Dyson Sphere Program – Recipe Rates in Seconds and Minutes

Dyson Sphere Program – Recipe Rates in Seconds and Minutes 1 - steamlists.com
Dyson Sphere Program – Recipe Rates in Seconds and Minutes 1 - steamlists.com
A list of all non-building non-special recipes in the current as of date of publish (1/28/2021) version of Dyson Sphere Program.

I went looking for a listing of this, couldn’t find it, so started taking notes. On paper. I decided to just bite the bullet and list them all, and type them up and share it with y’all.



I went looking for this information, couldn’t find it. I was bored at work, could stream DSP from my home PC to my laptop, and had plenty of time on my hands, so I decided to compile the data here. I’ve broken up the recipes by where they’re made. 

Smelter Recipes













Item name RatePerSecond RatePerMinute
Iron Ingot 1/s 60/m
Consumes: –Iron Ore 1/s 60/m
Copper Ingot +1/s 60/m
Consumes: Copper Ore 1/s 60/m
Stone +1/s 60/m
Consumes: Stone Ore 1/s 60/m
Energetic Graphite +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes: Coal Ore 1/s 60/m
Glass +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes: Stone Ore 1/s 60/m
Magnet +0.67 40/m
Consumes: Irone Ore 0.67 40/m
Steel +0.33/s 20/m
Consumes: Iron Ingot 1/s 60/m
Titanium Ingot +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes: Titanium Ore 1/s 60/m
High Purity Silicon +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes: Silicon Ore 1/s 60/m
Silicon Crystal +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes: High Purity Silicon 0.5/s 30/m
Silicon Ore +0.1 6/m
Consumes: Stone Ore 1/s 60/m
Diamond +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes: Energetic Carbon 0.5/s 30/m
Titanium Alloy +0.33/s 20/m
Consumes: Titanium Ingot 0.33/s 20/m
Steel 0.33/s 20/m
Sulfiric Acid 0.67/s 40/m


Oil Refinery Recipes


Plasma Oil Refining Per Second Per Minute
Produces Hydrogen +0.25/s 15/m
Produces Refined Oil +0.5/s 30/m
Consumes Crude OIl -0.5/s -30/m
X-Ray Cracking Per Second Per Minute
Consumes Hydrogen -0.5/s 30/m
Consumes Refined Oil -0.25/s -15/m
Produces Hydrogen +0.75/s +45/m
Produces Energetic Carbon +0.25/s +15/m


Chemical Plant Recipes





Chemical Plant Plastic Per Second Per Minute
Produces Plastic +0.33/s +20/m
Consumes Refined Oil -0.67/s -40/m
Consumes Energetic Graphite -0.33/s -20/m
Chemical Plant Graphine Per Second Per Minute
Produces Graphene +0.67/s +40/m
Consumes Sulfiric Acid -0.33/s -20/m
Consumes Energetic Graphite -1/s -60/m
Chemical Plant Organic Crystal Per Second Per Minute
Produces Organic Crystal +0.167/s +10/m
Consumes Plastic -0.33/s -20/m
Consumes Refined Oil -0.167/s -10/m
Consumes Water -0.167/s -10/m
Chemical Plant Sulfuric Acid Per Second Per Minute
Produces Sulfuric Acid +0.67/s +40/m
Consumes Stone Ore -1.33/s -80/m
Consumes Refined Oil -1/s -60/m
Consumes Water -0.67/s -40/m
Chemical Plant Carbon Nanotube Per Second Per Minute
Produces Carbon Nanotube +0.5/s +30/m
Consumes Graphine -0.75/s -45/m
Consumes Titanium Ingot -0.25/s -15/m


Particle Collider



Particle Collider Duetrinium Per Second Per Minute
Produces Duetrinium +1/s +60/m
Consumes Hydrogen -2/s -120/m
Particle Collider Strange Matter Per Second Per Minute
Produces Duetrinium +0.125/s +7.5/m
Consumes Particle Container -0.25/s -15/m
Consumes Iron Ingot -0.25/s -15/m
Consumes Duetrinum -1.66/s -100/m
Particle Collider Mass Energy Storage Per Second Per Minute
Produces Hydrogen +1/s +60/m
Produces Antimater +1/s +60/m
Consumes Photons -1/s -60/m



