Human: Fall Flat – Super Human Challenges

Human: Fall Flat – Super Human Challenges 59 -
Human: Fall Flat – Super Human Challenges 59 -
Completed all the achievements? Want even more? Here’s 50+ challenges for you to try. How many can you complete?


What’s in this guide?

If I could add achievements directly into the game, these are what I would add. These challenges aren’t meant to poke holes in the level design or insult the game – quite the opposite actually. The base mechanics of Human Fall Flat are fantastic enough, but in my opinion, the unintended ones are even better. There’s nothing quite like finding a ninja solution to a puzzle or struggling your way into an area you shouldn’t be able to reach! 
A few important notes: 

  • Each challenge has a specific goal, as well as a detailed list of restrictions along the way. 
  • If a challenge allows only certain exploit techniques, it is still listed as an Exploit challenge. Check the restrictions carefully. 
  • These challenges were designed for solo play (that said, racing your friends and/or screwing them over along the way is always fun). 
  • Finally, I have personally confirmed that every challenge is possible. If I didn’t do it myself, it didn’t make it into the list, period.



These challenges have one of four five frames indicating their difficulty and/or how long it takes to do them. I have written the frame metal, just in case anyone with colour-blindness or other vision issues isn’t able to tell them apart. My decisions about which metal to give each challenge were fairly arbitrary, but here’s what you can expect: 

  • Bronze: quite easy. Shouldn’t take you long to complete these, although there may be some trick to them that isn’t immediately obvious. 
  • Silver: a little tricky. Generally requires good technique and/or some thinking, but isn’t too difficult to actually do once you know how to do it. 
  • Gold: Tough. Usually requires multiple techniques, problem-solving, and/or takes a fairly long time to complete. 
  • Platinum: Challenging. Requires a lot of effort to complete, and is unforgiving if you make a mistake. 
  • Titanium: Reserved only for the most exceptionally difficult challenges I can find. I suspect most players will not be able to complete these, so they will be listed as bonus challenges.

The challenges are also labelled as either Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
or Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

  • Most (not all) Exploit challenges allow you to use whatever twisted climbing techniques you can think of. 
  • Legit challenges must be done without using any of the exploit techniques I describe in the next section of this guide. Gotta do things legit! In short, if a technique allows you to create height in a way that the game developers didn’t intend, it’s an exploit-only technique. It should be pretty intuitive what’s allowed and what isn’t.


Exploit Techniques and Other Vocabulary

Firstly, to avoid confusion, I’ve been careful about the use of "grab" vs. "touch" in my descriptions. This is probably really obvious, but I’ve included it here anyway: 

  • "Grab" means exactly what it sounds like: using either or both of your hands to grab hold of something 
  • "Touch" means any part of your body making contact with something in any way. This includes grabbing, standing, walking, headbutting, etc., as well as using other objects to touch something indirectly.

"Exploit Climbing" includes all of the following techniques (I’m pretty sure I got them all, but use your judgement. Also, I may update this section with some gifs in future): 

