Destiny 2 – Masterworking: Why is it so important?

Destiny 2 – Masterworking: Why is it so important? 9 -
Destiny 2 – Masterworking: Why is it so important? 9 -
This guide is made to help players new and old understand the basics of masterworking weapons and armour and why it is so important to improve your potential.



Hello, my name is Charlie and this guide is to help any player to know the basics of Masterworks, and to know why they are important to increase your efficiency in both PvE and PvP content. 
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If you want to know the basics of raising your power level make sure to check out my other guide
What I will cover in this guide: 

  • What is a Masterwork? 
  • Armour Masterworks 
  • Weapon Masterworks 
  • Exotic Weapon Masterworks


What is a Masterwork?

If you are not familiar with masterworks they are essentially more powerful versions of your previously owned gear. They are obtained through upgrading weapons and armour to their maximum potential. 
You can recognise masterworked gear by the gold border around the piece of gear. 
Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 

Armour Masterworks

Armour Masterworks are hard to make, the items required to have a piece of armour masterworked are very rare but the benefit is very good. 
Masterworking your armour allows you to use all mod slots, but also grants you +2 to every stat on the armour, so if you have a high stat armour roll you can make it have even better stats. 
This bonus even applies to class items, which have no base stats in general. 
Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
So masterworking is a pretty big deal as it lets you have more freedon with builds by allowing you to use more mods, with the extra benefit of making you have better stats to suite your needs in PvP or PvE. 

Weapon Masterworks

Weapon masterworks are a little different from armour masterworks, instead of giving you stat boosts to all stats the masterwork gives a boost to a single stat, weapon masterworks are also randomised, so a weapon might have the exact same perk roll but one with a range masterwork and the other a reload speed masterwork. 
Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
These masterworks also have another trick up their sleeves, they generate orbs of power. 
Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
If you do not know, orbs of power can be piked up to have more super energy, so the more orbs produced by a fireteam, the faster they obtain their super. There are also armour mods that make piking up orbs have another boost like for example becoming charged with light. so having a full set of masterworked weapons are very useful in PvE. 

Exotic Weapon Masterworks (Catalysts)

Exotic weapons can be masterworked, but differently to other weapons. They are masterworked using Catalysts. Catalysts are very special as some give stat boosts but some give extra perks.Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
Not every weapon has a catalyst, but the ones that Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
do have a hint of how to obtain them, but obtaining them is mainly a game of luck, as some catalysts are simple to obtain, but some are very rare and though you may be doing the activity you are supposed to do to obtain it, most of the time you wont get them. 
Destiny 2 - Masterworking: Why is it so important? 
But when you do get a catalyst you still have some more grinding to do as there is a set objective to do before it is unlocked, but when you fully unlock the catalyst your weapon will now produce orbs, and have a stat boost, or depending on the weapon a new perk. 

Written by Charlieboy617

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