This section to be better ordered and formatted later 
Magnetic Coil 
Produces Magnetic Coil +2/s +120/m 
Consumes Magnet -2/s -120/m 
Consumes Copper Ingot -1/s -60/m 
Produces Gear +1/s +60/m 
Consumes Iron Ingot -1/s -60/m 
Circuit Board 
Produces Circuit Board +2/s +120/m 
Consumes Iron Ingot -2/s -120/m 
Consumes Coppor Ingot -1/s -/60m 
Particle Broadband 
Produces Particle Broadband +0.125/s 7.5/m 
Consumes Carbon Nanotubes -0.25/s -15/m 
Consumes Silicon Crystal -0.25/s -15/m 
Consumes Plastic -0.125/s -7.5/m 
Microcrystaline Component 
Produces MicroComp +0.5/s +30/m 
Consumes Refined Silicon -1/s -60/m 
Consumes Copper Ingot -0.5/s -30/m 
Produces Processor +0.33/s +20/m 
Consumes Circuit Board -0.67/s -40/m 
Consumes MicroComp -0.67/s -40/m 
Titanium Glass 
Produces TitaGlass +0.4/s +24/m 
Consumes Glass -0.4/s -24/m 
Consumes Titanium Ingot -0.4/s -24/m 
Consumes Water -0.4/s -24/m 
Electric Motor 
Produces E.Motor +0.5/s +30/m 
Consumes Iron Ingot -1/s -60/m 
Consumes Magnetic Coil -0.5/s -30/m 
Consumes Gear -0.5/s -30/m 
Hydrogen Fuel Cell 
Produces HydroCell +0.33/s +20/m 
COnsumes Titanium Ingot -0.33/s -20/m 
Consumes Hydrogen -1.67/s -100/m 
Deutrinium Fuel Cell 
Produces D.Cell +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes Titanium Alloy -0.167/s -10/m 
Consumes Super-Magnetic Ring -0.167/s -10/m 
Consumes Duetrinium -1.67/s -100/m 
Produces Prism +1/s +60/m 
Consumes Glass -1.33/s -90/m 
Titanium Crystal 
Produces TitaCry +0.25/s +15/m 
Consumes Organic Crystal -0.25/s -15/m 
COnsumes Titanium Ingot -0.75/s -45/m 
Electromagnetic Turbine 
Produces E.Turbine +0.5/s +30/m 
Consumes Electric Engine -1/s -60/m 
Consumes Magnetic Coil -1/s -60/m 
Gravitic Lens 
Produces GravLens +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes Diamond -0.67/s -40/m 
Consumes Strange Matter -0.167/s -10/m 
Plane Filter 
Produces P.Filter +0.083/s +5/m 
Consumes Casismir Crystal -0.083/s -5/m 
Consumes Titanium Glass -0.167/s -10m 
Plasma Exciter 
Produces P.Exciter +0.5/s +30/m 
Consumes Magnetic Coil -2/s -120/m 
Consumes Prism -1/s -60/m 
SuperMagnetic Ring 
Produces MagRing +0.33/s +20/m 
Consumes Electric Turbine -0.67/s -40/m 
Consumes Energetic Graphite -0.33/s -20/m 
Consumes Magnet -1/s -60/m 
Casimir Crystal 
Produces CasCry +0.25/s +15/m 
COnsumes TItanium Crystal -0.25/s -15/m 
Consumes Graphite -0.5/s -30/m 
Consumes Hydrogen -3/s -180/m 
Particle Container 
Produces PartCont +0.25/s +15/m 
Consumes ElectroMag Turbine -0.5/s -30/m 
Consumes Copper Ingot -0.5/s -30/m 
Consumes GRaphite -0.5/s -30/m 
Solar Sail 
Produces SolSail +0.5/s +30/m 
Consumes Graphite -0.25/s -15/m 
Consumes Photon Combiner -0.25/s -15/m 
Frame Material 
Produces FraMat +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes Carbon Nanotube – 0.67/s -40/m 
Consumes Titanium Alloy -0.167/s -10/m 
Consumes High Purity Silicate -0.167/s -10/m 
Dyson Sphere Component 
Produces SphereComp +0.125/s +7.5/m 
Consumes Frame Material -0.325/s -22.5/m 
Consumes Solar Sail -0.325/s -22.5/m 
Consumes Processor -0.325/s -22.5/m 
Photon Combiner 
Produces PhoComb +0.33/s +20/m 
COnsumes Prism -0.67/s -40/m 
Consumes Circuit Board -0.33/s -20/m 
Produces Trantor +1/s +60/m 
Consumes Stone -3/s -180/m 
Consumes Steel -1/s -60/m 
Quantum Chip 
Produces QChip +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes Processor -0.33/s -20/m 
Consumes Plane Filter -0.33/s -20/m 
Annhilation Contraint Sphere 
Produces AnniSphere +0.05/s +3/m 
Consumes Processor -0.05/s -3/m 
Consumes Particle Container -0.05/s -3/m 
Antimater Fuel Rod 
Produces AntiRod +0.083/s +5/m 
Consumes Annhilation Sphere -0.083/s -5/m 
Consumes Titanium Alloy -0.083/s -5/m 
Consumes Hydrogen -0.83/s -50/m 
COnsumes Antimater -0.83/s -50/m 
Small Carrier Rocket 
Produces Raccoon +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes DysonComp. -0.33/s -20/m 
COnsumes Quantum Chip -0.33/s -20/m 
Consumes Deutrinum Fuel Rod -0.33/s -20/m 
Produces Thruster +0.25/s +15/m 
Consumes Steel -0.5/s -30/m 
Consumes Copper Ingot -0.75/s -45/m 
Logisitics Drone 
Produces Drone +0.25/s +15/m 
COnsumes Iron Ingot -1.25/s -75/m 
Consumes Processor -0.5/s -30/m 
Consumes Thruster -0.5/s -30/m 
Reinforced Thruster 
Produces RThruster +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes Titanium Alloy -0.83/s -50/m 
Consumes Electromagnetic Turbine -0.83/s -50/m 
Logistics Vessel 
Produces LogVessel +0.167/s +10/m 
Consumes Titanium Alloy -1.67/s -100/m 
Consumes Processor -1.67/s -100/m 
Consumes Reinforced Thruster -0.33/s -20/m 

