Dota 2 – Touhou DotS – Wriggle Nightbug Guide

Dota 2 – Touhou DotS – Wriggle Nightbug Guide 1 -
Dota 2 – Touhou DotS – Wriggle Nightbug Guide 1 -
A guide for a chad nightbug from touhou project. If you are newbie or just want to play this chara and dont know how (somehow) consider reading this first. This manual is written for Touhou Defence of the shrines Re;mixed DOTS:R aka Eri Dots



Im a chad russian DotS player who likes to pickoff. Wriggle probably is the best choice for that between agi carry. She is easy to learn and way too strong against unexpirienced players (which there are more than it seems). 
In any case, im going to describe my point of view about strong and weak sides, playstyle, items, etc. Maybe you will disagree with something in this guide. 
and ye, dont mind my English  
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 


Wriggle is fragile agi carry that prefer not to show herself much. I would compare her to a Weaver, but without any escapes, so you should play carefully, stealthily and more rational. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Q is the strongest weapon that gives information about enemies. It gives fly vision + disclosure of invisibility in a smaller radius. In addition, you gain attack range that very helpful in various ways. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
You want to use it when you know that enemy is nearby or if just want to make sure that you are alone and nobody will disturb you. 
W is your farm weapon. This skill you want to max . It gives move speed and DP’s spirits. Remember, that type of damage is Physical, so you cant damage when enemy use, for example, etherial and you can damage enemies under spell immunity. Then, at the end of duration of skill, you will recover some hp from damage done. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Physical type of damage – what does that mean? Of course, it deals damages but only in early game, so forget about using it for damaging after laning. Actually, I wanted to say that this skill deals damage to buildings! You can push :D!! 
Also, dont forget that main purpuse of this skill is to help you with farming. In addition you can try to play more aggresive during laning stage. For that try to outrun your target and make him run behind you, so spirits will deal maximum amount damage which, in fact can wipe out everything this way. 
And yes, this ability seriously giving away yourlocation. Try not to use it in fights if you want to go unnoticed. 
E is passive. Exactly the same as weaver’s one (double hit), but it also imposes silence. It is worth mentioning that attack modifiers are triggered on both shots, so crit would be good. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
R is passive too. Think of it as old Riki’s invis. Doing nothing, after some delay you become invisible. Also, ulti gives damage amplification during night, so better fight in darkness if it’s possible. And yes, you already have lvl 1 R from the beggining of game. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Skill build 
As i said earlier, you want to max your W, then further at your discretion grade other skills, but 
more optimal if you use 1 point in Q, then max passive to farm intensively. 
So, for farm we want this skillbuild: 
W – E – W – Q – W – R – W – E – E – 10 – E – R – Q – Q – 15 – Q 
p.s. – I did not consider game through pluses (+2 att), perhaps instead of some points in Q, you can take them, but i dont think that you will farm till ~lvl 20 so would be better if dont risk.  
Talking about talents, in most games you will take these: 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Choice that will have to be made is between latest talents at lvl25. Usually, you can forget about it and just take attack range – its always strong, but in some games better take perma-invis. If enemies dont use any placeble or undispellable detection as gem or sentry wards – this talent becomes very powerful in couple with dragon star. I’ll come back to that later


