a small dog with a large head and short legs. It’s like a living bobblehead!
6EF30C80028FaAC:1:E11FB2F^1C::D8F:20C100F 20A8F00B:E12DB=CF;F800CA68:4EF28a ^7D^0FF88aC8A:B^bF=^::2D:BC80D:50aFB2aD0^2 62ED21CC00CA:1FB:bC:;28::aA0BBF^8^D=1
12. Buddy: The Blue Floppy-Eared Friend
Buddy is a blue dog with a short tail and floppy ears. It’s like a cartoon character come to life!
08C:FaD:2800:aBCaF^0BCF:D^2D2:1F09:7D;2^8a BC1aF0E^F8=FA16CC;D0BC:FF=8=^B00FF02A^1;6^ EF30^D:800FA28C:0AB:F9^A:CA2F:F08F10:60aFF21F:BC2:8F0C^E1^3 20C8F:D1:B9=8^::2^F8FC^D00FC:B:2C8F::50^3F8
13. Coco: The Curly-Tailed Cutie
Coco is a brown dog with a curly tail. It’s like a living cinnamon roll!
0aD:F20:86:CBC00F;6F:A;00C^1:D:88FB:70aF28A 10A8F00B:E2FA=CC;D800CA28:8F0A1a ^7D^0FF88aC8:BC^F0A^:2D:BC80D:50aFB2aD0^2 62ED21CC00CA:1F0:bC:;28::aA0BBF^8^D=1
14. Snowflake: The Fluffy White Wonder
Snowflake is a white dog with a fluffy tail. It’s like a living cloud!
3DF1:1F2C4B01:2F9E^E:FA10;D28:3B1D:FC7C^A1BCDF10E8:8B21:FFACD2:FCBF1E^D9 B00AF^2A:D83BF0B1C:F6B00D^A:CC7DF0C;2B:1D00B2A FA13A:C1F:B20^F8C:30D:AF1CB:7F0A:10C2 20C8E:F10:F9A;8^::2^E8FBC:D01FB:C:2C8E::70^3C8
15. Thunder: The Lightning Bolt Warrior
Thunder is a strong dog with a lightning bolt pattern. It’s like Zeus in dog form!
7A9D:C3FA:12C8:AFA8B3:BD20:DA1B:4A3C 9AFC:4D2B:7AFC:28DF:1BFC:8C3B:7F2D A4B2:9DFC:7AFC:8B2F:12FC:3B1F 20B9E:F01:F8C:30D:AFC8:AF2C:4B1F
16. Rocky: The Rugged Brown Adventurer
Rocky is a rugged dog with a brown coat. It’s like the canine version of an action movie hero!
8A9B:12C7:9AFB:D3C4:6B2D:8A3F 7F1C:A8B4:3DFA:C1F:2F0C:A8FB:1B8A 30B8:7FA1:2DFC:A8C:1DFA:B3C2 20C8F:D12:F9A8:C8A:8FBC:D1FB
Tips for Using Wobbledog Codes
Now that you’ve got this treasure trove of Wobbledog codes, here are some tips to help you make the most of them:
- Experiment freely: Don’t be afraid to try out different codes. Each one brings a unique dog to life!
- Mix and match: Try breeding dogs from different codes to see what wild combinations you can create.
- Keep notes: If you find a combination you love, jot down the code so you can recreate it later.
- Share with friends: Wobbledogs are more fun when shared. Trade codes with your buddies!
- Be patient: Some dogs might need extra care or have quirky behaviors. That’s part of the fun!
The Joy of Wobbledogs
As we wrap up this guide, I can’t help but reflect on why Wobbledogs has captured the hearts of so many players, including myself. It’s not just about the cute, weird, and sometimes downright bizarre dogs we create. It’s about the stories we build around them, the little personalities we imagine for each one, and the unexpected joys they bring to our virtual worlds.
Whether you’re breeding a pack of lightning-striped Thunder dogs, creating an army of bouncy Charleses, or just enjoying the simple charm of a dog like Pancake, remember that each Wobbledog is special in its own way. They might not be real, but the smiles they bring certainly are!
This guide contains a wide variety of dog codes for Wobbledogs, from the simple to the extraordinary. Each dog has its own unique characteristics and abilities, adding layers of fun and variety to the game. I encourage you to try out these codes and see what interesting dogs you can add to your collection!
Remember, the joy of Wobbledogs isn’t just in the codes, but in the adventures you’ll have with your new digital pets. So go ahead, input these codes, and let the wobbling begin! Who knows? You might just create your new favorite virtual companion.
Happy Wobbledogging, everyone! May your kennels be full of joy, laughter, and lots of adorably weird dogs.
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