CaseCracker – How to solve core and extended mysteries

CaseCracker – How to solve core and extended mysteries 1 -
CaseCracker – How to solve core and extended mysteries 1 -

Welcome to CaseCracker – How to solve core and extended mysteries guide.

This manual contains all the solutions to the primary and secondary mysteries you uncover after you finish a case.
This guide also provided information on where to look for all case numbers.

Case 1

CC200729 Given by Agatha

Core mysteries

Drag and drop the victim’s name into this box

Sun Guoqiang

Who is the culprit?

Zhang Feixiang

What is the motive?


What does the criminal kill with?


Based on which pressing charges are you facing?

Shared Ride

Who wrote the anonymous second letter?

Zhang Feixiang

Who is the relative of the woman who was killed in an accident 15 years ago?

Zhang Feixiang

How can you prove their relationship?

Crescent pendant

Extended mysteries

Zhang Feixiang is a big fan of whom?

Just enter Lana Del Rey’s name after you have read his bio

Jiao Bin said that he enjoys using apps. What is it?

Yoober Search for Uber

Where did he get his tattoo?

Ink Spot (is visible on the map below the user interface.


Mt. Urn

Mark all letters not included in the code in an Excel document.

BCDFJKMOSTVWXZ for the first row. Repeat this for each row until you have completed six.

Fill in the blanks and a word will appear. MT. URN

Case 2

Agatha gave you CC200512

Core mysteries

Drag and drop the victim’s name into this box

Liu Junyan (Liu Junting)

Who is the murderer?

Xin Youwei

What is the motive?

Thumb drive

What was the crime committed?


Based on which pressing charges are you facing?

Scented seal

How did Xin Yuwei create an alibi?

Wax sculpture

How did the murderer find out about the victim’s pacemaker?


Why did Zhang Kai’s camera go black for a while?


Extended mysteries

Huo Yan used work in a pub. What’s the name of this pub?


Where was the camera branded find me Discovered, and where was it?

YT Central

Where was the gambling den?

Bc Gardens

Who drank half of the Romanse at Liu Junyan’s residence?

Dog. Take a look at the mounted camera feed to choose the date 2020 May 8th

Zhang Kai is a huge anime fan. What is it called?


What was on the TV screen northeast of Chicheng, 2019?

Kepler (search kitchen to find the puzzle, then type in Kepler to unlock it

Case 3

CC200618 Found within the diary in case 2.

Core mysteries

Drag and drop the victim’s name into this box

Wang Yang

Who is the murderer?

Chen Liang

What is the motive?


What was the crime committed?

Kitchen knife

Based on which pressing charges are you facing?

Plaid shirt

How did the murderer create an alibi?


Why did police take Wang Feng’s DNA at the crime scene?


Extended mysteries

Where did Li Yiying get her blue jeans jacket?

Swallow (Seen in the map)

What is the most distinctive feature of the person who took the picture with the plaid shirt?

Blue jeans

Which mathematician died in an duel?

Evariste Galois. Just google mathematician duel

Gao Jingwei used to be the ex-girlfriend of someone. Who is it?

Jiao Bin. You can search for Jiao Bin starting with the first case. He was a former security guard and doctor.

What’s in the safe

Public letter. Go to the first case where you have access to shared rides. Enter Li Yiying, May 21 2020

In 2019, the man appeared out of thin air. What was his name?

Sol. Take a look at the periodic table. There are three numbered elements. You will end up with SOL if you remove the indicated letter.

Case 4

CC200505 Found on a knife in the Wrecker statue

Core mysteries

Drag and drop the victim’s name into this box

Jiang Fu

How did you identify the victim?

Blood and accounting book

Who was the murderer?

Li Weicai

What is the motive?

Accounting book

How was the poison administered?

Cheer cake

Where did the murderer get the poison?

Garage 13

Which employee ID was used by the murderer to start the car?

Yu Meng

How did the murderer find out that the victim liked cheercake?

Huo TianTian

Who moved Buzz Kill from the warehouse into Garage 13?

Yu Meng

Who donated to Huo Tiantian for medical treatment?

Zhu Lei

Extended mysteries

What fruit does Yu Meng prefer?


Which website did Zhu Lei spend hours on?


Which city is Huo TianTian located?


Why did Yu Meng receive a warning?


Yu Meng used be a patron of a gambling den. It is located where?

BC Gardens

Who was fired from YT Development

Chen Liang

Which officer was killed in the 2019 siege of the prison?

Robocop. Answer to the puzzle on the balcony Simple google search for the name and the year.

Case 5

CC200920 Found using Atbash cipher to identify the work uniform serial number in case 4.

Core mysteries

Song Jianye was killed.

Shen Yongliang

What is the motive for Song Jianye’s murderer?”


How did Song Juanye get a heart attack?


How did you identify Jianye’s murderer?

Log file, Black Robe Inc. and Casecracker

Who was Sun Zhi killed?

Hao Ran

What is the motive for Sun Zhi’s murderer?

Domestic violence

How did Sun Zhi get killed by the murderer?


How did the murderer discover the combination for Sun Zhi’s home lock?

Audio recording

The voice recording is about a conversation between who?

Hao Ran and Li Xue

Who was responsible for Liu Wei’s death?

Zhang Zhen

What is the motive for Liu Wei’s murder?

Employee performance review

How did the murderer kill Liu Wei?


How did the murderer create an alibi?


Extended mysteries

Where did Li Xue first fall in love?


Liu Jian spends an average of one hour each day doing what?


404’s father used the identity of


Who manages the gambling den at BC Gardens?

Hao Ran

What’s the story in the game room?

Chiling river

What was the most striking pattern in 2019’s crop fields?


Identity of 404

The last question is “Who 404 is?”

Gao Jingwei aka smirkface

Written by Caroline

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