Valheim – Console Commands & Cheat Codes

Valheim – Console Commands & Cheat Codes 2 -
Valheim – Console Commands & Cheat Codes 2 -
Console commands that are neatly categorised and easy to use.


Start using Command Console


  1. Go to your steam Library and right click Valheim and click on Properties.
  2. Go to General then at Launch Options and add: -console
  3. Now in-game press F5 and add: devcommands
  4. Now you can use any console command the game has to offer.


Creative Mode


  1. Press F5 while in-game.
  2. Type: devcommands
  3. Type: debugmode
  4. Type: god

Make sure that after you put in the command the console confirms it with having (True) written behind. If it says (False) then just do the said command again and it will turn into (True).
If done correctly it looks like this:
Valheim - Console Commands & Cheat Codes

Your new abilities

You can press the buttons below while it is enabled:



Z Toggle to fly. Spacebar gives you altitude, Ctrl brings you back down.
B Toggle for creative mode building, no workbench or resources needed.
K Tap to kill all nearby enemies and creatures within range.

Bonus: To get the best creative mode experience also take use of the “Cheat Sword” – The Cheat Sword has the ability to damage Trees and Stone / Ore Deposits. Command: spawn SwordCheat

Photo mode




freefly Freefly Photo Mode.
ffsmooth Freefly smoothness.

Bonus: If you press Ctrl+F3 you’ll Hide the HUD.

Character Cheats




God Mode. Invincible to damage. god
Ghost Mode. Enemies will ignore you. ghost
Kill all nearby enemies killall
Full health. heal
Reset your hunger, health and stamina. puke
Print current player position. pos
Permanently remove your hair. hair
Permanently remove your beard. beard
Change your character model man/female. model [0/1]
Reset Character data. resetcharacter
Raise skill level
(example raiseskill jump 100).
raiseskill [skill] [amount]
Reset skill level to 0. resetskill [skill name]
Set difficulty scaling based on the number of players (0 = Reset). players [num]
Skip forward one day. sleep
Tame all nearby tamable animals. tame


Crafting Material







(Spawns 10)

Black metal BlackMetal spawn BlackMetal 10
Black metal scrap BlackMetalScrap spawn BlackMetalScrap 10
Bronze Bronze spawn Bronze 10
Bronze nails BronzeNails spawn BronzeNails 10
Copper ore CopperOre spawn CopperOre 10
Iron Iron spawn Iron 10
Iron nails IronNails spawn IronNails 10
Scrap iron IronScrap spawn IronScrap 10
Silver Silver spawn Silver 10
Silver ore SilverOre spawn SilverOre 10
Tin Tin spawn Tin 10
Tin ore TinOre spawn TinOre 10







(Spawns 10)

Ancient bark ElderBark spawn ElderBark 10
Core wood RoundLog spawn RoundLog 10
Fine wood FineWood spawn FineWood 10
Wood Wood spawn Wood 10


Leather & Hide





(Spawns 10)

Deer hide DeerHide spawn DeerHide 10
Leather scraps LeatherScraps spawn LeatherScraps 10
Troll hide TrollHide spawn TrollHide 10
Wolf pelt WolfPelt spawn WolfPelt 10







(Spawns 10)

Ancient seed AncientSeed spawn AncientSeed 10
Beech seeds BeechSeeds spawn BeechSeeds 10
Carrot seeds CarrotSeeds spawn CarrotSeeds 10
Turnip seeds TurnipSeeds spawn TurnipSeeds 10
Chitin Chitin spawn Chitin 10
Coal Coal spawn Coal 10
Dandelion Dandelion spawn Dandelion 10
Feathers Feathers spawn Feathers 10
Fir cone FirCone spawn FirCone 10
Flax Flax spawn Flax 10
Flint Flint spawn Flint 10
Greydwarf eye GreydwarfEye spawn GreydwarfEye 10
Guck Guck spawn Guck 10
Pine cone PineCone spawn PineCone 10
Resin Resin spawn Resin 10
Stone Stone spawn Stone 10
Surtling core SurtlingCore spawn SurtlingCore 10
Wolf fang WolfFang spawn WolfFang 10







(Spawns 10)

