WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – General Guide to Wolf Quest: Anniversary Edition (PC)

WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – General Guide to Wolf Quest: Anniversary Edition (PC) 1 - steamlists.com
WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – General Guide to Wolf Quest: Anniversary Edition (PC) 1 - steamlists.com
This is a general guide that will cover the basics; hunting, finding a mate, raising pups, travel tips, and other tips.



Before you can begin, press V to go into scent view. You should see little colored dots floating around. approach the dots and when you stand under them a little thingy in the corner should appear saying what scent it is. I would suggest hunting elk. So look for light purple/pink dots. Be sure to stand under them to check if it’s right, then check the wind direction. To do this see which way the dots are going and start going in the opposite They can often be mistaken for bull elk herds, but be sure it says elk herd. If you start seeing more light purple/pink dots you know you are going on the right track. Keep going until you see little colored footsteps on the ground that are light purple/pink and stand on top of them to see if it’s an elk herd. It’s hard to tell at sometimes which direction to follow the trail so go one way and if the little counter in the corner starts saying the minutes lower your going the right way. But if the counter starts saying the minutes higher your going the wrong way, so turn around and follow the track the other way. Once the counter gets to “Just Now” press V to turn off scent view and look around. You should see a herd of elk nearby. Start growling by pressing G and get up close to a few elk and bite them (press/hold Space). Once they start running in a herd start biting a few and if you hold Space long enough you should see their health in the corner. Try to go for the weaker ones (3/4 of the way full) and only go for the big ones that don’t have antlers, don’t go for the ones with antlers or babies because they don’t count towards the quest (I think). Once you found one target onto it by going close to it and left-click your mouse. Keep chasing it and biting it until it stops and starts to fight back. Then you should go in front of it and bite it’s neck. Eventually it will die. You can eat it by going close to the body and pressing Space or you can get meat chunks off of it (usually for pups) by holding space. Repeat this method for the second elk, except this time you can just go back to the same herd by following their scent. 

Finding a Mate

Once you have killed two elk you can move on to finding a mate. There are a few methods to this, so I narrowed it down to two different methods so you can look over them and see which one you prefer. 
Method 1. 
First go into scent mode (V) and start running around looking for yellow tracks. I would suggest staying away from the border (Press M for map and then press “Show territories”). Once you find the yellow tracks follow them and it should lead you to dispersal wolves. I personally don’t really use this method that much, but I know people who do and I would like to give some variation. 
Method 2. 
Catch an elk then howl (H) 3 times. Then sleep (Z) and don’t touch any buttons, wait for your wolf to wake up. This method is a bit risky because you could either be greeted in the morning by dispersal wolves or a predator (coyote, cougar, bear, fox, etc.) 
Once you find the dispersal wolves you need to pick one. First check your coat color, is it black? If it is black then don’t pick a wolf with a black coat too. This can lead to getting small, sickly pups. If your coat isn’t black then don’t worry. When you are choosing one go up close to it and there should be a thing that says Diversity then a few stars after it. You want to choose the one in the group with the most stars. Of course sometimes you only get one dispersal wolf. Remember the more stars, the better so you can decide if you want to get that wolf or look for another one. Once you pick one lock onto it (left-click). and press/hold E to get a list of actions. click one of them and then wait for the other wolf’s response. Once the other wolf does an action you do another one. Keep going back and forth like this until the message pops up to get the wolves to know you better. Now you can use the top 3 ones. Again keep going back and forth until it wants to start the courtship. Now you need to form a bond with your future mate. Hunt together, interact with each other (E), howl (H). Once the wolf wants to become your mate, you can name him/her! Once you become their mate head towards the star on your map (northeast corner). 

Marking your Territory

First step of marking your territory is finding dens! I would suggest hunting so you and your mate can eat so you won’t starve while marking your territory. Start looking around in the middle of your territory. As your looking around a little den icon should appear under your wolf badge. Keep looking around in that area. if it gets darker your going the right way. If it gets lighter or it disappears turn around and look the other way. Keep looking in that area until the icon pops up that you found the den. Usual den spots are little holes in the ground or in stone walls. Once you find one mark your territory next to it by pressing P twice and then going to the hexes around your den site and marking those. You can see if it’s your territory or unmarked territory by the little hex below your wolf badge. Then look around the area preferably near that den site for more dens. Once you find another den, mark that hex if it isn’t marked already and the ones around it. I would suggest finding dens near the middle, away from the other wolf territories. Find four dens and mark the territory around them. Make sure that your territory is all connected. You have to mark at least 15 hexes. Once your done you should see that most of your territory on the map is darker, or gone. You need all of the hexes to be 50% or higher in strength. You can see their strength by looking the on the map and hovering your mouse over one of them. If they need marking go to that hex and look on the rectangle below the little hex below the wolf banner. Change your view around (Mouse) until you see a little symbol that looks kinda like a camp fire. Once the tiny hex aligns with it run forward in scent view. Keep going until you see a yellow circle with that same symbol on the ground. Then go to the middle of it and press P. Then the strength should 100%. Keep doing this until the whole territory is above 50%. 

