Knockout City™ – Get deluxe items basically for free! (MAY NOT WORK!)

Knockout City™ – Get deluxe items basically for free! (MAY NOT WORK!) 1 -
Knockout City™ – Get deluxe items basically for free! (MAY NOT WORK!) 1 -
This is just a smart brain move I found!


What do I mean?

Do you look at the people with deluxe items and outfits? 
Do you wish to get more HOLOBUX
Do you want them basically for free but still having to use money on steam
Oh boy do I have a solution


To be able to refund a game, which is a large part in this guide, you need to 
request the refund within 14 days of buying the game and have played less than 2 hours! 

How to! (May not work anymore but worked for me on launch)

Step 1. Buy deluxe! 
Step 2. Get the items! 
Step 3. Have played less than 2 hours and refund the game! (or just refund the DELUXE dlc if you can even do that, go check yourself
Step 4. IF the refund was successful, your account should still have the items and you got 10 (money) on your steam! So you basically didn’t pay for deluxe. 

Written by Ihan nimi on.

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Knockout City™ – Get deluxe items basically for free! (MAY NOT WORK!), if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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