So, yeah, like for any other hero you need to know exactly what you are going to buy. 
In Wriggle’s case, standard scheme to farm till camera, then become useful. 
Lets take a look at items: 
Must have 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Green llama doll looks way too good for Wriggle. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Watermelon is good item, that boosting damage and giving armor cut. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Camera looks very good, it gives main stat and has cool effect which stacks with E. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Tooths gives insane attack speed, damage and lifesteal. Its helping Wriggle to raise her dps. 
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Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Red sword has AA amp, lifesteal and stats, then it gradable into unnamed item which has effect that your hp cant fall lower than 1, gives insane lifesteal on it’s duration, but eating your hp in seconds 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
As i said earlier, it would be good if its possible to have crit which stacks with E. 
It also gives insane amount of green damage. 
Situational items 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Tengu wing gives main stat, move speed. It’s active gives you phase and you becomming immune to slow. Buy it, if enemy has any slow, but has no cc (stuns or anything), in some cases Dragon star can replace this active effect. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Leaves are good too, but i dont think that you want to buy them with Tooth. Buy them instead of Tooth when you need truestrike, for that in some cases Ganggenier seems better. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Buy Ganggenier only if you need truestrike and already have Tooth. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
According to stats this item isn’t the best choice for Wriggle, but if enemy has characters with weak mana pool with escapes drill becoming very useful. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Tax orb is item for farm. Most of items are better than this and Wriggle isnt farm-type character, but 
there is a place to be. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Pretty good item, has strong passive, but almost gives nothing else. In addition, slows down Camera’s farm. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Good item for farm. If you know, that game will be long – its good choice to buy it and farm more creeps. Sadly, but splitshot doenst share modifiers. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
After ribbon’s nerf it doenst gives attack range in any way. This item doesnt give much to Wriggle, 
buy it after tooth and Camera if you want to kill specific enemy as Aya, but i dont think that its better than other damage specialized items. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Please no 
Save items 
Wriggle is fragile, so it would be nice to have 1 save item. Keep in mind that buying more save items = dont buy damage ones, so better if you can play without saves at all, but normally it’s almost impossible, so consider buying something from this list. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Dragon star very helpful against dusts and other dispellable revealing-invisibility abilities. In some games you could take perma-invis talent at lvl 25 and buy Dragon star and become untouchable. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Xiao is my favorite save item, it’s helping in most ways. Buy this item if enemy has both physical and magical damages, so you need to deal with both at once. Also, you can’t be stunned under Xiao, so use it in middle of fight. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Green dam is a good item against casters. Buy it if enemy doent have any physical damage. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Very expensive item, that doenst give anything to Wriggle, but it has special active that dispelling you even if you under stun. Better play more safely than grade your gohei into this item. 
Item build 
Gohei -> Green llama doll -> Watermelon -> Camera -> Devil’s tooth -> Suwako nice boat -> Xiao -> Scroll (eat boot) -> Red sword -> Grade Red Sword. 

With Wind blade: 
Gohei -> Green llama doll -> Wind blade -> Devil’s tooth -> Camera -> Suwako nice boat -> Xiao -> Scroll (eat boot) -> Red sword -> Grade Red Sword. 

p.s. – Both builds can be easily changed during the match, but not always 

Playstyle and Game description

Now, when you learnt all about Wriggle it’s time for main action. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Wriggle is a nightbug that likes darkness, she is doing everything quickly and discreetly. 
Attack enemy in the weak spot then back off, after that attack again. 
Game stages 
In most situations your first item is Gohei. Alternative build is broom with consumables such as healing salves and clarity. Dont forget about card – pink one. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
After 0:00 (gold runes spawned) consider finishing gohei. 
Try to not take rash actions, buy more consumables if it’s needed. Farm as much as possible, but dont waste apportunities to kill an enemy. Get your Green Llama doll and start to farm more, including jungle creeps. Dont forget, that lane creeps giving much more than jungle ones, especially because you helping team while pushing lane. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
If you are going to make Drill, consider buying Kappa pistol after Broom. 
Mid game 
After laning stage your mission is to get your key items as Camera and Tooth. Farm everything you see, help your team in fights, but do it carefully, considering Wriggle is weak without items. 
With watermelon, you will be able to easliy push tier 1 tower. Do it only if you know that you are in safe, don’t forget to use your Q and W. 
Keep going this way and you will easily outfarm enemy. 
Late game 
If game has reached this stage, that means game didn’t go well. It’s okay, don’t forget that you have Suwako Nice Boat which gives insane boost to Wriggle’s damage. 
If it’s hard to fight, then buy save item or try to evade fights before you are ready to erase everything. 


Well, that is my first guide i have ever made. I think that it’s already too much to know about such character as Wriggle, but I’ll be happy if it helps someone. 
Dota 2 - Touhou DotS - Wriggle Nightbug Guide 
Feel free to join our DotS discord server: (please be patient and wait while mods accepting you)  
Or write me in discord NervalGod#9009 
That’s all i wanted to say, good luck becoming a real nightbug. 

Written by Suwako the Frog

This is all about Dota 2 – Touhou DotS – Wriggle Nightbug Guide; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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