Halo Infinite – Repulser and Dash Usage Guide

Halo Infinite – Repulser and Dash Usage Guide 1 - steamlists.com
Halo Infinite – Repulser and Dash Usage Guide 1 - steamlists.com

On the map Highpower in Halo infinite you can use the repulser on the launch slides to launch yourself higher in the sky to do this you would need to go on the slide and once your lifted of the ground look down and use the repulser doing so would cause more lift up. This is beneficial because if you perfectly time it it would be hard for the enemy to see you coming because you would be above them by the time you land on the cliff. There is a downside if you get to much momentum there is a chance you can go over the cliff and miss landing on the cliff.
On the map Highpower you can use the Halo infinite dash on the launch slides this can be applied by either wanting more momentum forward. Ff you change your mind and not wanting to head for the cliff you can dash left or right and that will cancel the momentum going forward making you not head for the cliff.
If you found this guide helpful and decide to talk about it on youtube please give me some credit on the idea because I haven’t seen anybody do this on Halo Infinite BTB.

Repulser and Dash usage

Halo Infinite - Repulser and Dash Usage Guide - Repulser and Dash usage - A08FB03
You would test using the repulser and dash on that slide.
Halo Infinite - Repulser and Dash Usage Guide - Repulser and Dash usage - 716CAAB
Here as you can see I am abnormally higher than I should be thats as high as you can go using the repulser boost.
Halo Infinite - Repulser and Dash Usage Guide - Repulser and Dash usage - 235E701
Shown here you can use the dash to dash to the right which would neglect you going towards the cliff
Halo Infinite - Repulser and Dash Usage Guide - Repulser and Dash usage - 3F70E19
Shown here you can use the dash to dash to the left which would neglect you going towards the cliff.

Written by Master Oogway

This is all about Halo Infinite – Repulser and Dash Usage Guide; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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