Destiny 2 – Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide

Destiny 2 – Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 1 -
Destiny 2 – Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 1 -
This guide will take a closer look at weapons and the weapons screen.

—-PERKS (L01)
—-INFUSE (L02)
—-MODS (L04)
—-PERKS (E01)
—-INFUSE (E02)


Ammo type

Weapons can be divided up in different ammo types, primary, special and heavy weapons. 
Primary weapons: these weapons are mostly used against normal or elite enemies. 
Special weapons: these weapons are mostly used against elite enemies or mini bosses 
Heavy weapons: these weapons are mostly used against mini bosses or bosses. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Damage Type

Guns have different damage types divided up in 2 categories, kinetic and energy damage. 
There are 3 types of energy. Solar, void and arc energy. 
If a gun has kinetic damage it is indicated with a white number. 
If a gun has energy damage there will be a symbol of that energy and the number will have the same colour as the symbol. Primary and specials weapons can have energy or kinetic. Damage. Heavy weapons always are energy weapons. 
you can equip 3 weapons at the same time, a kinetic weapon, an energy weapon, and a heavy weapon. 
(tip: it is always good to have a collection of guns made up of kinetic damage and different kinds of energy damage.) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
the 3 energy types from left to right they are: Solar, Void, Arc. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Rarity Type

Guns (and armor) are divided up in 3 types of rarity. Rare, legendary and exotic. (I will not include common or uncommon). 
RARE WEAPONS: These are weapons that will drop with 3 fixed perks (which means if you get a duplicate of this weapon, it will have the same perks). And this weapon can not use any mods. I will not go further into rare weapons. 
(tip: these weapons you can use until you find something better. Or infuse it to make your current weapon better) 
LEGENDARY WEAPONS: These are the weapons that will drop with 4 random perks (which means if you get a duplicate of this weapon, it will have different perks) these weapons can use mods. more explanation about legendary weapons below 
EXOTIC WEAPONS: These are weapons that will drop with fixed perks and a special weapon trait. These weapons have special effects exclusive to that weapon, but exotic weapons cannot use mods. more explanation about exotic weapons below 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Legendary Weapons

Legendary weapons are the weapons you are collecting besides exotic weapons. Legendary weapons can have random perks, which means the same legendary weapon can have different perks, lets look at the example below. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
When you hover your mouse over a weapon that you do not have equipped you can press Q to compare it to your currently equipped weapon.
As you see these are the same sniper rifles, but with different perks. Which results in different stats for the gun as you can see the gun on the left has more handling, but the gun on the right has more stability. 
Let’s take a closer look at the right gun. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
1. Shows you all the perks, you have 4 columns of perks. (L01) 
2. Shows you the infusion icon, here you can infuse another weapon in to this weapon. (L02) 
3. Shows you the masterwork of the weapon. (L03) 
4. Shows you the mod slot, here you can equip mods on this weapon. (L04) 
5. Shows you the intrinsic trait of the weapon. (L05) 
6. Shows you the power level of the weapon. (L06) 
7. Shows you the stats of the weapon, its rounds per minute and magazine. (L07) 


As stated before, perks are boost and effects that a weapon can have. There are different perks that deal with a variety of properties (depending if the weapon is a gun, grenade launcher, rocket launcher, linear or normal fusion rifle, bow or a sword) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
Hover over a perk to see a small explanation of what it does (1), and a the same time if you look at the stats you see what it does with the stats and or the magazine of the weapon (2). 
In the following picture I have included the perks in the 3rd and 4th column. These are the most important perks, these can give your weapon a significant advantage like more damage, or quicker reload speed and more. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
In this guide I will not go through each perk, please ask a fellow player which perks they think are good, or look the weapon up at this is a site with all weapons and their perk pools (the perks the weapon can drop with) to see what the community thinks are the best perks for each weapon. 


In Destiny you can infuse a weapon with a higher power level in to a weapon with a lower power level. This will give the weapon which receives the infusion the power level of the weapon which it is going to be infused with. 
If you hover over the infuse icon a menu will appear with the weapons that go in to the same slot as this weapon and that you could use to infuse this weapon with. 
Let’s take a look at the menu. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
As you can see 2 weapons are blacked out, that means that these cannot be used to infuse those weapons in to this weapon. This can only be because they are a lower or the same power level. 
Let’s hover over the weapon that is not blacked out. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
Here you see it’s the same weapon (1), and it is a higher power level (2). Which means we could infuse this weapon in to this weapon, and it will cost us a 1000 glimmer (3). 
Let’s take a look at one of the blacked out weapons. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
You see it’s a different weapon, and it is a lower power level (1 and 2). Which means we can not infuse the weapon in to this weapon. But if we could, it would cost us an upgrade module (3). 
If the weapons are the same, it cost only glimmer to infuse. If the weapons are different, it will cost an upgrade module to infuse it. 

