WILD HEARTS™ – Camp Building Tips

WILD HEARTS™ – Camp Building Tips 2 - steamlists.com
WILD HEARTS™ – Camp Building Tips 2 - steamlists.com

Hi, welcome to this post, WILD HEARTS™ – Camp Building Tips guide.

This guide will help you with the basic camp building.


Camp Building Tips

WILD HEARTS™ - Camp Building Tips - Camp Building Tips - 627D412

  • Always have tents at the two cheap camp areas! They’re at naturally good locations at a corner or roughly center of the map, and have a healing water tree available.
  • Choose camp locations near a water tree or can reach one within one or two ziplines. Quick access to refills can be helpful on difficult, time-sensitive hunts.
  • Place hunting towers at camp locations. If you activate one, you activate them all, so by doing this you’ll be able to start the hunt with your search active no matter where you start.
  • If there’s no good place to put a camp where you’re missing hunting tower coverage, place a hunting tower in that corner without a camp. It will activate when you turn on the others, so it’ll be fine.
  • Camps atop cliffs or on rooftops can be ideal as the vantage point often allows easy zipline travel.
  • With the above criteria, most of my maps have a camp in most corners along with one in roughly the center of the map, with one hunting tower alone to cover a corner with no camp. That’s just what works for me; your own choices may vary.
  • If you’re going to farm materials on the map, choose one camp with a lot of space to place down all of your ore shrines, food shrines, paddle scoops (if near water), ingredients chests, and cooking implements. Visit that base often to collect and process foods. Have one of these “major bases” on every map if you like.
  • You can only have a maximum of three wildlife cages or pens per map, so if you’re farming creature matierals it’s a good idea to have three on each map.
  • Don’t forget to upgrade dragon pits! More elemental power means more shrines, food processing/storage, and traversal options!

You will also be able to place some dragon Karakuri in Minato. It won’t be a lot at first, but after a story event, you’ll have a little more breathing room. It will be nowhere near what you have available on the hunting maps, but it’s enough to set up some food storage and processing or place decorations. Traversal karakuri isn’t really needed since most important locations can be teleported to directly from the map.

!! WARNING !! If you keep food storage in Minato, do not place them anywhere on the same elevation as Natsume’s forge, or near any platform edges that has direct line of sight to it.. There is a high chance they will be destroyed during a main story quest, deleting all of its contents. To reiterate, if you’re storing any food in Minato, do not place them in that area and keep them away from platform edges. The downstairs interior of your house is also a safe location.

WILD HEARTS™ – Camp Building Tips is described in this guide. If you notice anything that needs to be fixed or updated, please let us know in the comments, and we’ll correct it as quickly as possible. Today, may it be a good day for you. This write-up was inspired by a piece written by the creator and author ̧҉ ҉Minorou ꧁💀꧂ Also, don’t forget to add us to your bookmarks if you like the post; we publish new posts every day with additional material, so visit us frequently for more posts.

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