  • Swing Climbing: The safe, slow plodding up the wall. While grabbing with one hand, swing from side to side until your reaching hand is higher than your grabbing hand. Grab with your reaching hand and let go with your other hand. 
  • Swing-Jump Climbing: Launching yourself vertically by swinging. Same as swing-climbing, but release your grabbing hand BEFORE grabbing with your reaching hand. 
  • Swing Jumping: Launching yourself horizontally by swinging. Same as swing-jump climbing, just aimed differently. 
  • Starfishing: For climbing horizontally. Let’s assume you’ve grabbed onto a wall and you want to go left. Release your right hand, roll yourself left, and grab the wall again. Your back should be against the wall, and your camera should more or less be IN the wall because of the direction you had to roll. Release your left hand, roll yourself left again, and grab the wall. You’re now at the same height as before, but you’ve now shifted two body-widths left. Continue or mirror as necessary. 
  • Shuffle Climbing: When you need just a little extra. This technique is the easiest to do, and the hardest to describe in words. Look down and to the left, press forward and left at the same time, then quickly release and regrab with your right hand several times. If done correctly, this will cause your right hand to grab a bit higher than before. Do the same for the left hand; repeat the cycle as necessary until you can swivel your body onto the ledge, then just stand up. This technique only works if you can get your head/torso over the ledge; if you’re too low on the wall to do that, one of the other exploit techniques must be used. 
  • Stretch Climbing: This is used when trying to scale a steep slope instead of a vertical wall. It works exactly like swing climbing, but your body can’t actually swing because of the terrain in the way. As you attempt to swing, your reaching hand stretches further and further until it can’t, and then you grab with it (possibly releasing your grabbing hand first so your reaching hand sticks). 
  • Leap Climbing: A risky technique that involves grabbing with both hands, lifting yourself up, then very quickly releasing, reaching, and grabbing higher with both hands before you can fall down. As far as I can tell, it isn’t possible to do this on a vertical wall anymore without using the console command for climbing, but I mention it here because it can still be done on steep slopes. Note that none of the challenges will ever require this, so you don’t have to learn it if you don’t want to. 
  • Pole Climbing: A complex (and usually ad-hoc) mix of swing climbing, stretch climbing, leap climbing, and shuffle climbing, allowing the user to climb a vertical pole where there isn’t enough horizontal material to use other techniques reliably. Sometimes makes use of friction in the elbow when the arm is wrapped around. The exact technique tends to be different depending on exactly what is being climbed. Also works on non-cylindrical "poles" – the thin and narrow roof supports on top of the lighthouse in Water is a good example.

There are two "grey areas" I’ll address here. The following techniques are legitimate: 

