Enter the Gungeon – Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon

Enter the Gungeon – Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon 13 - steamlists.com
Enter the Gungeon – Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon 13 - steamlists.com
The best beginner guide for Enter The Gungeon


First Chamber Tips


Basic Enemies

—> With a total of 10 chambers (5 basic chambers, 4 secret chambers and one “super secret” chamber that I won’t be going over), Enter the Gungeon features lots of Bullet like Enemies with different attack patterns, the best way to actually don’t get crushed is learning their behavior and attacks.

I recommend checking out the Official enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com – https://enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com/Cult_of_the_Gundead for more details on enemy patterns.

Tip: Dodge toward enemy Bullets, not away from them. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it works.


—>Bullet King

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon

Just spin around him and shoot, first Chamber Bosses have easy to learn patterns.

Also Use a blank if you have difficulties Dodging his spinning attacks, it makes everything a lot easier.

(Keep in mind that some more advanced bosses shoot bullets in a pattern similar to his spinning attack, you should try to master dodging this kind of attacks without using blanks)

—>Gatling Gull

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
If you ever encountered this boss, you might have noticed the tables that spawn inside the room, the best way to defeat him is flip those tables and take cover.

Other than that, it’s just dodging basic attacks, if you’re having trouble with that, use blanks.

Tip: Stay away, it’s easier to avoid Minigun bullets when you’re at a fair distance.

—>Trigger Twins (Smiley & Shades)

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
Hardest Boss to encounter on your first playtrough…

I recommend defeating smiley as soon as possible, also avoid contact damage from the Bullet Kin he spawns, and finish the battle by defeating Enraged Shades (just because Enraged Smiley is a lot more difficult)

P.S. See what works for you, I just found the method I described a lot easier.

Dodge Rolling

—> Enter the Gungeon is all about Dodge Rolls, essentially you can finish the whole game with a trash weapon (Klobbe / your starter gun), just by efficiently dodging your opponent’s attacks.

Here are a few tips to get you rollin’ :

  • Only pay attention to bullets coming towards you, I know this sounds ridiculous, just like the last “bullet dodging” tip I gave you in the last section, but EtG is a Bullet Hell game, your eyes can’t be everywhere on the screen, but the bullets will be.
  • Keep the distance between you and your enemies , not only will this increase the time you have to react you’re also avoiding contact damage (there is one character in the game that’s not affected by contact damage, but that’s a late game unlock)
  • Think about invincibility frames, after a dodge there’s a short “cooldown” before you can dodge again, try to time your dodges with your opponent’s attack, so you’re never in a vulnerable position, also think about your post-dodge location, you don’t want to finish up falling into a pit.

Extra Tip: Dodging towards a wall Just Works

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon

I just wanted to add a Blobulin…

Secret Chambers

—> Just like I said, there are 4 different secret chambers in the game and one “Super Secret” Chamber. I’ll only go over the most basic one, but you can find the others on enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com – https://enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com/The_Gungeon watch out for spoilers tho…

A few things to note:

  • Every secret Chamber has its own Unique Boss, unlike “Basic” Chambers where the boss you’re up against is random (chosen from a poll of 3 different bosses)
  • The second secret Chamber (The Abbey of the True Gun) has by far, one of the most difficult bosses in the game (The Old King), only go to this chamber if you know what you’re doing.

—> Oubliette (The first secret Chamber)

In the first Chamber (Keep of the Lead Lord), you’re guaranteed to find a room with a fireplace, just create a puddle of any liquid close to that fireplace (except for oil), and that should extinguish the fire, leaving a wide open gate, get inside the fireplace and press “E”, if you did it right a secret room should appear on the map, going into the Oubliette also requires two keys so make sure you’re stacked on those.

—> Blobulord (Oubliette’s Boss)

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon

With attacks somehow similar with Gatling Gull’s, Blobulord could absolutely obliterate new players even tough his slow movement speed and predictable pattern make him more vulnerable at times. The best way to defeat Blobulord is sticking to the walls when he smashes himself into the ground, starting his split attack, and keeping a fair distance during his other attacks.

Blanks can be used but are not required just like for any other boss.

Item Rarity System

—> In Enter the Gungeon, weapons and Items have rarities varying from D to S;

There’s also one weapon, that’s both D and S quality (The Finished / Unfinished Gun), but i won’t go over that.

  • Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
    Brown Chests;
  • Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
    Blue Chests;
  • Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
    Green Chests;
  • Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
    Red Chests;
  • Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
    Black Chests;

All chests require one key to be opened (except for the Rainbow Chests), Pilot’s starting item hasa tinychance of Picking Locks, but that’s almost not worth mentioning.

Tip: Pilot’s lock pick can also open Locked Doors and the Oubliette. If you fail to Lock Pick a door / a chest you won’t be able to use a key to open it anymore.

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
There’s also a little chance that you’ll find a rainbow chest (I only got 2-3 rainbow chests Total, if that gives you an idea how rare they really are)

If you actually find a rainbow chest (which could be disguised as a brown chest before opening) you get 8 random weapons that are either Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
, Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
or Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon

—>Glitch Chests

Enter the Gungeon - Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon
Glitch chests have a 0.1% chance to appear after you entered the gungeon 10 times and defeated the enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com – https://enterthegungeon.gamepedia.com/Beholster at least once (Second Chamber Boss).

Upon opening a Glitch Chest you’ll be teleported to a special Boss Room. I won’t spoil anything… But that boss is pretty crazy… If you happen to find a glitch chest just don’t freak out like I did, and focus on actually defeating the boss because the loot he drops could carry you throughout the entire run…

Some more Tips

—> Finally, there are a few more Tips and tricks I can think of…

  • Always shoot chests before opening them (you never know when you may find a Mimic);
  • Pilot = Trash;
  • Hunter = Best Waifu;
  • Shoot the walls in chest rooms, and search for cracks, use a blank if you happen to see a crack.(EZ tip for finding secret rooms)
  • Casey 4 Life;
  • Try not to get hit during “Basic” Chamber Boss Battles, you might get a Master Round that upgrades your Max Health.

On that note, thx for reading this guide, and have a good day / evening / night.

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This is all about Enter the Gungeon – Git Gud at Enter The Gungeon; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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