Wobbledogs – The Wobbling Kingdom Story

Wobbledogs – The Wobbling Kingdom Story 1 - steamlists.com
Wobbledogs – The Wobbling Kingdom Story 1 - steamlists.com

dont ask abt the thumbnail
Credit to Oken555 for the idea

Current Status

Current Status:
King – Randy (M)
Queen – Goose (N)
Heir (Q) – Popsicle (F)
Heir (K) – Biscuit (M)
M – Male
F – Female
N – No specific gender, they/them
K – King
Q – Queen
M – Member
Gen 1: Randy (K), Goose (Q)
Gen 2: Popsicle (Q), Noodle (M), Toffee (M), Ice-Cream (M), Biscuit (K)

The beginning.

Queen Goose has arrived to her new home. She quickly chomps down on some burritos, and is ready to pupate. With the materials around her, she builds an incubator and lays an egg. The egg is now ready to hatch. Inside the egg, there is a small puppy who, when hatched, clears an area of dirt for a den. Suddenly, a traveller comes along. Randy is now part of the group (Goose, Noodle and Randy.). The dogs are at peace, chilling and digging for materials in order to finish the den. The dogs find a few capsules, nothing special.
But the queen has laid a new group of eggs. Four eggs. And now they are ready to hatch.
The first puppy is a large purple puppy named Popsicle. It is a very social dog and loves to hang out with others.
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - The beginning. - 93C9A6A
The next is a pink and blue puppy named Ice-Cream. It tries to be polite but is naughty and often leaves a bad first impression.
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - The beginning. - 08553F7
The third is a greenish-pink-and-blue puppy named Toffee who loves to eat.
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - The beginning. - 51BF9BF
The final is a strange puppy called Biscuit. It is tiny but polite.
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - The beginning. - E726DF3

A new den.

The den has finally been finished. The pack finds a new area, which it populates. Now it has two places to go.
All of the puppies are ready to pupate. Let’s take a look at their mutations.
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - A new den. - 0A9EA60
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - A new den. - DE97106
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - A new den. - 5C8B978
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - A new den. - BADDC67
And finally, Noodle
Wobbledogs - The Wobbling Kingdom Story - A new den. - A476E41

Raising The Puppies

Biscuit has proven to be very organised and fancy, always filling their needs to the max. However, their siblings are much more rambunctious.
The puppies have uncovered a new food source. It consists of bananas, coconuts, and fruit. The dogs will definitely use it.
>more coming soon!<

Written by Fox in a Tire

This is all about Wobbledogs – The Wobbling Kingdom Story; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

1 Comment

  1. This is my first time commenting here so idk what the website thing does but could I help? I think this has a lot of potential in it and you like to put my editing and story writing skills to the test!

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