  • In several locations, it is possible to hand-over-hand climb on the underside of a slope. This is a legitimate technique, on one condition: as you reach, you cannot release your grabbing hand early to make your reaching hand "sticky" at a higher position than it otherwise would be. That would be considered swing-climbing. 
  • If you encounter a gap and there is a wall beside it, you can slightly increase your jump range if you grab onto the wall with your near hand at the apex of your jump, using your momentum to swing and reach toward the far side of the gap. This is legitimate because there are extra dreams that (as far as I can tell) require this technique to complete, and those dreams have been included into the game by the developer. You are also allowed to use this technique for swinging yourself around a corner or a curved wall (see Electric Avenue). Just like before, as long as you don’t let go with both hands at once (and you aren’t starfishing), it’s legitimate.


~~~Official Dreams:



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Complete the level having grabbed at least one column in each of the three groups of columns, and nothing else

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Sweet Melbourne Shuffle Moves

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • From the end of the level, get back to the beginning using only your arms when climbing

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to use your keyboard while grabbing; as soon as both hands let go, you can use the keyboard again 
  • You are not allowed to skip directly from the gazebo room to the beginning; you must enter the room that has the arches before you can reach your goal



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Climb onto the traincar attached to the locomotive, and jump to grab onto a wall of your choice 
  • Then, complete the level without standing on anything

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab the underside of the level 
  • You are not allowed to grab the side railings at the exit area 
  • You are not allowed to walk or stand with either leg/foot, BUT, they are allowed to touch surfaces (when swinging around for example).


  • In case you were wondering, I’ll save you the trouble. Yes, this is the fear of trains.



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Weak Wrists

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Complete the level, using your arms for absolutely nothing except the lift controls at the exit

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to raise your arms or grab anything, except in the process of controlling the lift at the exit (objects can press the button, but the lift will only move if you use a hand to press it instead). It’s ok if your arms touch things or fly up on their own, such as when jumping. 
  • You are not allowed to open any doors, except the exit door


  • If you are trying to move crates just by running into them, try headbutting them. This hint is free, and the others are hidden. 
  • Crates can also be moved the way a circus performer walks on a ball 
  • You can jump across seemingly impossible gaps, if you’re willing to give it a few tries 
  • Inertia is really cool. To use it here, apply direct momentum to one, and not to the other. Part of this lesson is learned in the second dream: Train.



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Tarzan’s Return

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Throw the rope out of reach, then cross the gap using the rope

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to reset the rope by reloading the level or something. That’s dumb.

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Throw the rope out of reach, then cross the gap using the rope – the hard way

Restriction Details: 

  • Once the rope is thrown out of reach, you are not allowed to grab the rope unless one hand is also grabbing the tree branch. You will need to climb almost all the way up to the knot.

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Twisted Metal

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Just after the rope swing, climb up to the red traincar using only the broken rails (and the planks)

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab any of the surrounding rock formations to get a head start

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Exit Only

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Enter the mountain house through the exit door

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch the entrance door of the mountain house, or any part of the porch

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Ready for Ivan Drago

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb to the highest tip of the mountain

Restriction Details: 

  • None



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Anger Management

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Get from the mattress area, into the bucket controls area, and then touch the bucket, performing no demolition along the way

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to use all of the mattresses – only one mattress of your choice is available to be moved 
  • You are not allowed to break any glass 
  • You are not allowed to touch the planks 
  • You are not allowed to touch any doors

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Parkour Prince

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Outside of the mattress area, complete the level without touching any "proper" floors

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch any floors once you are on the wall, but you are allowed to walk on rails, rooftops, and whatever other surfaces you can find that wouldn’t be considered a floor. 
  • You are not allowed to touch any doors

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

All Strings Attached

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Starting on the bridge itself, grab the beam that suspends the red-cable bridge

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab anything except the cables and the beam 
  • You are not allowed to stand on anything except the bridge

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Madder Ladder

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Use the swinging ladder to climb up to the red I-beams above

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab anything except the ladder, the vertical black bars that the ladder is connected to (the horizontal one has no collision), and the I-beams


  • Keep in mind that the ladder only swings on one axis. You, on the other hand, can swing on whatever axis you want!

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Two Tines Two

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • In the final room, climb up to the grey platform, keeping the forklift just as it is

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab anything except the forklift itself and the metal platform you are trying to reach (you are also not allowed to grab the red I-beam directly under the metal platform) 
  • Although this is labelled as an exploit challenge, the only exploit technique you are allowed to use is swing-jumping

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Trapeze Trap

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • After releasing the trapeze, jump down and climb back up to the same platform, using only the trapeze to get there

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to break the glass 
  • You are not allowed to grab anything except the trapeze and the platform 
  • At least one hand must be gripping at all times – you are not allowed to swing-jump to the platform



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Once inside the castle walls, get to the next area without touching anything that moves

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Medieval Commando

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Starting inside the wooden building under the zipline, raise the gate without sending the barrel across the gap

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch the barrel 