Upgrade and Masterwork

Here you see the master work stat of a weapon, this means each time you level up this weapon this stat will receive a small boost. This will cost glimmer, legendary shards and enhancement cores. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
When you have master worked a legendary weapon, you will have maxed out the boost for that stat (1). The weapon will spawn a orb of power on multi kills (these give you super energy), and it will have a kill tracker (2) (you can choose if it tracks kills in pve or pvp) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Mods (Weapons)

Mods are small effect that you can put on your weapon. These can be different effects like more damage, handling, or target acquisition. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
In the picture below we are looking at boss spec, which would give this weapon a boost to damage if we attack a boss unit with it. It will cost you 500 glimmer to apply a mod to a weapon. 
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Intrinsic trait

Each weapon has an intrinsic trait, for rare/legendary weapons these are frames. There are various kinds of frames for all weapons, each with their own advantage, but the effect of a frame can be different depending on the weapon. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
You see the sniper in the picture above has a rapid fire frame. But the scout rifle in the picture below also has a rapid fire frame, but the effect is slightly different. (this scout rifle fires full auto, this is something scout rifles normally need a perk for to do) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Power Level

Weapons drop with a power level. A higher number on a gun doesn’t mean its a better weapon. It just means it is a higher power level, look at the perks to see if a weapon is good or not. 
If a gun is good use it or put it in your vault. If a gun’s power level is falling behind, you might consider infusing a weapon with a higher power level into it. 
If a gun is not good you can always use it to infuse it into another weapon or use it until you get something better, and you can dismantle it. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Weapon statistics

Here you see the stats of a weapon, these determine different factors of your weapon. Hover over each with your mouse to see a small explanation of what they do, these stats can be different depending on what kind of weapon you’re looking at. (guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, linear or normal fusion rifles, bows, swords) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Exotic Weapons

Exotic weapons can be some of the most powerful weapons that you can collect. Exotic weapons drop with a fixed set of perks, but these perks can be exclusive perks to that weapon. Lets take a look at one of the exotic weapons below. 
note: there are certain exotic weapons that can be farmed and drop with random perks. But besides that they are the same as any other exotic weapon. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
[previewimg=22993607;sizeFull,inline;destiny_tut49.png][/previewimg][/previewimg] 1. Shows you all the perks, you have 4 columns of perks. (E01) 2. Shows you the infusion icon, here you can infuse another weapon in to this weapon. (E02) 3. Shows you the masterwork of the weapon. (E03) 4. Shows you the intrinsic trait of the weapon. (E04) 5. Shows you the power level of the weapon. (E05) 6. Shows you the stats of the weapon, the rounds per minute and magazine. (E0 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
1. Shows you all the perks, you have 4 columns of perks. (E01) 
2. Shows you the infusion icon, here you can infuse another weapon in to this weapon. (E02) 
3. Shows you the masterwork of the weapon. (E03) 
4. Shows you the intrinsic trait of the weapon. (E04) 
5. Shows you the power level of the weapon. (E05) 
6. Shows you the stats of the weapon, the rounds per minute and magazine. (E06) 


The perks on a exotic weapon are fixed, which means that a duplicate of a exotic weapon will have the same perks. But exotic weapons can have perks exclusive to that weapon. In this case the mida multi-tool has a special perk “mida radar” which means your radar will be up, even when you aim down sights with this weapon. (normally if you would aim down sights, your radar will disappear). 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 


We already talked about that you can infuse a weapon with a higher power level in to a weapon with a lower power level. This will give the weapon which receives the infusion the power level of the weapon which it is going to be infused with. 
If you hover over the infuse icon a menu will appear with the weapons that go in to the same slot as this weapon and that you could use to infuse this weapon with. 
(hint: you will not get many or any duplicates of exotics weapons, so to increase the power level of these, you will be forced to infuse a different weapon in to this weapon, which means you will have to use an upgrade module to do this) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 


Master working a exotic weapon is not the same as a legendary weapon. To be able to master work an exotic weapon, you will first need to get the catalyst for that weapon (mostly found by just playing). A catalyst gives you the ability to master work the exotic weapon when you have finish the objective the catalyst gives you. When you have the catalyst hover over the square that will have a symbol of your gun, and it will show you more information. 
Note: some exotic weapons do not have a catalyst, if that is the case no symbol will show up. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
In this case we see if we would master work the weapon, this weapon will get an extra perk. (precision kills greatly decrease reload time). But as you can see the text is transparent not fully coloured in, this means we still have to do some things for this effect to become active. if you move your mouse towards the hammer symbol, you will see what you need to do to master work this exotic weapon. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 
As you can see we have to get 200 precision kill with this weapon in the crucible activity before we can apply the catalyst and master work this weapon. If you completed a catalyst, you can come here to apply the catalyst and masterwork the weapon. 

Intrinsic Trait

Every exotic weapon will have special trait instead of a frame. This trait is exclusive to the exotic weapon, and will give the gun a special advantage. In this case the intrinsic trait give us a boost in movement speed. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Power Level

Show the current power level of the gun, to upgrade it infuse another weapon in to this weapon with a higher power level. 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Weapon statistics

Here you see the stats of the weapon, these determine different factors of your weapon. Hover over each with your mouse to see a small explanation of what they do, these stats can be different depending on what kind of weapon you’re looking at. (guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, linear or normal fusion rifles, bows, swords) 
Destiny 2 - Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide 

Written by Glibtiger15

This is all about Destiny 2 – Lists of Weapons Advanced Guide; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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