Totally Accurate Battlegrounds – How to not die & Maybe also do well

Totally Accurate Battlegrounds – How to not die & Maybe also do well 1 -
Totally Accurate Battlegrounds – How to not die & Maybe also do well 1 -
In this guide, I will give you advice on how to not die as quickly, some basic hints, a few secrets, and some neat suggestions.

This is by no means a ‘Meta’ Guide. But It is very useful advice that might help you.


Guide Summary

If you’re here, it means that you want to do more good at the game. ’cause doing good is usually more fun than not doing good. It’s ok to try, don’t let people tell you that “It’s not a serious game so why do you even care” or otherwise insult you. But, this guide is absolutely not for someone seeking to play optimally. It’s my personal advice, a little bit of a… bootcamp, to get people up to speed. 
Most of this advice is directly aimed at Squads, with randoms, but you can generally apply it to all of the other modes as well. 

What this Guide will cover:


  • Survival Tips 
  • Drop Locations 
  • Loot Ettiquette 
  • Basic Weapon Advice 
  • Basic Blessing Advice 
  • Vehicles 
  • Smooth Moves 
  • Memes


What this Guide willnotcover:


  • Tierlists 
  • Aiming Advice 
  • Secret Locations 
  • Dance Lessons 
  • Optimal Bullying via Catchphrases 
  • Memes



There are some things you can do before even hitting the ground to help your odds. 
Believe it or not, where you drop makes a huge difference on your survival rate. Common etiquette is to pin the location you want to drop on the map and then see where your Squad-Mates want to drop, who have also marked their locations. After your group has agreed on where to drop, it is best all but one person remove their Pins! Having the pins around can massively block people’s vission, especially if they are high up or trying to aim at targets from a distance. After everyone has landed, you can safely remove your pin by double right-clicking, or by just planting it somewhere out in the ocean. 
Running into the trouble that you can’t quite make it to where you want to drop, and the route the busses are going on is full of the commonly dropped locations, which you don’t want to drop in? If you are lucky, or join a map early enough, you can make your way over to the Area 51 clone or Factory, and find the local launch pad. In factory, it is at the very top of the tallest tower. You know which one. When the ‘Game Starting’ timer goes below… eh… 5 seconds, jump on the pad to launch yourself. Congratulations, you have just made yourself able to drop literally anywhere on the map, because for some reason doing this doubles your launch rate from the truck, and sends you super high up into the air. You know that you did it when you hear the impact noise just as the game starts, and the dust cloud appears at the tail end of the convoy (behind you). 
But where should you drop? If you are not sure, just drop where your Squadmates do. Even if it’s a terrible spot. Or you could quickly drop in factory or area 51, grab a gun or two and swiftly launch back out of there to join your team. Works wonders, plus you yoink loot from people trying to camp the launch pad. 
Otherwise, the best locations are usually close to big areas of traffic but not directly ontop of them. My favorite spot to drop is Circle Town. It’s tiny and barely stands out, many people completely ignore it. It’s a very central location, and nearly every truck-route passes by it at some point. It also has very good loot. Generally, your priorities for picking a location should look like this: 
1. Close to the Middle of the Map (makes surviving rings easier) 
2. Low Number of Players who drop there 
3. Loot 
You DONT want to drop at the very end of the convoy’s path. People have caught on to doing that, it’s probably more risky than dropping super early at this point. 

The ‘Loot’-Phase

This is where the fun begins. This is the phase just after dropping where you pick up loot to fight any people who dropped in the same location as you (and your squad). If you find you die too often here, here are some tips: 

  • Make a Choice between going for the big loot pile or the small loot scraps. If you’re confident in your gunplay, you’re best off grabbing the first thing you find and chasing down whoever else dropped before they can react. If not, grab some scraps and gtfo or wait for your team to do the same. 
  • Open up your Ears. Listen for how many thuds you hear. Turn up your Volume if you have to and can do so. If you’ve got a 4-er squad but hear 5 drops you know that there is one additional person, and that you need to kill them ASAP, or they might grab a gun before you can and wipe your team. 
  • Prioritize Fast Loot. During this Phase, it’s a free for all. Grab whatever is closest. Grab that Glock that’s right at your feet and dump the mag into someone, don’t run for that Grenade Launcher on the balcony and get domed by the guy who just picked up said glock. Even a smoke grenade can make a difference. Worst case, you’ve just taken away the loot someone else could have picked up to kill you with. Best case, you have just killed someone. 
  • Listen and Watch for Respawns. People sometimes deliberately die after getting the normal respawn to get back to your area ASAP and get revenge. It happens more than you would think. 
  • Let People Flee. If they are running away their either dropped in the wrong location, got some loot and want to get out of the hot zones, or got one piece of really rare loot they want to escape with. If they hop in a car and drive off, don’t waste what little ammo you have in this stage on trying to down them half a mile away where you won’t be able to get their loot.