  • You are not allowed to touch the dirt ground outside 
  • You are not allowed to grab the exterior walls of the castle 
  • Although this is listed as an exploit challenge, the only exploit technique you are allowed to use is shuffle climbing

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Bonus: That’s Going To Chafe:

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Starting from the chimney under the zipline, slide down the rest of the zipline without using a cane

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab anything… but you can still use your arms to reach!

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

As The Wind Blows

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb on top of the windmill

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch the windmill blades (as if you needed to be told this…)

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Keeping the anvil and board where they are, reach the cave entrance

Restriction Details: 

  • You are (still) not allowed to hurl yourself directly to the higher ground using the windmill

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Bucket of Sunshine

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Swing from the bucket and land directly in the sunspot on the top ledge of the cave

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab the cave walls or ceiling


  • sometimes, even a step stool needs a step stool



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Pole Position

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Stand on the ledge where the white rock/snowball is sitting

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch the rock/snowball

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

I Hate Stairs

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Climb to the very top of the lighthouse (the roof above the beacon)

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch the stairs

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Bonus: Dude, Where’s My Keys?

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Now go back down to the ground using only your mouse

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to use your keyboard 
  • You must have at least one hand grabbing a wall at all times until you reach the ground, unless you are standing on a surface


  • I only included one "climb-down" challenge like this, but of course, there are lots of other places you could do this from

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Saharan Waterworks

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb the waterwheel and open the exit grate

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab any part of the rectangular structure that the lever is on 
  • You are not allowed to break the dam 
  • You are not allowed to touch any part of the mountain or the cable car system

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

You Got Me Hooked

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Go to the harbour crane and get to the other side, without touching the crane controls

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb to the top of the crane cables using the module that the chains are hanging from

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to climb the crane from its foundation and drop down to the module – you must climb the cables themselves


  • The module’s frame and rollers are a single object with a convex mesh collider. This means that there will be invisible walls between the frame and rollers, making it more of a pyramid shape than the cubic shape it appears to have. 
  • The cable visuals are also sometimes misaligned with their colliders. Be careful and accurate if you swing-jump instead of swing-climbing.

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Crane Painter

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Platinum 

  • Climb to the very top of the harbour crane (you can climb from the crane’s base, or from Pulleyblank)

Restriction Details: 

  • You are (still) not allowed to touch the crane controls

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Electric Avenue

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Go from the shipping containers to the start of the shipwreck, dry and shock-free

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch any water 
  • You are not allowed to touch the rafts 
  • You are not allowed to touch any of the flat crates 
  • You are allowed to use the cubic crate at the power plant, but you are not allowed to open the door in any way.


Power Plant

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Wind Lover

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Get out of the starting area without disturbing the big fan

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab the big fan or disconnect its wires

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Closed Circuit

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Touch and close all 8 power boxes

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to power any electrical devices, including gates 
  • If a box is opened, even in the process of climbing on it, you must close it again (all boxes must be closed at the same time)

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Battery Burglar

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Enter the room with two conveyor belts, beside the boilers 
  • Bring the battery to the power box 
  • Bring the two hanging wires to the power box

Restriction Details: 

  • You are allowed to enter the room by going through the gate normally… but there are at least two legitimate ways to enter without opening the gate at all. Can you find them? 
  • You are not allowed to turn the conveyor belts on 
  • You are allowed to pick up and drop the battery, but you are not allowed to throw the battery


  • Make sure you know how to ragdoll. You will need it to complete this challenge. 
  • Round batteries will make you fall, but square ones make great step stools 
  • Sitting flat on the ground, this conveyor belt would have only one surface you could stand on. Stretched on its rollers, one surface becomes two. 
  • Camera giving you problems? Maybe it needs a new battery

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Ghosts In The Machine

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Platinum 

  • Climb to the very top of the power tower floating outside of the map

Restriction Details: 

  • None; you can even start from "Thief" if you want to


  • The power lines themselves have collision – you can climb any tower and hand-over-hand your way to the correct one, rather than trying to jump directly to the floating tower

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Bonus: End Of Your Tether

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Titanium 

  • Climb to the very top of the power tower in front of the boilers, using only the power lines tethered to the ground. Good luck.

Restriction Details: 

  • None


  • All of the hidden information below is less to help you, and more to prove I actually know how to do it. If you find a different/better way, congratulations, knock yourself out. 
  • If you still want to give it a go, you will find that swing climbing isn’t going to work, and swing-jump climbing is also extremely unreliable and dangerous. I did it using a simultaneous mix of pole climbing and stretch climbing; by wrapping yourself over and around the pole, you can jam the cable into the elbow of your grabbing arm. This will allow you to gain a small amount of height with your reaching hand because your grabbing arm will maintain your position all by itself (something that’s normally impossible; you can’t climb onto a ledge using only one arm because it’s not strong enough on its own). It will only get harder as you go because the wire gets steeper, which affects the "stickiness" of your reaching hand. You will also occasionally need to readjust where your hands are, relative to the circumference of the wire.



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Flying Squirrel

