Among Us – My Pet Peeves

Among Us – My Pet Peeves 1 -
Among Us – My Pet Peeves 1 -
This isn’t a guide per se, but here we go.


Names That End In “I”

Ok, so here’s what I have against names that end in “I.” I guess it’s just not original; the first time I saw one of those, I was like, “oh damn, that’s kind of clever,” but now I’m like, “wow, another one of these… great”. These are some to name a few I’ve seen:


just plain old “I.”



“WOW, I.”

And so forth, I suppose another reason is that in my experience, these dudes are always the ones skipping games. This brings me to my next one.

Skipping Games

Let’s face it; you can’t play an hour’s worth of Among Us without seeing one of these people.

So, for those of you who don’t know what this means, it means people leaving the game right after seeing that they’re not Impostor (or in rare cases, the opposite).

Not only is this really rude to the rest of the people playing, but it’s kind of stupid. All that time server surfing when you could just be playing the goll dang game, man! It’s not even that bad being Crewmate; you get to hone your intelligence and problem-solving skills!

1.5 Speed Or Higher

This one I feel like a lot of people are going to disagree with. But for me, it’s just a preference. I guess it would be easier to maneuver around, but I think it’s a little unrealistic. But hey, you do you.

People Who Come Into Games and Immediately Leave

Is it so hard to wait a couple of minutes while people join? I guess it is because I have found this A LOT. I really don’t have anything else to say but this; talk to some people, they can be pretty fun!


You knew this one was bound to be on here XD. I think that there are only a couple of reasons people hack on… No game, really.

They suck at the game. In that case, I say, play something else, bro!

They are fun suckers. Their main goal is to annoy and irritate the other people in the game.

They think It’ll make them cool. In this case, I say, you know damn well it’s not.

They really want to be Impostor, in which case I say, go back to section 4 and read that last sentence there, pal.

Impostors Ratting on Impostors

Now, this is just a ♥♥♥♥ move, guy. I mean, this other Impostor is minding their own business, trying to butcher people in space, and you decide to ruin their day. You’re mean :(, and I don’t even know why they do that, I guess to be an a*s.

Outside Communication

This is supposed to be obvious, but I’ll say it anyway, that’s considered cheating. Let me break it down. You’re a Crewmate, congrats, so you go down to do your tasks like a good boy/girl, and aw fiddlesticks, you’re dead. Who killed you? Why orange, of course, so you ringy ding your old pal who’s playing, and you’re all like, “Hey bro, orange just killed me!” and your friend is like, “Aw fiddlesticks.” So this dude goes right on down to Cafe/Office and just pounds that button. Everyone is yelling, “WHERERERERERE” or “WHOHOHOHOHOHO,” and they say, “Golly, guys, it’s orange, black told me.” And orange is like, “Wtf bro, black is dead!” and they’re like, “They told me on the phone!!!” Now the game isn’t fun for anyone else, congrats! You guys are now unstoppable unless there’s more than one Impostor, and you may as well be hacking :D.


Guessing is one of the many forms of being completely stupid in Among Us. Why? I’ll tell you why! Because think of this scenario as real life, you’re actually gonna throw a possibly innocent bystander out of a spaceship? Of course, instead of dying, they aren’t having as much fun as before. It’s like being on jury duty and flipping a coin to determine whether they are innocent or not. It’s like- you get it. All I’m saying is that even if you get it right, you’re not “figuring it out.”

People Going Along With the Guessing

Red: It’s white!
Cyan: Ok!
White: wHAT??
Brown: You got it!
White: I DiNT Do ANYThing!
White is voted out.

White was not the Impostor.
1 Impostor Remains

Great job, guys. Now red’s going to win because there are only 3 people left.
I’m just saying that’s it’s pretty easy to ask for and to give proof.

Getting Randomly Angry

I’m not saying you’re not entitled to your feelings; I’m just saying that IT IS THE IMPOSTOR’S JOB TO MURDER YOU XD.

