Jurassic World Evolution – Dinosaur Compatability charts

Jurassic World Evolution – Dinosaur Compatability charts 3 - steamlists.com
Jurassic World Evolution – Dinosaur Compatability charts 3 - steamlists.com
Hello! Making the perfect Island is hard, but hopefully, this can ramp up your population rates for better exhibits!


Dinosaur comfort and Compatability

Thank you for reading my guide; it’s still in progress as I am taking a while to enjoy the game as I play and update this list. I am far enough in my list now that I feel comfortable putting it on here for you all.

A few youtube videos are floating around by some awesome players that discuss a large part of dinosaur compatibility. One video, in particular, was very helpful in giving us a cross-species compatibility chart.
Jurassic World Evolution - Dinosaur Compatability charts
This chart is what I based most of my information on, to start mixing herbivores and carnivores. This guide is not me re-stating these facts. In this guide, I will be telling you the social and population restrictions for each dinosaur.

To start, id like to talk about the different categories that our charts will discuss.

Social minimum and maximum; this refers to dinosaurs of the same species. You must meet the minimum requirement for the species, or the dinosaur’s comfort will immediately start to decrease.

Population maximum; This is referring to how many dinosaurs are in the enclosure, including carnivores. As soon as the enclosure’s total headcount goes over its maximum population count, the dinosaur’s comfort level will immediately begin to decrease.

Size type; This is referring to the size of the dinosaurs in the first chart.

Comfort threshold; This is very important; the higher the threshold, the lower the dinosaur can handle being uncomfortable before starting to break out and attack guests. High percentages are not necessarily a bad thing; it just means you must plan out the dinosaurs exhibit closely instead of building around it.

Fear of storms; this is a fairly simple topic. Though personally, I have not seen it yet in any herbivores, carnivores often start to misbehave when it storms. Their comfort levels drop very quickly, and they begin to cause havoc.


Jurassic World Evolution - Dinosaur Compatability charts

The red and green bracket is solely for easy identification of which dinosaurs you can have a single species of and which you need multiple of the same species. Green is yes single is fine, red is single is unacceptable by species standards.


Jurassic World Evolution - Dinosaur Compatability charts

I hope this helps you all make a full and successful park!

Written by Criptid

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Jurassic World Evolution – Dinosaur Compatability charts; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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