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • From the starting area, get directly to the first set of pendulums in the obstacle course

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 


Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Go to the puzzle with the two joined cages 
  • Then, reach the next area by using the tree

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to climb the walls or the dark grey stone platform, but you are allowed to climb the stairs between the cages 
  • You are not allowed to touch the block that would normally be used to solve the puzzle

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Leap of Faith

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Go to the first crane puzzle, just before the start of the lava river. 
  • Reach the start of the lava river without using the crane

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Ancient Gears

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Platinum 

  • Climb onto either of the first two pendulums in the obstacle course 
  • Stand on top of the upper gear shaft controlling the pendulums

Restriction Details: 

  • You are only allowed to grab parts that move. They don’t need to be in motion when you grab them, but they must be dynamic, not static.

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Super Human

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Lift the slab blocking the exit (this can be done from either side)

Restriction Details: 

  • You are only allowed to grab the slab itself

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Moai Master

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb to the very top of the huge statue at the end of the level

Restriction Details: 

  • None



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Grate? Great!

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Go to the grate that blocks the way to the bell tower 
  • Climb on top of the wooden platforms

Restriction Details: 

  • You are only allowed to grab the rocks, the grate, and the platforms themselves (you are not allowed to grab the wooden pillars that support the platforms) 
  • You are also allowed to pull yourself back up to ground level if you need to jump into the bin and dump some extra rocks out

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Light Security

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Get over the wooden gate while it is locked

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to use the gate key 
  • You are not allowed to bypass the gate by going through the mine


  • There are at least two legit solutions – can you find them both?

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

It Needs A Keycard?

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Reach the elevator that requires batteries 
  • Climb to the upper elevator button

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab any part of the mountain 
  • You are not allowed to grab the batteries

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Don’t Make Frankie Cranky

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Complete the level without electrocuting the monster

Restriction Details: 

  • None



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Like A Ninja

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Go to the first steam-powered gate 
  • Climb onto the roof

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to collect the barrel 
  • You will have to turn yourself around at the end of hand-over-hand climbing. This is allowed, as long as you do not gain height while doing it (because that would be swing-climbing)

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Willpower > Steam Power

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • From the second area, reach the boiler in the third area while the lift is unpowered

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Pipe Fall Flat

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Go to the chained gate 
  • Use the pipes to open the steam-powered gate as normal, without unlocking the chained gate

Restriction Details: 

  • Once the scaffolding has fallen, you cannot grab any of the scaffolding debris

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

The Crane Game

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Just like in the achievement "Walk The Plank," reach the big wheel without using the crane controls… or almost anything else

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to break the glass 
  • You are not allowed to touch the chain attached to the tree 
  • You are not allowed to touch the plank

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

That’s A Big Wheel

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb the big wheel and the rig that suspends it, all the way to the underside of the crane

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to grab anything red 
  • You are not allowed to power the wheel

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Crane Climber

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb to the very top of the crane that suspends the big wheel

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch the big wheel or any part of the rig that suspends it



Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

X Marks The Spot

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • From the starting area, reach the X sign (which is visible from the sliding grate)

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to touch any ice cubes

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Snow Other Way

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Climb on top of the chimney of the highest building in the village

Restriction Details: 

  • Although this is listed as an exploit challenge, you are only allowed to use exploit climbing techniques to get on top of the lift in the center of the village. Beyond that point in the challenge, exploit techniques are not allowed. 
  • You are not allowed to touch any ice cubes


  • On your way back down, try grabbing one of the flags blowing in the wind!

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Bonus: You’re Doing It Wrong…

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • In the hilltop house beside the village, use the fireplace incorrectly by jamming yourself inside

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Brain Freeze

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Platinum 

  • At the stone weights puzzle, bring the plank and both crates on top of the intact building on the right 
  • From this position, get across the gap to continue the dream

Restriction Details: 

  • Once all three objects are on top of the building, you are allowed to move and position them however you want, but you are not allowed to throw anything down. 
  • If any items fall to a lower area, you must retrieve them before you can make another attempt to get across the gap.


  • Don’t expect the plank to support your weight perfectly at the very end. You’ll probably have to jump for it! 
  • Sometimes, you need to move backward before you can move forward 
  • If you can’t get the plank high enough with that pile of bricks, why not try using something else as a fulcrum? 
  • Can’t get that plank to go high enough? If only you could get yourself just a little higher…

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Breaking And Entering

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Bronze 

  • Enter the cave, keeping the ice wall intact

Restriction Details: 

  • None

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 

Standing Seats

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Gold 

  • Go to the chair lift toward the end of the level 
  • Reach the dynamite without using the ice cube

Restriction Details: 

  • You are not allowed to bring items from elsewhere in the dream 
  • You are allowed to use the crates, but you are not allowed to bring them down to where the switch is.


  • I never said you can’t touch the switch… 
  • It’s a good thing these crates are so big. Makes them easier to work with.


