The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – All Smugglers Cache + Loot & Secrets

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – All Smugglers Cache + Loot & Secrets 1 -
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – All Smugglers Cache + Loot & Secrets 1 -

Welcome to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – All Smugglers Cache + Loot & Secrets Guide.

This guide will assist you in avoiding time wastage that could result in significant profit loss when you attempt to gather smugglers’ cache loot at the wrong times. There is also a smuggler’s cache nearby that is not indicated on a map.

What to loot, and why

  • Looting the smuggler’s cache is a great way to start your quest for Grand Master gear. All loot from the smugglers cache is level-based. If you find all of them at level 17 (, all weapons, armour, and enchantments you get from them will be at level 17 or slightly higher. When you start this quest, you will have a higher level, allowing you to get better loot.
  • Your loot can be sold in Toussaint for the highest price. The blacksmiths in the area have the most money and will purchase your loot at the highest possible price. If you have them early, you won’t be able to sell them at the highest prices.
  • You will only get more weapons and armour at higher levels that can be dismantled to make Dimeritium. It is cheaper to dismantle armour and weapons to get Dimeritium than to buy directly from the merchant. End game gear will require a lot of it. You will need it, especially for Grand Master gear.
  • To sum it all up, you should only loot once you have hit blood and wine and need funds to purchase grand master gear. Sell any armour or weapons that give Dimeritium.
  • Additional tip: You can also dismantle sea shells by killing all enemies who guard the cache of pearl smugglers.


Secret unmarked smugglers’ cache

Here’s the red-circled location of another cache used by smugglers. It must have been an oversight by developers, and they forgot to add it a question mark on the map.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - All Smugglers Cache + Loot & Secrets - Secret unmarked smugglers' cache - 69F9EC0


Written by Nazran

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