Blueberries Blueberries spawn Blueberries 10
* Blue mushroom MushroomBlue spawn MushroomBlue 10
Blood pudding BloodPudding spawn BloodPudding 10
Bread Bread spawn Bread 10
Carrot Carrot spawn Carrot 10
Carrot soup CarrotSoup spawn CarrotSoup 10
Cloudberries Cloudberry spawn Cloudberry 10
Cooked fish FishCooked spawn FishCooked 10
Cooked lox meat CookedLoxMeat spawn CookedLoxMeat 10
Cooked meat CookedMeat spawn CookedMeat 10
Cooked serpent meat SerpentMeatCooked spawn SerpentMeatCooked 10
Fish wraps FishWraps spawn FishWraps 10
Grilled neck tail NeckTailGrilled spawn NeckTailGrilled 10
Honey Honey spawn Honey 10
Lox meat pie LoxPie spawn LoxPie 10
Mushroom Mushroom spawn Mushroom 10
Queens jam QueensJam spawn QueensJam 10
Raspberries Raspberry spawn Raspberry 10
Sausages Sausages spawn Sausages 10
Serpent stew SerpentStew spawn SerpentStew 10
Turnip stew TurnipStew spawn TurnipStew 10
Yellow mushroom MushroomYellow spawn MushroomYellow 10

* Means; Can only be obtained via console commands.






(Spawns 10)

Neck tail NeckTail spawn NeckTail 10
Raw fish FishRaw spawn FishRaw 10
Raw meat RawMeat spawn RawMeat 10
Turnip Turnip spawn Turnip 10







(spawns 5)

Minor stamina mead spawn MeadStaminaMinor 5
Medium stamina mead spawn MeadStaminaMedium 5
Fire resistance barley wine spawn BarleyWine 5
Frost resistance mead spawn MeadFrostResist 5
Poison resistance mead spawn MeadPoisonResist 5
Minor healing mead spawn MeadHealthMinor 5
Medium healing mead spawn MeadHealthMedium 5
Tasty mead spawn MeadTasty 5








Club spawn Club
Stone axe spawn AxeStone
Torch spawn Torch
Flint axe spawn AxeFlint
Flint knife spawn KnifeFlint
Flint spear spawn SpearFlint
* Antler pickaxe spawn PickaxeAntler
Stagbreaker spawn SledgeStagbreaker
Copper knife spawn KnifeCopper
Bronze atgeir spawn AtgeirBronze
Bronze axe spawn AxeBronze
Bronze mace spawn MaceBronze
Bronze spear spawn SpearBronze
Bronze sword spawn SwordBronze
* Bronze pickaxe spawn PickaxeBronze
Ancient bark spear spawn SpearElderbark
* Tankard spawn Tankard
Battleaxe spawn Battleaxe
Iron sword spawn SwordIron
Iron axe spawn AxeIron
Iron sledge spawn SledgeIron
Iron mace spawn MaceIron
* Iron pickaxe spawn Pickaxe
Iron atgeir spawn AtgeirIron
Silver sword spawn SwordSilver
Fang spear spawn SpearWolfFang
Frostner spawn MaceSilver
Abyssal harpoon spawn SpearChitin
Abyssal razor spawn KnifeChitin
Blackmetal atgeir spawn AtgeirBlackmetal
Blackmetal axe spawn AxeBlackMetal
Blackmetal knife spawn KnifeBlackMetal
Blackmetal sword spawn SwordBlackmetal
Porcupine spawn MaceNeedle

* Means; Item can be used for combat but unsuited (not meant) for combat.





Crude bow spawn Bow
Finewood bow spawn BowFineWood
Huntsman bow spawn BowHuntsman
Draugr fang spawn BowDraugrFang






(Spawns 20)

Wood arrow spawn ArrowWood 20
Fire arrow spawn ArrowFire 20
Flinthead arrow spawn ArrowFlint 20
Bronzehead arrow spawn ArrowBronze 20
Ironhead arrow spawn ArrowIron 20
Silver arrow spawn ArrowSilver 20
Obsidian arrow spawn ArrowObsidian 20
Poison arrow spawn ArrowPoison 20
Frost arrow spawn ArrowFrost 20
Needle arrow spawn ArrowNeedle 20






Wood shield spawn ShieldWood
Wood tower shield spawn ShieldWoodTower
Bronze buckler spawn ShieldBronzeBuckler
Banded shield spawn ShieldBanded
Iron tower shield spawn ShieldIronTower
Silver shield spawn ShieldSilver
Serpent scale shield spawn ShieldSerpentscale
Black metal shield spawn ShieldBlackmetal
Black metal tower shield spawn ShieldBlackmetalTower

NOTE: Shield design/style can only been chosen when crafting them!





