Warhammer 40000: Darktide – Modify AHK script for Full Auto on Semi-Auto Weapons

Warhammer 40000: Darktide – Modify AHK script for Full Auto on Semi-Auto Weapons 2 - steamlists.com
Warhammer 40000: Darktide – Modify AHK script for Full Auto on Semi-Auto Weapons 2 - steamlists.com

Welcome to Warhammer 40000: Darktide – Modify AHK script for Full Auto on Semi-Auto Weapons GuideAHK script that can be altered in-game to operate Semi Auto weapons in Full Auto. The possibility of developing ulnar or carpal tunnel syndrome is preventable.

To improve your long-term health, hand strain can be lessened. Fatshark permits AHK scripts.
And a tech script for ledge movement.


Auto Hot Key is required to run this AHK script. It is software that allows macro creation.

It can be found here:
https://www.autohotkey.com – [autohotkey.com]

The script includes two features: a togglable fully auto macro and a motion tech macro.

Full Auto will only affect Ranged (when turned on). It is not active for melee weapons. You can use a separate bind to spam click) for melee light attack spam (by holding left click.

The script is not active if Darktide is your active windows (.).

One of many comments in which Fatshark CM states that AHK scripts can be legal:

https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/ywqnh0/darktide_reviewer_but_do_remember_that_tide_games/iwoxx8e/ – [reddit.com]

Warhammer 40000: Darktide - Modify AHK script for Full Auto on Semi-Auto Weapons - Introduction - 7557C52

How to use

The ledge movement tech is always activated, and the auto fire is togglable.

Ledge movement tech:

Space+Forward Side Button+Strafe Direction

This video shows how it works.

Important. Important.

1 – Shift is your dodge key.

2 – Space is your jump key.

3 – You strafe together with A and D.

4 – You crouch under Left Control

You can either update your in-game settings to reflect this (.) or you will need to modify the script keys.

To learn how to use this, I recommend you go into The Meat Grinder on the hubworld. While movement tech is most useful for zealots who need to move quickly to reach a group of enemies, they can also be used defensively to reposition themselves as other classes. This tech’s speed depends on the dodge distance of your active weapons.

When you press space and XButton2 (() mouse side buttons used as “forward” in webbrowser), while walking up to a platform, the ledge tech activates. To keep the script running, you must keep pressing XButton2 (mouse side button used as “forward” in a webbrowser). Then press) to stop the script. Next, press A or D depending on which direction you want to go.

Full Auto:

Toggle: Left Ctrl + mouse 3 (click mousewheel)

If you are using), use (: Hold Left Click

Increase click speed Scroll Down – Left Alt + Scroll Down

Reduce click speed Left Alt + Scroll Up

Reset Click Speed: Left Alt + Mouse 3 (mouse wheel)

Melee override XButton1 (mouse button used as “back function” in a webbrowser.) + Hold Right Click

This video shows how it works.

Full Auto script can be toggled on/off, and if on makes some assumptions.

1 – It should only be active when you are holding a ranged weapons

2 – You can switch between range/melee with either Q or 1/2 keys.

If you swap weapons with other keys, you will need to modify the AHK script.

The default setting is 210ms between clicks. The slowest setting is 1010ms. The fastest setting is 10ms between clicks.

This can be changed, but it is impossible to make it faster than 10ms. The game won’t register clicks properly if the game goes faster (, and no weapon shoots this fast, even).

Unbinding the scrollwheel is a good idea when swapping weapons. Otherwise, you’ll swap weapons like mad while finetuning your click speed. This doesn’t matter as long as you find the speed that you like, it won’t affect your gameplay.

This only works if Range and Melee are swapped using Q, 1, 2 keys. You will need to update the script if you swap using keys (, such as mouse wheels),

The AHK script

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

;Global Vars
toggle := False
toggle2 := True
cspeed := 250

; XButton1 = 4th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Back.
; XButton2 = 5th mouse button. Typically performs the same function as Browser_Forward.
; MButton = Scroll-wheel button.
; LButton = Left mouse button.
; <! = Left Alt.
;--------------How to Use------------
; Left-Ctrl + Middle Mouse Button = Activates/Deactivates the autoclicker.
; Left-Alt + Scroll-wheel up/down = Changes clicking speed of autoclicker.
; Left-Alt + Middle Mouse Button = Resets clicking speed of autoclicker to 4 clicks per second.
; XButton1 + Left-Click (Hold) = Can let go of XButton1 as long as still holding Left Click. Enables auto-clicker for melee (spam light attack)
; Space + XButton2 (Hold) = Ledgehopping. Can let go of Space as long as holding XButton2. Move towards a vaultable ledge and use this + strafe angle (A or D). Makes you ledgehop, goes fast.
; Autoclicker is only active while having ranged equipped + autoclicker turned on. Melee will behave like normal (unless using XButton1 + Left Click override)
; Macros only active while Darktide.exe is the active window (so only while in game)

