Valheim – Commands / Codes

Valheim – Commands / Codes 1 -
Valheim – Commands / Codes 1 -

#commands #cheats #codes #tricks



Press F5 to open the console. - To activate the codes, type imacheater and press Enter.

  1. killall – Kills all nearby enemies.
  2. tame – Tames all nearby creatures.
  3. exploremap – Displays the entire map.
  4. resetmap – Hides the entire map.
  5. pos – Displays the player’s coordinates.
  6. goto [x, y] or [x, y, z] Teleports the player to the given coordinates.
  7. location – Specifies the location for the respawn.
  8. event [name] – Starts the named event.
  9. stopevent – Stop the current event.
  10. randomevent – Starts a random event.
  11. raiseskill [skill] [amount] – increases the named skill by the entered value.
  12. resetcharacter – Resets all character data.
  13. dpsdebug – Enable and disable printing of dps debugging.
  14. save – forces the game to save the current state of the world.
  15. player [no] – Adjusts the level of difficulty. Enter 0 to reset the difficulty.
  16. players [nr] – Scales the difficulty level based on the number of players from 1 for no scaling and 0 for resetting the scaling
  17. deletedrops – Removes all elements stored in the area.
  18. wind [angle] [intensity] – Sets the direction and intensity of the wind.
  19. resetwind – Resets the angle and intensity of the wind


Commands Server

help - Displays a list of available console commands / commands

  1. ping – Ping the server to measure latency
  2. lodbias [nr] – Set the draw distance for the server from 1 to 5
  3. info – Displays the current information about the system
  4. kick [name/ip/userID] – Kick the specified user
  5. ban [name/ip/userID] – Ban the specified user
  6. unban [ip/userID] – Unban the specified user
  7. banned – Display a list of banned users


Commands debug / Creative Mode

debugmode - Enter creative mode.

  1. B – Switching to creative building mode, no workbench or resources needed.
  2. Z – Switch to fly. A space gives you the height, Ctrl brings you back down.
  3. K – Press to kill all nearby enemies and creatures in range.


Commands Character

Warning! The given commands affect your character.

  1. god – Turns on the hour mode.
  2. ghost – Activate ghost mode in which enemies ignore you
  3. freefly – Activates a free camera.
  4. ffsmooth 1 – Adds smooth movements in a slow camera.
  5. ffsmooth 0 – Restores normal smooth movements.
  6. raiseskill [skill] [amount] – Increases a specific skill by a given amount
  7. resetskill [skill] – Reset the specified skill to 0
  8. resetcharacter – Reset your character’s skills and equipment
  9. heal – Heals your character
  10. puke – Resets hunger, default health and stamina
  11. hair – Removes your character’s hair
  12. beard – Removes your character’s beard
  13. model [no] – Switches between male and female characters, use 0 or 1
  14. dpsdebug – Enables / disables displaying damage per second


Commands List of spawn items


Using code / Command spawn [Element] [quantity] [Level]

In combination with the list of items to spawn in Valheim, you can make any item in the game appear in front of you, such as spawn 50 Coins for 50 coins, or spawn Goblin 3 2 for three Goblins at level 2. Here are a few item codes to respawn

  1. SledgeStagbreaker
  2. BowDraugrFang
  3. ArmorWolfChest
  4. ArmorWolfLegs
  5. BlackMetal
  6. Wood
  7. FineWood
  8. Flint
  9. YmirRemains
  10. Obsidian
  11. Silver
  12. Coins


By Mr.Seller

This is all about Valheim – Commands / Codes; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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