Team Fortress 2 – The ultimate Scout TF2 Guide for all classes

Team Fortress 2 – The ultimate Scout TF2 Guide for all classes 1 -
Team Fortress 2 – The ultimate Scout TF2 Guide for all classes 1 -
This guide is all about learning how to play TF2 Scout. Every class has a Scout specialization and an approach to the game, and you can pick and choose what you like about each, but Scout is particularly good at solo-queuing and dead-checking objective points. Learn more about them and all the class specializations by reading up on each section below!



Welcome to the ultimate TF2 Scout guide! This guide will show you tips and tricks about your favorite fast Bostonian. If you’re looking for comprehensive TF2 guides for all classes, be sure to check out our Guides section! 
While your actions can certainly kill you, don’t forget that it can also give you the edge to get ahead on the scoreboard! As a scout, you have some incredible options for putting out the smack in your team, and you’ll need to understand what each one does! 
Open Wide (or Tight) 

Which weapons to choose

When playing TF2 Scout, you’ll need to pick your weapons carefully. You can go up to four on your combo mouse, and that isn’t counting bots, so you’ll be using them as much as you can. The main two are the Scattergun, which is the perfect balance of being high damage and low rate of fire. It’s also a weapon that’s suitable for players with a decent hand-eye coordination. 
For the sniper class, the Bazaar Bargain is an excellent weapon. Not only is it high damage, it also fires at 1.6 seconds which is ideal for covering space while remaining accurate. However, it can be frustrating for players who enjoy using secondary weapons since it will most likely be used by the sniper’s opponents. 
In the next chapter, we’ll look at the pistols. 
Your character’s primary weapon is the Sniper Rifle. 
Your secondary weapon is the Bolt Action Rifle. 
Your weapon of choice is the Flak Gun. 
The recoil of a Sniper Rifle is approximately that of a Pistol. 

General tips and tricks

As TF2 Scout, there are many tips and tricks you will need to know to successfully engage in combat. Fortunately, due to the way in which a Scout gains their abilities, there is an enormous amount of knowledge you can glean from this class alone. To begin, this article will cover the basic general knowledge of both the class, and all the information you will need to effectively play as a Scout in TF2. 
This is the most important tip I can give you, and it’s the one you’ll hear the most, whether from anyone else or yourself. You have two options when you get that first grenade: you can either use it or keep it for yourself, as you’ll inevitably need it again later. In all honesty, when you get the first one, you’ll probably feel like that’s your only option, so don’t get discouraged if you have to keep the first grenade for yourself. It doesn’t really matter which one you choose, but you should always try to keep that first one. 


Playing TF2 Scout can be easy once you get the hang of it. You’re not great at aiming, but you’ll be fine. When you are scouting for a position, most of the time the way to gain vision and get it is to fire into the air and to cause the surrounding walls to bounce a little bit when you shoot. If you are careful you can use your ammo on bouncing walls, and the rocket will be stopped when it goes out of the walls. The air is all smoke and sand, so with the Rocket Punch you can clear all the smoke and sand away and still hit stuff. 
Thanks for reading my guide! 

Written by Snowy Egret

This is all about Team Fortress 2 – The ultimate Scout TF2 Guide for all classes; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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