Raising Pups

Now that you have marked all of your territory, go to your map and press on “Show Dens”. Then pick a den to start with and head towards it by looking on your rectangle thingy and checking your map. Once you find the den you can have pups! First you should press/hold E and pick out your favorite actions. you can short cut your actions by having the ones you use the most in your favorites tab and pressing the different numbers on your keyboard that correspond to the ones in your favorites tab. In your favorites tab you should have Bark (Tells your pups to go into the den), Squeak (Tells your pups to go out of the den), and Whine (Tells your mate to follow you). When you leave the den make sure your pups go into the den. Now play with your pups by doing different actions besides for bark, whine, or squeak. Once your affinity (See in pack info) is all the way to 100 you can leave the den without the risk of your pups leaving the den without permission. I would suggest you hunt an elk and make sure you and your mate eat until your full. To tell if your full, Press M for map and then on one of the tabs near the top of the screen it should say “Pack Info”. Click on that tab to see your info and your mates, and your pups. Make sure that you and your mates hunger is at 125%. For extra food press/hold Space to pick up a meat chunk. Mark any territory if you have to, then head home. put your meat chunk down and go up to one of your pups and press Space to feed it. Multiple pups can eat from one feeding so don’t bother feeding every single pup. Once one feed is gone, feed them again. Do this until all of them are 90% hunger or over. Although you might feel tempted, never sleep in your den. This makes it more possible for fleas to drive you out of your den. You can sleep perfectly fine outside your den with your pups. Keep playing with them, feeding them, and sleeping with them until they all weigh 15 pounds. 

Travel Tips

Switching Dens: 
You may be thinking, why would you wanna switch dens? Well first of all you could be driven out of a den by fleas or a flooded den or you decided the area was just not in a good spot. Whatever the reason, here are some tips. 
1. Go towards the nearest den preferably near other dens. 
2. Keep an eye on all of your pups at all times. 
3. Carry the pup (press/hold Space) that is the slowest. 
4. Try to avoid rivers/streams/lakes. 
5. If you have to go across one of the above look on the map for the thinnest part and first test it by seeing if you can run across the whole thing without swimming. Then pick up your pup and run across it. Do this individually for all of your pups. 
Traveling to Rendezvous Site: 
Traveling to the rendezvous site is near the end of the game (well at least until Tower Fall comes out), so you are bound to be a bit nervous… No? Well anyway here are some tips. 
1. Go towards the nearest site 
2. Keep an eye on all of your pups at all times. 
3. Carry the pup (press/hold Space) that is the slowest. 
4. Try to avoid rivers/streams/lakes. 
5. If you have to go across one of the above look on the map for the thinnest part and first test it by seeing if you can run across the whole thing without swimming. Then pick up your pup and run across it. Do this individually for all of your pups. 

Other Tips

Newborn Ungulates: 
1. Find a lone elk/deer that won’t run away. 
2. Look in the nearby bushes. 
3. Look for a lump of fur. 
4. Don’t let your mate get it, or else they’ll eat it in one bite. 
5. Once you see the red bite symbol press space and you will kill it. 
6. Pick it up (Press/hold Space) before your mate can get it. 
7. Bring it home for your pups to enjoy! 
Predator Attacks: 
Always keep your pups inside the den while a predator attacks 
1. Keep biting a bears tail and chase it away. 
2. Run at a cougar and it will usually run away. 
3. Just kill coyotes. 
4. Run at a fox and it will run away but you will occasionally have to kill it. 
5. Keep fighting stranger wolves until you kill them or they run away. 
6. Watch the skies until the eagle flies away. 

Good Luck!

These tips can only help you part of the way, you need your core instincts for the rest–or just look at other guides. Thank you for reading my very first guide! Be sure to tell me how you fared in your wolf quest stories! Oh and good luck! 

