Card Quest – First Level: Dwarven City

Card Quest – First Level: Dwarven City 18 -
Card Quest – First Level: Dwarven City 18 -

Welcome to this post Card Quest – First Level: Dwarven City guide.

The guide contains detailed instructions on how to build your character in order to finish the unlock, as well as how to deal with specific monsters you will encounter.

Dwarven City, First Level

Card Quest - First Level: Dwarven City - First Level: Dwarven City - FD71BA4
We’re able to unlock the Dwarven Warrior Subclass, so I decided we should upgrade to full dwarf. This is the most straightforward way to go. The next level has similar monsters and is handled in the same manner. Below are the possible encounters, listed alphabetical order, along with explanations of their functions. Below is a list of the purchases that you can make after Dwarven City. For this level and the following two levels, it is crucial to keep your defense as high for as long as you can. Be aware of the strength of your opponent’s attack and your armor. You are able to often pass all and not suffer damage in many instances, conserving your valuable STAMINA for your next turn.


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The Barricade is frequently seen in Dwarven City. They are simple to destroy and provide 1 DODGE to monsters close to them.


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This item can be found in at least one Round of the Dwarven City. There is a Healing Potion inside that can replenish 2 points of your health. A Dwarven Guard holds the key that unlocks it (see separate article). You won’t receive the Healing Potion in the event that you destroy the chest before receiving it.

Dwarven Alchemist

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While not a major issue, however, the Dwarven Alchemist can be annoying. It can attack at a distance and may even poison you if you’re not protected against. However, what is more irritating is the fact that they can heal up to 6 health on other creatures when they are damaged. If there are any more powerful monsters that are threatening, ensure to kill them as soon as you can.

Dwarven Cannon

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The Dwarven Cannon has low ARMOR and high damage. It shoots cannonballs from a distance and then tries to strike you in close proximity. They’re not a problem, but be aware of them, as well as any other shooting monsters like the Dwarven Shooter or Dwarven Elite Shooter (see separate entries).

Dwarven Guard

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Common enemies Common enemy Dwarven City. They’re similar to the majority of creatures in the city, however they don’t have armor , so you shouldn’t have any issues when facing them.

Dwarven Heavy Guard

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This is a stronger version of the Dwarven Guard and comes with additional health and armor. This isn’t a difficult task.

Dwarven Elite Shooter

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The Dwarven Shooter is a more powerful version. See the separate article below. They’re almost identical, with the exception that they have FURY and are able to shoot twice per turn.

Dwarven Pyromancer

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The Dwarven Pyromancer can shoot fire with magical power. They aren’t difficult.

Dwarven Shooter

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Similar to Dwarven Guard (see separate entry) however they can shoot crossbow bolts. They can fire a single shot, regardless of whether they’re near or far away. This model has an increased ARMOR than Dwarven Guard, however, it isn’t a problem.

Dwarven Spiked Guard

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This is basically an even more dangerous variant of the Dwarven Guard (see separate entries above) and is equipped with additional STRIKEBACK damage. To eliminate them, you’ll require Tactical Strike saved. This is a simple task.

Fire Elemental

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The Fire Elemental is an uncommon appearance in Dwarven City The Fire Elemental is not a common sight, with the exception of the boss, High Pyromancer (see separate entry). They die naturally since they lose 1 health each turn. If you don’t have enough money, protect your attackers and don’t spend the chance to use a Tactical Strike.

High Pyromancer

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This is the chief of Dwarven City, and he’s a breeze to work with. Each turn the player summons one Fire Elemental (see separate entries above) and starts the battle DISTANT. The High Pyromancer, which is a more powerful version of the Dwarven Pyromancer (see separate entries above) shoots magical fire twice since he’s got FURRY. You can simply destroy anything close to you until he gets close to. Additionally, he has STRIKEBACK which is why it’s recommended to save Tactical Strike to help him. This will eliminate any Fire Elementals that are next to him. You can buy items after you’ve defeated the High Pyromancer. These items are located further down.

Imprisoned Rune Dwarf

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Card Quest - First Level: Dwarven City - First Level: Dwarven City - 13FCBAA

The Imprisoned Rune Dwarf makes a rare appearance at the Dwarven City. In the beginning, you’ll find him wrapped in ropes that are far away. If you don’t kill him, then he’ll transform into the Cursed Rune Dwarf (second image above) after all other monsters have been destroyed. Cursed is an important feature. He’ll offer you Runes that you might not would like. It’s typically the Rune of Truth. This boosts STAMINA regeneration however at the cost of 1 health per battle. Therefore, kill him when you spot him.

Stone Golem

Card Quest - First Level: Dwarven City - First Level: Dwarven City - 6E425AF

This monster is the strongest in the Dwarven City. However, it shouldn’t be difficult to beat. Your build is extremely powerful and won’t be affected by their slow attacks.

Purchases after the Dwarven City

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These are the items that you can purchase following the Dwarven City. Based on the amount of gold you have, which may not be enough to buy all three items when you begin at level 4 according to this guide I would suggest the purchase of a Healing Potion. You’ll only be able to purchase one using the GOLD you have. The Rune of Lightning is of very little value. Instead you can purchase an Healing Potion that is more useful. It’s now time to move to the next level that is the Dwarven Fortress.

I sincerely hope the Card Quest – First Level: Dwarven City was enjoyable for you to read. Please let us know in the comments box below if you find any errors in the post or have any recommendations for how it may be improved, and we will do our best to solve them as soon as possible. Thank you for your feedback! Don’t stress about it, and have a wonderful day! The author and creator of Deaf Sparrow inspired this post. Also, don’t forget to Bookmark Us if you enjoy the post, we add new posts daily with more content, so check us often for more posts!

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