Undertail – Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide

Undertail – Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide 1 - steamlists.com
Undertail – Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide 1 - steamlists.com

So there’s that nasty Bandit Checkpoint in the B2 section of Lower Underrail. You just can’t defeat them…. or can you?


Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - Intro - 59DF1A3
Depending on which way you go to reach Rail Crossing you might stumble upon these guys who won’t let you through. Unless you cough up some charons. Now, you ay no wussie to just pay up and be on your way. If you are – please close this guide and pay the money, case closed.
Allright, all the wussies out of our way, we may proceed I think. If you don’t forfeit your hard-earned charons, you are in for a surprise. Turns out these guys are not bandits for nothing and they’ll kill you. I mean it. They’ll rip you to shreds, tear apart what’s left, and when they are done with you, they won’t even bother to loot you because you are such a lowlvl trash to them
Get the idea? So you better take that other route to Rail Crossing through the Lurkers tunnels no u don’t we just have to fight our way through no matter the odds.

The odds

The situation doesn’t look good.

The area

Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - The odds - 25FC861
This map is pretty straightforward, with no place to hide. A wide-open tunnel which favors ranged builds. 3 of 4 bandits have the right builds for the occasion. The only saving grace is that orange container, we’ll have to play around it with melee builds.
Sneaking is not an option as well.

The 4 Horsemen

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There’s the Captain, the Sniper, the Crossbow Guy and the Knife Thug:

  • The Sniper is the most dangerous one, he will 1-tap you. Has low hp and few movepoints, has a shield emmiter.
  • The Crossbow guy will throw a Net at you and use Shock bolts against you. Very bad unless you are a stun-immune tin can.
  • The Captain seems to be the tank in the party but can end you in one turn nonetheless.
  • The Knife Thug is the least threatening both for tin cans and dodgers. Who runs knife builds anyway? Just drop some heavy loot at the start of the location so you won’t reach your weight limit when he cripples you.


The Dark Horse

Let’s talk our build. I’ve made a sh!tty stealth/dodge/knife build (for this guide’s purposes only, of course):
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Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - The odds - 13F286A
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - The odds - CA55C23
I’m running Nimble so the armor is Tabi boots/Leather/Balaclava. A shock knife is very good for damaging and de-stealthing hidden foes

How to win

You’ll need 3 bags of Burrower Posion Caltrops, 3 grenades and a bear trap. EMP is optional but it’s always good to have one.

The setup

Ok so you need to throw them caltrops like this:
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - How to win - F966796
Notice that bear trap to the right. You can use a regular one, it doesn’t matter. Put it right there

Going for the kill

You might think this stupid but fret not, it’s all part of the plan. You need to take a grenade and throw it in that empty space above:
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - How to win - D5F82C5
No, there’s nobody there, but what you are about to do will launch a series of events most unfortunate to the bandit crew. Fire in the hole:
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - How to win - DF8F0AA
Things begin happening so you better lower the game speed right now to keep up.
Wait a few seconds..
Oh wow look at him go:
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - How to win - 314D691
All packing heat and ready to investigate the strange noises. Now you might think it’s the right time to jump him but you better don’t, not just yet at least. If you try you’ll have to fight the whole gang, there are 3 stealthed guys watching his back.
This is where
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - How to win - 4F8BEA1
comes to play. Don’t fool yourself, nobody’s gonna get trapped, they have too high Trap Detection for that. Instead this is what’s gonna happen:
Underrail - Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide - How to win - D18A0CE
Yep, he just went astray from his crew to disarm some dangerous enviroment, for safety reasons. Wait a bit and put him out of his misery. If you are lucky, no one will notice. That’s one down, three to go.
Repeat the grenade noise trap 1 or 2 times. The bandits will try to heal once in a while but to no avail. When they are weak enough, lure them in one more time, finish whe Sniper or Captain in one turn (or both). Then deal with the Knife Thug


Hope this helps you deal with this whole bandit situation! You actualy can sneak past them but that’ll require ~175 stealth rating, kinda hard to achieve at this stage of progression. Perhaps, combined with the grenade sound trap…
Comment please if you know a dirtier way to deal with them, I’m a bit new to the game, and I welcome any advice.

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Underrail – Bandit Checkpoint Information Guide, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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