Valheim – All Console Commands / How to enable Console

Valheim – All Console Commands / How to enable Console 2 -
Valheim – All Console Commands / How to enable Console 2 -

How to Enable Console

Go to Valheim Properties in the Steam Library then under the General tab, add (-console) to the launch options, launch the game after that. 
Valheim - All Console Commands / How to enable Console 

How to Enable Cheats

To start using cheats and other general console commands in Valheim, you will need to press F5 in order to bring up the console command box.Before you can continue delving into the world of cheats, you will need to ensure that cheats are activated by typing “imacheater”. However, it is worth noting that cheats can only be used in singleplayer and will not work on multiplayer servers. 
Valheim - All Console Commands / How to enable Console 
In order to turn cheats off, simply retype “imacheater” into the console command box and watch as cheats are turned to false. 

How to Spawn Any Item and Monster

WARNING: Please use the Spawn Item cheat at your own risk, as cheating can not only ruin your in-game experience but the items and quantity that use spawn into your world could potentially cause bugs, glitches, and possibly even break your world. 
In order to spawn items through the console command cheat, you will need to firstly enable cheats by typing “imacheater”. Once you have successfully enable cheats, you will need to use the following code to spawn any item that you specify: 

  • spawn [item] [quantity] [level]

For those that may be new to using console commands, we have compiled an example code below that spawns in 50 Wood. 

  • spawn Wood 50


Spawn Commands


WARNING: Haldor the Merchant will spawn approximately one foot off the ground and cannot be removed from your game afterwards. 
To view the entire cheats list that includes all of the items that can be spawned with the command, please click the link below or visit our Items page to find a detailed description, crafting recipe, and spawn code for every item that’s available in Valheim. 

How to Enter Creative Mode (Debug Mode)

Alternatively, if you’re looking for something that’s more along the lines of Minecraft’s Creative Mode, consider trying the “debugmode” command as this will enter the closest thing the game has to a Creative Mode. While in Debug Mode, you can press the following keys to enable the likes of Flying, Unlimited Items, and much more. 

  • Z – Pressing Z while in Creative Mode will allow you to enter Flying Mode 
  • K – Pressing K while in Creative Mode kills all enemies in the area 
  • B – Pressing B while in Creative Mode will allow you to repair any items without a Workbench, along with free placements of any items.


All Console Commands

Listed below are all of the current console commands and cheats that you can enable while playing Valheim. 
All Valheim Cheat Codes 
Character Cheats: 

Command Description
god Enables God Mode. Invincible to damage.
ghost Enables Ghost Mode. Enemies will ignore you.
heal Heals your character to full health.
puke Resets your character’s hunger, while also restoring default health and stamina.
pos Print current player position.
hair permanently removes your hair.
beard permanently removes your beard.
model [0/1] Changes your character model between masculine and feminine body types.
resetcharacter Reset Character data.
raiseskill [skill] [amount] Raise skill level (for example raiseskill jump 100).
resetskill [skill name] Resets skill level to 0.

Gameplay Cheats: 

Command Description
imacheater Enables cheats.
freefly Freefly Photo Mode.
ffsmooth Freefly smoothness.
location Spawn location.
goto [x,z] Teleport to entered coordinates
exploremap Explore entire map.
resetmap Reset map exploration.
tod [0-1] Sets time of day. Both 0 and 1 will give you midnight, whereas 0.5 will give you noon.
tod -1 Resets time of day to default.
skiptime [seconds] Skips forward in time, allowing you to change your day number and time of day.
wind [angle 0-360] [intensity 0-1] Sets wind to specified angle/intensity.
resetwind Resets the wind.
sleep Skips forward one day.
removedrops Remove all item-drops in area.
players [num] Sets difficulty scaling based on the number of players (0 = Reset).
spawn [item] [quantity] [level] Spawns the specified item.
tame tames all nearby tamable animals.
killall Kills all nearby enemies
event [name] Start event.
stopevent Stop current event.
setkey [name] Sets a new global key.
resetkeys [name] Resets the specified key.
listkeys Lists all the global keys
env [env] Sets debug environment.
resetenv Resets the debug environment.
dpsdebug Toggles the damage-per-second debug overlay on/off.
debugmode Enables Creative Mode.


All Server Admin Commands

Cheats aren’t the only console commands you can use in Valheim, as you’ll also find that Server Admin Commands may come in handy for kicking and banning players, along with increasing your server draw distance, force saving a world, and even more. 
For a list of all Server Admin Commands in Valheim, check our complete list of commands below. 

Commands Description
help List all command
info Print system info.
save Force save of world.
ping Show ping.
kick [name/ip/userID] Kick player from server.
ban [name/ip/userID] Ban player from server.
unban [name/ip/userID] Unban player from server.
banned List banned players.
lodbias [0-5] Set draw distance for server.


The End

Make sure to rate up or give it an award if the guide helped. 

Written by Ultimate

This is all about Valheim – All Console Commands / How to enable Console; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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