Written by LittleKitty09

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – General Guide to Wolf Quest: Anniversary Edition (PC); if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

This is a general guide that will cover the basics; hunting, finding a mate, raising pups, travel tips, and other tips.



Before you can begin, press V to go into scent view. You should see little colored dots floating around. approach the dots and when you stand under them a little thingy in the corner should appear saying what scent it is. I would suggest hunting elk. So look for light purple/pink dots. Be sure to stand under them to check if it’s right, then check the wind direction. To do this see which way the dots are going and start going in the opposite They can often be mistaken for bull elk herds, but be sure it says elk herd. If you start seeing more light purple/pink dots you know you are going on the right track. Keep going until you see little colored footsteps on the ground that are light purple/pink and stand on top of them to see if it’s an elk herd. It’s hard to tell at sometimes which direction to follow the trail so go one way and if the little counter in the corner starts saying the minutes lower your going the right way. But if the counter starts saying the minutes higher your going the wrong way, so turn around and follow the track the other way. Once the counter gets to “Just Now” press V to turn off scent view and look around. You should see a herd of elk nearby. Start growling by pressing G and get up close to a few elk and bite them (press/hold Space). Once they start running in a herd start biting a few and if you hold Space long enough you should see their health in the corner. Try to go for the weaker ones (3/4 of the way full) and only go for the big ones that don’t have antlers, don’t go for the ones with antlers or babies because they don’t count towards the quest (I think). Once you found one target onto it by going close to it and left-click your mouse. Keep chasing it and biting it until it stops and starts to fight back. Then you should go in front of it and bite it’s neck. Eventually it will die. You can eat it by going close to the body and pressing Space or you can get meat chunks off of it (usually for pups) by holding space. Repeat this method for the second elk, except this time you can just go back to the same herd by following their scent. 

Finding a Mate

Once you have killed two elk you can move on to finding a mate. There are a few methods to this, so I narrowed it down to two different methods so you can look over them and see which one you prefer. 
Method 1. 
First go into scent mode (V) and start running around looking for yellow tracks. I would suggest staying away from the border (Press M for map and then press “Show territories”). Once you find the yellow tracks follow them and it should lead you to dispersal wolves. I personally don’t really use this method that much, but I know people who do and I would like to give some variation. 
Method 2. 
Catch an elk then howl (H) 3 times. Then sleep (Z) and don’t touch any buttons, wait for your wolf to wake up. This method is a bit risky because you could either be greeted in the morning by dispersal wolves or a predator (coyote, cougar, bear, fox, etc.) 
Once you find the dispersal wolves you need to pick one. First check your coat color, is it black? If it is black then don’t pick a wolf with a black coat too. This can lead to getting small, sickly pups. If your coat isn’t black then don’t worry. When you are choosing one go up close to it and there should be a thing that says Diversity then a few stars after it. You want to choose the one in the group with the most stars. Of course sometimes you only get one dispersal wolf. Remember the more stars, the better so you can decide if you want to get that wolf or look for another one. Once you pick one lock onto it (left-click). and press/hold E to get a list of actions. click one of them and then wait for the other wolf’s response. Once the other wolf does an action you do another one. Keep going back and forth like this until the message pops up to get the wolves to know you better. Now you can use the top 3 ones. Again keep going back and forth until it wants to start the courtship. Now you need to form a bond with your future mate. Hunt together, interact with each other (E), howl (H). Once the wolf wants to become your mate, you can name him/her! Once you become their mate head towards the star on your map (northeast corner). 

Marking your Territory

First step of marking your territory is finding dens! I would suggest hunting so you and your mate can eat so you won’t starve while marking your territory. Start looking around in the middle of your territory. As your looking around a little den icon should appear under your wolf badge. Keep looking around in that area. if it gets darker your going the right way. If it gets lighter or it disappears turn around and look the other way. Keep looking in that area until the icon pops up that you found the den. Usual den spots are little holes in the ground or in stone walls. Once you find one mark your territory next to it by pressing P twice and then going to the hexes around your den site and marking those. You can see if it’s your territory or unmarked territory by the little hex below your wolf badge. Then look around the area preferably near that den site for more dens. Once you find another den, mark that hex if it isn’t marked already and the ones around it. I would suggest finding dens near the middle, away from the other wolf territories. Find four dens and mark the territory around them. Make sure that your territory is all connected. You have to mark at least 15 hexes. Once your done you should see that most of your territory on the map is darker, or gone. You need all of the hexes to be 50% or higher in strength. You can see their strength by looking the on the map and hovering your mouse over one of them. If they need marking go to that hex and look on the rectangle below the little hex below the wolf banner. Change your view around (Mouse) until you see a little symbol that looks kinda like a camp fire. Once the tiny hex aligns with it run forward in scent view. Keep going until you see a yellow circle with that same symbol on the ground. Then go to the middle of it and press P. Then the strength should 100%. Keep doing this until the whole territory is above 50%. 