Actually, the same goes for when the Impostor gets mad for being found out; IT IS THEIR JOB TO FIND YOU OUT.

Calling a Meeting and Leaving

Just… come on, man. That wasn’t necessary. (Props to cdorros for this one) As well as calling a random meeting just to be an a*s. I’ve also found that some people call a meeting, and then they say “what,” like they didn’t even call the meeting. (cdorros actually made a pretty cool comment, so check it out :D)

People Who Use Among Us as Tinder

Let me remind yall that this is a party game. I feel like I can’t go into a game and not find some dude hittin’ on some dude, play the game, get their Discord or Snapchat or something, then do that. I say, “I love you (enter color here),” and they freak out and call me a “simp” I’m saying that as in, “you’re a really cool person” or something like that.

People Who Say “Start”

This is another one of those where I feel many people will disagree, but let me explain.
I usually host a game, so I don’t have to deal with people swearing at me, and so I often get people who come in and say “start,” and I don’t know because of one simple reason; I set it to 10 people, so imma wait for 10 people!! Because if I don’t, then I know I’ll regret it because one or two people skip games and leave, so now I’m stuck with only about 5 people. So no, I will not start! XD

Impossible Impostor Settings

What I mean by this is like setting the game to have kill cooldown all the way up, Impostor vision all the way down, and so on. I don’t like this because it makes being the Crewmate too easy, which is much more common than not.

Getting Kicked For No Reason

I don’t have a rant this time, but a story instead.

I decide to go into a random server, and I think I find a pretty good one. I’m a polite person (sometimes) and ask how their day was… and I’m kicked… what the hell, man XD. Jeez, sorry, I asked. This guy must’ve had a terrible day, I guess.

Ok, now for the rant.
It’s just rude to kick people if you don’t have a solid reason, and no, “I didn’t like them.” is not a solid reason. People deserve to be in the game just as much as you do (exception of hackers).

People Not Doing Tasks As A Crewmate or A Ghost

This is not only screwing yourself but your entire team. I see these dudes named “Detective” and such, and they always either go straight to security or admin. Either these people have way too much confidence in themself, or they are just lazy and bored with tasks. Either take away a possible way for the Crewmates to win.

As for the ghosts? I have no idea; I guess they’re just lazy as well.

Saying “Where or Who”

It’s not so much as the “where” or “who” but rather the fact that people need to say it to get the info, it should be automatic, “In ___, and I saw ___. But I guess that’s the way it is. I also find it kind of funny when literally everyone screams at me, asking, “WHERE.” That’s nine messages saying the same thing, and most of the time, I say where it is before they say, “Where” XD.

Immediately Saying It Is Self Report

I’ve had this happen several times when a body is found, and right when we get into the meeting, I see someone calling it a self-report. Wtf. That’s it. That’s all I got for this one. It’s too much, man.

Calling People Names After Round

There are three reasons I see this happening.

Being killed by Impostor and Impostor winning.

Being voted out but not being the Impostor.

Being Impostor and winning so they can brag.

As for the first one, all I can say is, once you know who it is, it seems obvious, but it isn’t, so chill.
As for the second one, all I can say is, sucks dude, chill.
As for the third one, all I can say is, congrats, you’re a poor sport, chill.

Saying A Color Repeatedly

If you’re alive and doing this, please, by all means, give us some proof 🙂

If you’re a ghost and doing this, please, by all means, STFU, we get it.

Saying Someone Vented

If you actually saw someone vent, of course, man, it’s some undeniable evidence. But for some odd reason, I find myself being told I vented when I’m not even the Impostor. So I guess all I can encourage is to say you saw someone vent but didn’t see who if your not 100% sure. But again, undeniable evidence if you’re 100%.


Well, that’s all I got. Please, if you agree or disagree with anything I said, definitely leave a comment for me. Or if you have any more pet peeves I haven’t said, let me know. I really hope you enjoyed my rants. Have an awesome day/night!

Written by KumKrammer

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