Ooze bomb spawn BombOoze







Rag pants spawn ArmorRagsLegs
Rag tunic spawn ArmorRagsChest
Leather pants spawn ArmorLeatherLegs
Leather tunic spawn ArmorLeatherChest
Leather Helmet spawn HelmetLeather
Deer hide cape spawn CapeDeerHide
Troll leather pants spawn ArmorTrollLeatherLegs
Troll leather tunic spawn ArmorTrollLeatherChest
Troll leather helmet spawn HelmetTrollLeather
Troll hide cape spawn CapeTrollHide
Bronze plate leggings spawn ArmorBronzeLegs
Bronze plate cuirass spawn ArmorBronzeChest
Bronze helmet spawn HelmetBronze
Iron greaves spawn ArmorIronLegs
Iron scale mail spawn ArmorIronChest
Iron helmet spawn HelmetIron
Wolf armor legs spawn ArmorWolfLegs
Wolf armor chest spawn ArmorWolfChest
Drake helmet spawn HelmetDrake
Wolf fur cape spawn CapeWolf
Padded greaves spawn ArmorPaddedGreaves
Padded cuirass spawn ArmorPaddedCuirass
Padded helmet spawn HelmetPadded
Linen cape spawn CapeLinen
Lox cape spawn CapeLox






Blackmetal axe spawn AxeBlackMetal
Bronze axe spawn AxeBronze
Flint axe spawn AxeFlint
Iron axe spawn AxeIron
Stone axe spawn AxeStone
Cultivator spawn Cultivator
Fishing rod spawn FishingRod
Hammer spawn Hammer
Hoe spawn Hoe
Antler pickaxe spawn PickaxeAntler
Bronze pickaxe spawn PickaxeBronze
Iron pickaxe spawn PickaxeIron
Stone pickaxe spawn PickaxeStone
Abyssal harpoon spawn SpearChitin


Vehicles & Carts




Cart spawn Cart
Raft spawn Raft
Karve spawn Karve
Longship spawn VikingShip
Trailership spawn Trailership






Explore entire map exploremap
Reset map exploration resetmap
Set spawn location location
Remove all item-drops in area removedrops
Teleport to entered coordinates goto [x,z]
Set time of day.
Both 0 and 1 will give you midnight, whereas 0.5 will give you noon
tod [0-1]
Reset time of day to default tod -1
Set wind to specified angle/intensity wind [angle 0-360] [intensity 0-1]
Reset the wind resetwind
Toggle the damage-per-second debug overlay on/off. dpsdebug


Trader – Haldor




Yule hat spawn HelmetYule
Dverger circlet spawn HelmetDverger
Megingjord spawn BeltStrength
Ymir flesh spawn YmirRemains
Fishing rod spawn FishingRod
Fishing bait spawn FishingBait 50





Throphy Command

Special Drop

Special Drop Command

Eikthyr spawn TrophyEikthyr Hard antler spawn HardAntler
The Elder spawn TrophyTheElder Swamp key spawn CryptKey
Bonemass spawn TrophyBonemass Wishbone spawn Wishbone
Moder spawn TrophyDragonQueen Dragon tear spawn DragonTear
Yagluth spawn TrophyGoblinKing Yagluth thing spawn Yagluththing


Server Admin Commands





List all commands help
Force save of world save
Print system info info
Show ping ping
Set draw distance for server lodbias [0-5]
Kick player from server. kick [name/ip/userID]
Ban player from server. ban [name/ip/userID]
Unban player from server. unban [name/ip/userID]
List banned players. banned




  • We arenotreliable of the usage of these commands. Use them at own risk!
  • These codes/commands are public domain – the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, especially through not being subject to copyright or other legal restrictions.
  • Our source has been from – more in-depth Valheim related information we strongly recommend visiting it.



Constructive feedback is always wanted, like if a code is wrong or we missed an item. Don’t be afraid to comment that information so we can make the guide better.
We want the guide to be clean and easy to use. So our aim is to mainly have the most useful and common items listed.


  • Beta DLC items wont get added. There are just too few players with the DLC.
  • Item that cannot be removed won’t get added, since they will break the game and world.
  • Events won’t get added due to they are world breaking.
  • Portals won’t get added since it gets messy fast. We recommend entering Creative Mode and build them instead of using codes.


Written by Scorpidoo

This is all about Valheim – Console Commands & Cheat Codes; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!


    • Specifically, how do I turn creative/god mode off? I type the same things in and it now says God mode: false, and Debug mode: false; but it still doesn’t require anything to craft or build

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