Mining and Fluids

While not a recipe, I thought it would be of interest to note this. 
Produces Ore at +0.5/s +30/m per vein the mining facility is working. 
Water Pumps 
Produces 70/m of fluid. 

Thermal Generator Consumption Rate

Thanks to JaxterSmith’s guide on power results. The basic data in thissection is borrowed from his, but this table solely covers the consumption rate of the Thermal Generator. 

Fuel Type Consumed Per Minute Consumed Per Second
Nanocarbon 1928.6/m ~32/s
Graphite 1687.5/m ~28/s
PLant Fuel 324/m 5.4/s
Diamond 180/m 3/s
Log 108/m 1.8/s
Organic Crysal 90/m 1.5/s
COal Ore 60/m 1/s
Crude Oil 40.5/m 0.67/s
Refined Oil 36.82/m 0.61/s
Fire Ice 33.75/m 0.56/s
Energetic Graphite 25.71/m 0.43/s
Hydrogen 20.25/m 0.3375/s
Deutrinium 20.25/m 0.3375/s
Hydrogen Fuel Rod 4.05/m 0.0675/s
Deutrinium Fuel Rod 0.27/m 0.0045/s
Antimater Fuel Rod 0.0216/m 0.00036/s

The Fusion Generator consumes Duetrinium Rods at 66/m or 1.1/s, but is more efficient – it provides more power per Duetrinium Rod than the Thermal Plant does. 

Did I Miss Anything?

If I’ve missed anything, or gotten anything wrong, please let me know and I’ll correct it. 
This data was taken by writing down notes directly from the game, but there’s a chance I may have written something incorrectly, or my slight dyscalcula came up (Goodness knows how many times I accidentally put -1.76/s by accident). 

Written by Summercat

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Dyson Sphere Program – Recipe Rates in Seconds and Minutes; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!


  1. The second entry under Particle Collider has a very slight typo, it doesn’t produce Duetrinium but Strange Matter. But otherwise good 🙂

  2. Can’t describe how awesome it is to have this all compiled here, I was on the brink of doing it myself (can’t imagine how long it would take).
    I appreciate your effort!

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