The Lost Art of Innkeeping – Story Achievement Guide

The Lost Art of Innkeeping – Story Achievement Guide 1 -
The Lost Art of Innkeeping – Story Achievement Guide 1 -

This is a simple guide to achieving this amazing game. We hope you enjoy it!


Hi! Hi! It was a charming and cute game, so I was surprised that no guide exists. This guide should be helpful, even though it isn’t perfect (. It could use some improvements).

Story Related

These achievements are quite self-explanatory. Unless you’re trying to avoid them, you can get them by simply playing the game. If you have difficulty accessing the Cave or Ruins, refer to the “Inn Ratings” section of this guide. These are requirements to earn additional stars for your Inn.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - DDBB674 My First Guest

Register your first guest.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - 565CC6B My First Ad

Design an advertisement.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - 35D8EA8 My First Reservation

Reserve a room to accommodate a guest

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - 4C6B6AD No Vacancy

All five rooms in the inn have been occupied.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - 178691F Country’s Best Inn

At least four rooms must be occupied to achieve a guest rating of 140 or more

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - BF149D3 Remarkable Ruins

The ruins can be accessed from the street.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - F16ACC0 Splendid Spelunking

The coral cave is now open.

Inn Rating

This article outlines all the requirements for obtaining additional stars for your inn. They are not difficult, but I will list the solutions for each one in case you get stumped.

The “Earnx gold / Guest rating” ones are fairly self-explanatory and should be easy to remember as long as you do your best to make each guest happy.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Inn Rating - FFA9CD1 One Star

Get a one-star rating


  • Get rid of rats.

    Lance will do it for you on Day 2, as long as you provide a place for him to stay in.

  • Get rid of spiders.

    Robin, Sparrow will appear during Day 4. Book a room for them. They will exterminate all the spiders for your benefit!

  • Average guest rating higher than 35

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Inn Rating - 2EC2EED Two Stars

Receive a two-star rating.


  • Hire a maid
  • HIre a chef.

    Kathryn or Emily will appear in the manor on day 6. Simply book them in and get a rating greater that 0 to convince them to come to your place.

  • Four guest rooms available.

    Frank’s house will be open after Rudolph visits the manor. Talk to Rudolph to convince him to fix the manor.

  • Earn at least 180 Gold in room revenue

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Inn Rating - B840D18 Three Stars

Get a three-star rating


  • Hire a receptionist.

    – On day 12, Beth will move in with Meg to the farm north from the manor. Talk to Beth inside the house, and she will offer to help you in exchange for a telescope. You can get it by helping Nobby to upgrade his store. He’ll then sell you one for 150 Gold.

  • Unlock the wine cellar

    Two things are needed to unlock the wine cellar: a hammer, and grease. Frank has the hammer (and it hangs on a wall). To get the grease, you will need to lend 1000 gold to Nobby to upgrade the store.

  • Tips earn at least 120 gold

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Inn Rating - 2E1596F Four Stars

Receive a four-star rating.


  • Hiring a gardener.

    Tim will be at the inn as a guest. You just need to give him a room, and he’ll do your gardening for you!

  • Hire a bellhop.

    Remus must first be unlocked in order to hire him. You will need to help Meg cultivate her crops. She will eventually ask you to help her with a problem with wolves. Hire Lance and he will get rid of the wolf, unlocking the ruins. You’ll find Remus among them. Talk to him and he will work for you as a bellhop.

  • Furnish the lounge.

    – Talk to Frank about the plans for the manor’s construction after you have unlocked the wine cellar. You’ll find a hidden room with items that you can furnish the longue with. However, you will need to hire the gardener as well as the bellhop to move them.

  • Profit at least 500 grams

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Inn Rating - 7F90AD0 Five Stars

Receive a five-star rating.


  • Hire a boatman

    Charon will be happy to share a room with you in your inn. He’ll also offer to work as a boatman. You should not allow pets in your inn. Charon doesn’t like animals and won’t stay with you if you don’t.

  • Get the suite.

    To unlock the suite, you will need a Darius doorknob. This is what you will need to unlock the cave and explore it. You will need to book Robin or Sparrow again in order to open the door. To get them to come back to your home, you will need to book Robin and Sparrow again. Do not hire a maid for more than a few days. They will return to infest your home again!

  • Earn at least 1,000 gold profit and have a guest rating of over 100 for all five guest rooms.


Missable Achievements

These achievements cannot be redeemed and require you to make certain choices or take specific actions in order to unlock them. These achievements are listed in the order they are most likely to be unlocked. Some of these are not compatible with each other, but you can still unlock them all in one playthrough if you save and load at just the right time.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 221EFE8

Pays to be Nice

Get the best possible discount from your carpenter.

– George will ask for a place to sleep for the night right after the tutorial.

The last option is “You poor thing.” You can always stay the night. This achievement will give you the greatest discount the morning after!

