Psychonauts 2 – How to earn the Nest Egg achievement

Psychonauts 2 – How to earn the Nest Egg achievement 1 -
Psychonauts 2 – How to earn the Nest Egg achievement 1 -

How to earn the Nest Egg achievement, and grind for Psitanium without being completely mind-numbingly frustrated.

Quick Introduction

Are you tired of digging in the dirt and running all over for Psitanium scraps?
Struggling to afford even a single Dream Fluff because Panic Attacks and Strongarm Censors are kicking you in the arse, because Gisu trolled you into doing her homework?
Are you annoyed by the constant resetting between Atrium and Lobby to respawn nodes, and the load screens?
Do you find yourself dreading the thought of filling your 5,000 Psitanium wallet with all the pins to achieve your achievements?
It's not enough for the VIP Discount pins at Ottos to make it remotely easier?
You are in luck!

What you'll need beforehand:

-Be at minimum an intern rank Level 40
(Gather figments, cards and PSI Challenge Markers. Do some sidequests.)
-Complete the Hollis's Classroom/Hollis Hot Streak levels until you have the Mental Connection PSI Power
Psychonauts 2 - How to earn the Nest Egg achievement - What You'll Need Beforehand: - DD22CCC
-Have at minimum 200 Psitanium from around the Motherlobe or Quarry.
The Mental Magnet Pin and the Thought Tuner From Otto are also not necessary, but they can be very helpful.

What to do/How it works:

-First, you'll go to your Otto-Matic store, then go to the pins section. Get Mind TaxMental tax for 200 Psitanium
Psychonauts 2 - How to earn the Nest Egg achievement - What To Do/How It Works: - 992DE73
(This is the little guy. Technically, it's 100 psitanium if using the VIP Discount. But honestly, if your rank is 50+, you don't really need this guide.)
-Include it in your pin menu.
It doesn't matter what other pins you use with the it. Again, I found Mental Magnet to personally be useful so I used it along with Emerald Lev Ball which is purely cosmetic. You can use it with any other pins you like.
-Find a location with a lot of Mental Connection nodes in a concentrated area.
You can go to Otto's Quarry lab and get the Thought Tuner to reveal extra thought nodes in your overworld. I did it in Atrium). You can also go to the Hollis’s Classroom/Hollis’s Hot Streak levels.
-As soon as you have the pin, you can use Mental Connection to spam bounce between the nodes.
Mental Tax works by allowing you to bounce through a Mental Connection node and earn Psitanium. If Psimultanium has not been equipped, you will get 10 Psitanium for every (. However, this assumes that Psimultanium has not yet become available to you).
Psychonauts 2 - How to earn the Nest Egg achievement - What To Do/How It Works: - 1A4725F
Although it doesn't sound like much, this is a significant increase in grinding speed compared with traditional methods.

That's all!

Enjoy your newfound wealth, pins, achievements, and never fear about doing the Psychoseismometer quest with no Dream Fluffs or PSI Pops.
Psychonauts 2 - How to earn the Nest Egg achievement - And that's it! - 922EE45
(Gisu, take it seriously)
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Don't worry, I'm not psychic.


Written by Froggy B

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