Raising Pups

Now that you have marked all of your territory, go to your map and press on “Show Dens”. Then pick a den to start with and head towards it by looking on your rectangle thingy and checking your map. Once you find the den you can have pups! First you should press/hold E and pick out your favorite actions. you can short cut your actions by having the ones you use the most in your favorites tab and pressing the different numbers on your keyboard that correspond to the ones in your favorites tab. In your favorites tab you should have Bark (Tells your pups to go into the den), Squeak (Tells your pups to go out of the den), and Whine (Tells your mate to follow you). When you leave the den make sure your pups go into the den. Now play with your pups by doing different actions besides for bark, whine, or squeak. Once your affinity (See in pack info) is all the way to 100 you can leave the den without the risk of your pups leaving the den without permission. I would suggest you hunt an elk and make sure you and your mate eat until your full. To tell if your full, Press M for map and then on one of the tabs near the top of the screen it should say “Pack Info”. Click on that tab to see your info and your mates, and your pups. Make sure that you and your mates hunger is at 125%. For extra food press/hold Space to pick up a meat chunk. Mark any territory if you have to, then head home. put your meat chunk down and go up to one of your pups and press Space to feed it. Multiple pups can eat from one feeding so don’t bother feeding every single pup. Once one feed is gone, feed them again. Do this until all of them are 90% hunger or over. Although you might feel tempted, never sleep in your den. This makes it more possible for fleas to drive you out of your den. You can sleep perfectly fine outside your den with your pups. Keep playing with them, feeding them, and sleeping with them until they all weigh 15 pounds. 

Travel Tips

Switching Dens: 
You may be thinking, why would you wanna switch dens? Well first of all you could be driven out of a den by fleas or a flooded den or you decided the area was just not in a good spot. Whatever the reason, here are some tips. 
1. Go towards the nearest den preferably near other dens. 
2. Keep an eye on all of your pups at all times. 
3. Carry the pup (press/hold Space) that is the slowest. 
4. Try to avoid rivers/streams/lakes. 
5. If you have to go across one of the above look on the map for the thinnest part and first test it by seeing if you can run across the whole thing without swimming. Then pick up your pup and run across it. Do this individually for all of your pups. 
Traveling to Rendezvous Site: 
Traveling to the rendezvous site is near the end of the game (well at least until Tower Fall comes out), so you are bound to be a bit nervous… No? Well anyway here are some tips. 
1. Go towards the nearest site 
2. Keep an eye on all of your pups at all times. 
3. Carry the pup (press/hold Space) that is the slowest. 
4. Try to avoid rivers/streams/lakes. 
5. If you have to go across one of the above look on the map for the thinnest part and first test it by seeing if you can run across the whole thing without swimming. Then pick up your pup and run across it. Do this individually for all of your pups. 

Other Tips

Newborn Ungulates: 
1. Find a lone elk/deer that won’t run away. 
2. Look in the nearby bushes. 
3. Look for a lump of fur. 
4. Don’t let your mate get it, or else they’ll eat it in one bite. 
5. Once you see the red bite symbol press space and you will kill it. 
6. Pick it up (Press/hold Space) before your mate can get it. 
7. Bring it home for your pups to enjoy! 
Predator Attacks: 
Always keep your pups inside the den while a predator attacks 
1. Keep biting a bears tail and chase it away. 
2. Run at a cougar and it will usually run away. 
3. Just kill coyotes. 
4. Run at a fox and it will run away but you will occasionally have to kill it. 
5. Keep fighting stranger wolves until you kill them or they run away. 
6. Watch the skies until the eagle flies away. 

Good Luck!

These tips can only help you part of the way, you need your core instincts for the rest–or just look at other guides. Thank you for reading my very first guide! Be sure to tell me how you fared in your wolf quest stories! Oh and good luck! 

Written by LittleKitty09

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about WolfQuest: Anniversary Edition – General Guide to Wolf Quest: Anniversary Edition (PC); if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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