Once It’s Quiet


After the initial violence has quieted down, which might have happened instantly if you dropped in a desolated area, it’s time to get your gear in order. What you get now may determine just how you play the rest of the game. While your build at this point is totally up to you, there are some things IMO that allow you to snowball into ridiculous combos and should be kept, or things that have great utility: 

  • Multiple Speed Blessings. Turn into a gosh-darn speedster. Stack them. Tactical Maneuver and Speed are best. The Hunt is good but useless right at the start without kills. Dash kinda blows. Combine with spray and pray weapons and become extremely annoying to fight. 
  • Fast Barrel + Sniper. If you can get your hands on a fast barrel and some kind of sniper weapon, and preferably also an 8x scope, plant your posterior on the nearest high point and camp like a Survivalist. Fast Barrel is dummy OP if combined with an AWP for example. You’ll barely need to lead shots. Bonus Points if you manage to get Ice or Poison or both as well. 
  • Weapon Master. Weapon Mastery is, probably, one of the best blessings in the entire game. No Joke. It makes your guns better at everything they do. Combine with a weapon that usually has high recoil for maximum carnage. If you manage to get enough of them you can turn a minigun into a laser beam. 
  • Special Grenades/Meme Guns. Distilled TABG essence. Grab yourself some of those nuke grenades, cluster bombs, bouncy nades, snowglobes, grappling hooks, spell books, etc. Having one can be a game changer. Having multiple can win a game. Stack the grenades with the Mad Mechanic Blessing for maximum chaos. 
  • Laser Guns. They turn the game into a point and click adventure game. No leading shots, no accuracy, just click when the thing is pointed at the enemy and win any firefight.

Also, extremely important, share your items. A quick ping on a blessing you don’t need can go a long way. 

The ‘Migration’-Phase

This is the phase when your first location is either empty or the ring is forcing you to move or it’s getting too hot. Follow these four easy steps to survive this Ez Pz. 

  • 1. Don’t think too much about the next location. Just go to what is closest, it does not matter much. 
  • 2. Avoid Direct Lines. If you walk from A to B in a straight line and stop near B to scope it out you will get seen or flanked and die. 
  • 3. Look Left and Right. It’s that easy. Just occasionally look left and right to see if there is another group taking the same path. Nice and simple. 
  • 4. Don’t Use cars or Bikes. Don’t. Don’t even think about it.

Now, before you go “Oh, but that one Guy, why don’t you like cars? They’re so nice and fast!”, stop and just THINK about what you are doing. Think about how many times you,later in a game, were able to see someone or hear someone comming thanks to them driving a car. Remember just how l o u d those things were? If you drive up to a potentially in habited location in a car, you are slapping your Vienna Sausage onto the table and shouting ‘HERE I AM, COME GET ME’, to everyone in a mile’s radius around you. 
Of course, if that is your intention go right ahead. But don’t hover around your team-mate who is making no effort to get in your moving fog-horn of a noisemaker and ruin their stealthy approach. Instead, be the moving dummy grenade that you make yourself while moving in a car. Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you can get a solid shot onto anyone from a car, and you’ll get stunned for a bit after jumping out at any speed above ‘Grandma at the Wheel’. 
Bicycles however are great. They can hold 3 people, are quiet, and when going downhill can get incredibly fast. Uphill, you are better off walking. They’re also not completely quiet, so be aware. 

The ‘Combat’-Phase.

When you arrive at your second location you are likely to find other people and have a first fight. If not, see the Loot Phase. 
There is no tips i can give you other than ‘Hipfire is really good in this game’ and ‘Just throw whatever you have at the wall and if it sticks you win the fight and get much stronger’. 
Really, that’s it. Except maybe ‘Jump like a burning Rabbit’. 

The ‘Sheep’-Phase

This is the Phase when the Circle starts shoving you closer to each other. And honestly, at this point, I can’t really help you. Just… try to survive. This is the hardest phase of the game. Avoid encounters, stay quiet, let the other Squads grind each other down, loose members, so on. 
If you HAVE to fight, use overwhelming force. Don’t let the battle draw out. This is the time to use your best grenades, your best guns, your wacky tactics. Don’t be scared to waste ammo here. 
Heck, improvise. Throw a launch pad grenade at someone’s feet to catapult them out of the fight for a little while. Use a car as a distraction. Dive bomb down onto people from up high. Commit your flesh and soul to (insert diety here) and die a Martyr’s Death by running in guns and grenades blazing. Cover is your friend. Speedsters shine here, so be careful. 

The ‘Decay’-Phase

This is it, the final battle. Throw whatever things you have left at the enemy and see who wins. It’s all combat from here. Then hope and pray that there is no hacker glitched under the map who will outlive you, or that the last other squad isn’t currently on the bench for an MLG team. 
Good Luck. You’ll need it. 
The rest is for you to discover and figure out. 
PS. Sorry for my spelling mistakes, if there are many. I tried. 
PPS. Try launching off of a pad and landing on the same pad again. Thank me later. 

Written by That one guy

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Totally Accurate Battlegrounds – How to not die & Maybe also do well; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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