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - D8EBB3B Free Lunch

Repair the manor for free

Frank should be asked to lower the price when you discuss the possibility of repairing the manor. He may even offer to fix it free of charge. This will help you later. Outsmarted You can also achieve success!

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - D5AE3F4 Altruist

Shopkeepers can purchase supplies by giving them money, without strings attached.

– If Nobby asks for 1,000 gold to upgrade his shop’s equipment, select the option “I’ll happily lend you the money – I don’t have you to pay me back!” This achievement is possible. This will also reduce the time it takes to upgrade his shop by one day!

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 0C59547 Pet Lover

Wodehouse was told that you loved pets.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - EE03758

Not a pet lover

You were surprised to find out that you don’t like pets and received a very valuable gift at the surprise party.

Day 12 – You’ll need to Distract Wodehouse by using a fishing rod to get into his bedroom.

When he returns, he will ask you if your pet is a pet. You will immediately be awarded the “Pet Lover” achievement if you say yes. Only after you have repaid the loan and gone through the surprise party scene at end of the game can you unlock the “Not a Pet Lover” achievement.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 73D9882 Ghost Buster

Get away from the ghost.

– Day 14 A ghost will visit the inn at nights. Listen to the guests during checkout phase to discover which room the ghost visited. Keep it empty and hide it in the next day. Rudolph will be the “ghost” you’ll receive a clue. This achievement is possible if you confront Rudolph.


After exposing Rudolph, you can ban him from the manor. This will prevent you from the “Outsmarted” achievement.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 52423A0 Merry Merchant

Johan will send you a gift

After making Johan happy and booking him for a few times, he will gift you one of the following items. This achievement is yours if you choose the one you love the most.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - BE8979A Matchmaker

Lance met Gwen and fell in love.

– Book a room for Lance and Gwen each time they show up at the same moment. You will eventually be asked by one of them to help you propose the other.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - DA9A169 Vibrant Village

All buildings in the village, including the fountain, have been renovated, occupied, and/or built.

Here’s a list with all the steps you need to achieve this achievement:

  • Nebby’s store can be upgraded
  • Upgrade Iolanda’s cafe
  • Give Darius the coal from the cave to upgrade his blacksmith shop.
  • Repair the fountain by Booking Kyle and his family, and talking to him during free time.
  • Get 3 stars by the 15th day to build the Train Station
  • Help Meg grow her crops
  • Yuna should move into the village (related)

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 8323969 Buried Treasure

Get the painting of the couple.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 95924F7 Mystery Solved

Uncover the secret behind Aunt Agatha’s inability to borrow money and uncover Rudolph’s deceit.

– To solve the mystery, you must be able to Find all the paintings Aunt Agatha kept in the manor.

There are four total:

  • Weaver at work, located under the rug on the 1st floor

  • House With Rose Bushes, located inside orange room’s fireplace. Neko was able to recover it by booking Neko for a night.

  • River Flowing through a Field, located in the secret room of the wine cellar

  • Painting a Tree, found in the Suite

Once you have collected them all, you can start to organize them. The magnifying glass inside the wine cellar will allow you to examine them. These magnifiers will reveal many places in the village that you should investigate.

  • Yuna’s loom

  • The middle-rose bush is located just outside of the manor. You will need a spade to get this one, which can be found in the cave

  • The rock is located in the middle the river just outside the manor. You’ll need to hire Charon to reach this one. Talk to him during your leisure time.

This will result in a better product. If you have a blueprint to make a key, Darius will make it for your after he has upgraded his shop.

Once you have it, you must use it. You can find the cave on the left side. Once you get there, you will be prompted to open the chest. You’ll unlock these achievements by opening it with the key Darius gave you.


Rudolph will find the mystery and lock you out of these achievements if you wait too long. To learn more, read the description of the achievement “Outsmarted”.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 74C75A3 Goodbye, Rudolph!

Expose Rudolph’s evil deeds and drive him out of the village.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - F3D6B02 Beautiful Roses

Rudolph will give you the painting of roses that hangs on his wall.

– Once you have solved the mystery surrounding the manor, you will need to Rudolph can be confronted about his vile deeds. You have two options: expose Rudolph and force him to leave (. This will get you the “Goodbye Rudolph!”) or ask for the painting to be hung on his wall in return for your silence regarding the “Beautiful Roses!” achievement.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 674A595 A Good Deal?

Rudolph buys paintings.

– At the end of the game Rudolph will ask for you to sell him the paintings that you’ll find in his manor. Accept and you will unlock this achievement.

Missable Achievements Pt. 2

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 85E6B5A Adventurous Eater

Willingness to try new foods.

You will need to hire your chef often and have a lot of time to talk to her. Sometimes she may ask you to try a new type of food. You’ll be able to achieve this feat if you do it enough times!