;------------Movement Tech-----------
#if GetKeyState("Space","P") && (WinActive("ahk_exe darktide.exe"))
 Loop 12 {
 If !GetKeyState("XButton2", "P")
 Send {Shift Down}
 Sleep 30
 Send {Shift Up}

 If !GetKeyState("XButton2", "P")
 Send {LCtrl Down}
 Loop 12 {
 If !GetKeyState("XButton2", "P") {
 Send {LCtrl Up}
 Send {Shift Down}
 Sleep 30
 Send {Shift Up}

 KeyWait, XButton2
 Send {LCtrl Up}

;------------Auto Toggle------------
*<^Mbutton::toggle := !toggle

;------------Click Speed------------
#If (WinActive("ahk_exe darktide.exe"))
if (cspeed <951) {
 cspeed :=cspeed +50

if (cspeed >49) {
cspeed :=cspeed -50

*<!MButton::cspeed := 250

;------------Ranged Only------------
#if (WinActive("ahk_exe darktide.exe"))
~$1::toggle2 := False
~$2::toggle2 := True
~$Q::toggle2 := !toggle2

;-----------Melee Override----------
#if GetKeyState("XButton1", "P") && !toggle2 && (WinActive("ahk_exe darktide.exe"))
 If toggle {
 While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
 While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && !toggle2 {
 Send {LButton Down}
 Sleep 10
 Send {LButton Up}
 if !GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
 Sleep cspeed

;------------Auto Clicker-----------
#If !GetKeyState("XButton1", "P") && toggle2 && (WinActive("ahk_exe darktide.exe"))
 If toggle {
 While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
 While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && toggle2 {
 Send {LButton Down}
 Sleep 10
 Send {LButton Up}
 if !GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
 Sleep cspeed
 if !GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {
 Send {LButton Down}
 While GetKeyState("LButton", "P") && !toggle2 {
 Sleep 50
 Send {LButton Up}
 if !GetKeyState("LButton", "P") {

Copy it, open notepad, and paste it into notepad. Save the file as “name”.ahk(Replace “name” with anything you like)

This file should be correctly identified if you have AHK installed. The icon should look like a small piece of paper with an H on the top. Right-click this file to open it. It will offer the option to “Run Script”.

You will see an “H” icon in your system tray if the script runs. The script can be closed by right-clicking this icon and choosing “Exit”. However, the script should not run while you are not in Darktide.

Test it in The Meat Grinder, to verify that it works as expected.

Protect your wrists and hands with praise to the emperor, and you can play a lasgun dark tide without using an auto script.

Your binds are too tight! How can I change them?

To begin with, you’re objectively mistaken. My binds are great. However, I am a certified good guy and will let you know how I can change them to suit your needs.

Start by opening this page:

https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/KeyList.htm – [autohotkey.com]

This will allow you to identify the names of various keys in AHK. It is important because we want to replace certain keys with something else.

Modifier Keys

Let me quickly explain modifier keys if you are interested.

A modifier key is the “ctrl+mousewheel down” type bind’s “ctrl+mousewheel down” key. To run the script (, hold down your modifier key and press another keyboard key.).

Scroll down to the section that discusses modifier keys. It should list them all. This is how they work.

Left Control = <^
Left Alt = <!

If I want a bind,

Left Control + A

It would be written as



Changing the binds

Look for keys you don’t like in the script and change them to your liking. You will find the script broken down into sections with titles which explain roughly what is what. This should help you to do this.

Let’s say that you want to change the toggle bind from Left Mouse3 to F1

We first look for the part in the script. This is what we find here:

;------------Auto Toggle------------
*<^Mbutton::toggle := !toggle

To double-check if the link is correct, we can now use the link above. Let’s see if Mbutton = mouse3 (scrollwheel click click). The link above confirms that this is correct.

Now we want to change the code that is a dislike button to one that we like. We know that MButton is the button’s name so this must be what we change.

Here’s what it will look like when this is switched to F1:

;------------Auto Toggle------------
*F1::toggle := !toggle

I recommend that buttons with a * or before them be kept. Modifier keys and the actual key must be removed. However, * and serve different purposes so they can be used when you swap keys.

Let’s look at another example to ensure you understand how it works.

Let’s say you want to use the motion tech script but don’t have crouch bound to left control. Instead, it is on the default “c” setting and you want it to stay that way. How can we solve this problem?

We know we must look for it under the “Movement Tech”, title. This time, we want to look for Left Control and change this to C.

Here’s an example:

Send {LCtrl Down}

This is how we make it:

Send {c}

I hope you find this explanation of how to modify the bindings in the script helpful.


Written by MIJAx3👻

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