Zero Hour – How To Get Boot Camp Achievement in Zero Hour

Zero Hour – How To Get Boot Camp Achievement in Zero Hour 1 -
Zero Hour – How To Get Boot Camp Achievement in Zero Hour 1 -
This guide explains the most efficient method to get the Boot Camp Achievement in Zero Hour.


Earn Achievement

Background Info 
○ The Boot Camp achievement is earned by completing the training ground maze in less than 40 seconds. 
Step 1: Prepare 
○ Your first few times you would want to memorize the maze, since all the targets are always in the same place. Load up into a training ground and run through the maze. 
Step 2: Weapon Selection 
○ In order to get the best time you would want to use the Mac 10 and the Mock 17, because these weapons allow you to run the fastest. 
Step 3: Try Completing the Race 
○ Now that you have the best weapons and the maze memorized, you want to practice. Run through the maze and try to get a good time. It will take multiple attempts in order to get a time less than 40 seconds. 
○ Before doing the maze, make sure your stamina is full. 
○ Before doing the maze, make sure your speed is at the top so you run the fastest. 
○ During the maze, run and shoot close to the targets, this will make hitting the targets easier, wasting less ammo. 
○ Towards the end of the maze if you run out of ammo for the Mac 10, switch to your Mock 17 and clean up the last targets. 
○ Once you get a time that is 40 seconds or less leave back to the menu and you have earned the achievement. 

Written by zzcold

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