Have a Nice Death – Waldo’s Manual Guide

Have a Nice Death – Waldo’s Manual Guide 1 - steamlists.com
Have a Nice Death – Waldo’s Manual Guide 1 - steamlists.com

Here are some tips to avoid Waldo's attacks. This makes it much easier for those with higher difficulty.


Welcome to my guide to beating the sorrow of the Toxic Food-Processing Department. I will give you some tips and advice on how to avoid each attack.

Moving Tips

I will be using a few terms which may or may not be the same as the techniques by most others. I will be storing these here (and will put this in any future Have a Nice Death guide that I make).
1. Upperslash
The "upperslash", which I refer to as a technique for dodging, is one of my favorite. It is simple and involves an up attack. Jumping can increase the height of the upperslash. This is useful for getting high in the air or to avoid attacks that cover the entire floor.
2. Air combos
They can be used to increase airtime and have the same utility as combat. These are useful for lingering threats or when there isn’t enough safe space to land.

Phase 1

This phase is the easiest of the two, but can be difficult for those not familiar with the fight. (Please note that many of the attacks' names are not).

  • Stomp: This is when Waldo approaches Death and proceeds to stomp on his nearest leg twice. This can be avoided by simply moving away.
  • Soda rain: Waldo will climb up onto the ceiling to spray ((or) soda) onto whatever is below him, moving from behind him towards in front. Waldo can be damaged by using an upperslash and an air combo if he is stuck to a ceiling.
  • Soda Ray: Waldo will kneel and spray a soda gel that covers the entire arena's bottom. This is why an upperslash or air combo is required. The I frames of the dash won’t last long enough so it is best to avoid it. However, if Waldo isn’t against the wall, the air combo can be used.
  • Windmill dash: Waldo winds upwards, usually near the arena walls, but he can do it wherever he likes and then dashes to the opposite side of the arena. This can be avoided by dashing.
  • Soda caps: Waldo will spit two soda caps. The second one will come out about a quarter second after the first. Both soda caps will move towards Death at intervals of one second each and about four times each. The caps will not reach Death if they are moved around the arena and kept away from Waldo. Although I'm not sure if this works in the current version, I know that they were dissipated in previous versions.
  • Chainwall: Waldo stands at one side of the arena before summoning the massive chainsaw blade that travels across the entire arena. Dashing is required since the blade extends to the top of the arena. If you are on the side Waldo is standing on, make sure to dash behind him, as it is a safe area.


Phase 2

Here is where the fun starts. Waldo will enter phase 2 when he reaches half health, or lower, but not below a third his max HP.

  • Chainsaw swipe: This is his phase 2 counterpart to his stomping attack. He will approach death twice and swipe his chainsaw twice. If Death is not far away, he will chain this into another swipe or a chainsaw dash. This can be avoided by running away from Waldo, or performing an upperslash.
  • Chainsaw dash: This is the same as the windmill sprint, but Waldo can be jumped on. This will be used most often after a chainsaw swipe, or when he moves towards one end of the arena. However, he can also use it randomly. Safety will be assured by running through him and jumping on him when he uses this attack.
  • Soda rocket: Waldo shakes the soda bottle and rides it around two-thirds of the arena before he stomps on it. Anything that is behind Waldo while he rides the rocket will be damaged. The same goes for anything that is at least 30 degrees from the ground when he steps on it. A quick down attack to reach the ground and an upperslash to jump on Waldo will suffice.
  • Club chainwall: This is an upgraded version of his chainwall attack. Waldo will stand at the arena's end and send two chainsaws to the opposite end of the arena within one second. He may chain three of these, with each pair having a difference of about one-and-a half seconds from the previous and subsequent ones. You can apply the same strategies, but air dashing through one chainsaw and then moving backwards while waiting for cooldown to prevent any cuts.
  • Soda caps deluxe is an upgraded version of his soda caps attack. The second cap comes out one second after it's predecessor, so both caps will move simultaneously. This variant can be used in the same way as the phase 1 attack. However, the caps will likely pincer Death if Waldo is too close when he releases the second one.



  • Keep your distance from Waldo. His soda rain and soda cap attacks in phase 1, and his soda cap Deluxe and, if you're high enough, his chainsaw slash attacks, are the only ones that can hit him.
  • Phase 2 is the phase in which the attacks that can be jumped above (the chainsaw diesh and) the soda rocket are telegraphed by Waldo changing his expression to an angry one. This is when an uperslash should also be performed, along with an air combo, if necessary. Waldo should travel below Death if done correctly.


The End

We are at the end of this guide. This guide is intended to help new players and those who are having trouble against Waldo on more difficult levels.
The next Have A Nice Death guide I plan to make will include tips for Major Warren Pliskhan, Modern Warfare's department.


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