~~~Extra Dreams:



coming soon: 

  • some challenges are established; investigating for more 
  • still need screenshots



Screenshots coming soon! Nothing here is quite finalized yet. 

A Little Earlier Next Time

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Using the first launch wheel, get onto the main factory roof

Restriction Details: 

  • None


Bridge Builder

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Silver 

  • Extend the bridge in each of the three factory wings, touching only things that don’t move (except the switches of course!)

Restriction Details: 

  • None


You Knew This One Was Coming

Human: Fall Flat - Super Human Challenges 
Difficulty: Platinum 

  • Collect the lever’s base part, leaving the gear assembly turned off

Restriction Details: 

  • None



coming soon: 

  • challenges are *mostly* established 
  • still need screenshots as well



coming soon: 

  • I’ve yet to play the level! XD


~~~Progress Chart

If you want to keep track of which challenges you’ve completed, you can use this list. I decided to do this here instead of using an external file; that way, you can dump it into whatever spreadsheet software you like, just in case you have something other than Excel. Unfortunately, copying a table directly from here doesn’t appear to work very well, so I’ve used a list instead. 
Note that this excludes bonus challenges. If you want to keep track of those as well, you can add them yourself; this way, if you don’t want to, they are already excluded. 

  • ~Mansion 
    • Columnist 
    • Sweet Melbourne Shuffle Moves
  • ~Train 
    • Siederodromophobia
  • ~Carry 
    • Weak Wrists
  • ~Mountain 
    • Tarzan’s Return 
    • Arborist 
    • Twisted Metal 
    • Exit Only 
    • Ready For Ivan Drago
  • ~Demolition 
    • Anger Management 
    • Parkour Prince 
    • All Strings Attached 
    • Madder Ladder 
    • Two Tines Two 
    • Trapeze Trap
  • ~Castle 
    • Wall-Eye 
    • Medieval Commando 
    • As The Wind Blows 
    • Anvon’t 
    • Bucket of Sunshine
  • ~Water 
    • Pole Position 
    • I Hate Stairs 
    • Saharan Waterworks 
    • You Got Me Hooked 
    • Pulleyblank 
    • Crane Painter 
    • Electric Avenue
  • ~Power Plant 
    • Wind Lover 
    • Closed Circuit 
    • Battery Burglar 
    • Ghosts In The Machine
  • ~Aztec 
    • Flying Squirrel 
    • BANZAI! 
    • Leap of Faith 
    • Ancient Gears 
    • Super Human 
    • Moai Master
  • ~Dark 
    • Grate? Great! 
    • Light Security 
    • It Needs A Keycard?! 
    • Don’t Make Frankie Cranky
  • ~Steam 
    • Like A Ninja 
    • Willpower > Steam Power 
    • Pipe Fall Flat 
    • The Crane Game 
    • That’s A Big Wheel 
    • Crane Climber
  • ~Ice 
    • X Marks The Spot 
    • Snow Other Way 
    • Brain Freeze 
    • Breaking And Entering 
    • Standing Seats

The extra dreams will be added to this list as I complete them. 
Thanks for checking this out – now go do some challenges! =D 

Written by BH

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Human: Fall Flat – Super Human Challenges; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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