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - A1B325F Lost and Found

Return 10 items that you have lost or found to your guests

Hire your maid as often and as often as you can, and talk to her when you have the time. You might be able to give her items that guests have lost. If you do this enough, you might be able to return items to guests who have lost them at check-ins.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 7DA5DCF Pranked the Prankster

Play a joke on the prankster

You will be able reserve a room for Joe Robin April and Lou shortly after you purchase a phone. This will allow you to reserve a room for Joe, Robin, April and Lou. End up with them not showing up . Reserve a room for them again You’ll soon realize it’s a prank.

Investigate Anyone in the village who has a phone You’ll be amazed at the results. Frank .

Confront him and choose the best option. Play a prank on him to get revenge.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 0396716 Repeat Customer

A guest stayed eight times before Day 30.

– This is pretty obvious. Lance and Irene are easy guests to book as they show up often and don’t require much. But, I’m sure you could do this with other guests.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 9009CC6 The Royal Family

You can host the royal family.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 1194783 Royal Warrant

Fulfill all royal family needs and get the Royal Warrant

The royal family will be visiting your inn near the end of the game. They will ask you for advice on a specific activity during check-in. They will point them in the right direction (, and they will say building / activity upgraded to). Both of these achievements will be available the next morning.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 4E8F285 Full Ensemble

The inn was home to all four opera singers on the same day.

– Once you have booked all opera singers at least once, they will all show up at the same moment during day 27. They are Ulrica (Igor), Siegfried, and Susanna. You can unlock it by giving them all a space.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 749213D National Treasures

Bring the gold sword and the gold plate from the ruins to our national museum.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 3E7E4A0 Private Collection

Display the gold sword, and the gold plate from the ruins in the manor.

After unlocking the ruins you can book Idaho to take him on a tour of the ruins. He’ll be there to talk with you about the missing pillars. They are found Talk to Frank inside Frank’s home and he will give you the back if he asks.

Book Idaho again, and this time he’ll tell you about A treasure found in the ruins . It is available here You will have the option of selling it to a museum, or keeping it for your personal collection.


The “Innkeeping Expert”, achievement will be canceled if you sell the sword to the museum.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements - 95924F7 Art Connoisseur

Discuss the six paintings that Aunt Agatha owns with an art expert.

– Once you have attained 5 stars and all the paintings are complete, promote your hotel in the best possible way. This will help you to get more customers. Pablo, the expert in art, will be interested. He will offer to purchase your paintings. You will not be able to sell any of his paintings and you will achieve this achievement.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Missable Achievements Pt. 2 - 96D213D Golden Goose

In a single day, you can make a profit of 1,500 or more gold

This is the profit from bookings and tips at the end a day. Selling items do not count towards this achievement.

You can activate as many amenities as you like and book every room for the most wealthy guests. You can play with the price but ensure that each room is occupied.

Dickens Books

You will find 15 books scattered throughout the game’s world. These books can be used as collectibles. Once you have the entire collection, you can either sell it or keep it to give your inn an extra boost.

Here’s a list with all the locations and how to find them, in alphabetical order.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 5973981 Book Collector

Find all 15 Dickens books.

1. Dombey and Son 7th Book (- You will find it in Iolanda’s cafe, at the table near the entrance.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 10E60C3

2. Hard Times 10th Book (- Found in a crate in Darius’ shop.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 15C5946

3. Martin Chuzzlewit 6th Book (- You will find it in the cabinet in the manor’s living room.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 54327EB

4. The Old Curiosity Shop (4th book) – Purchased from Nobby at the shop.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 3D35D87

5. Nicholas Nickleby 3rd Book) Located in the library of the manor.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - EF17A0D

6. Our Mutual Friend 14th Book (- Found in Frank’s house on a barrel.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - F59BA11

7. Great Expectations 13th Book)- MISSABLE

Rudolph has this book in his house. He will only allow you to access it if you ask him to stay in your inn.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 6B072C8

8. Little Dorrit 11th Book (- Found on a shelf in Meg and Beth’s house.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 4650652

9. Barnaby Rudge 5th Book (- It was found in the manor’s wine cellar.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 272B422

10. Bleak House 9th Book (- Accessible from Woden’s room after distracting him using the fishing rod.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - F0AC960

11. David Copperfield 8th Book) Found in Yuna’s shop on a cabinet.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - C002482

12. The Pickwick Papers 1st) Book (- Hidden in the secret room of the wine cellar is this piano.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - D21828F

13. Oliver Twist 2nd Book) Talk to Remus during set-up / leisure time, and he’ll give you this book.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 0580F35

14. The Mysterious Case of Edwin Drood (15th book) – It was found in a cave crate.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - 0BB3C13

15. A Tale of Two Cities (12th book) – You will find the final book within the manor after solving the mystery of the manor and digging up Agatha’s treasure.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Dickens Books - F0C0EA2


Achievements that require following a particular playstyle or reaching a particular ending.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Endings - 3374024

The Manor’s Owner

Pay off loan.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Endings - 2A7ECBB A Challenging Month

Classic mode of repayment

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Endings - 237ECD7

Good value for money

You can pay off the loan without increasing prices beyond the Cheap’ threshold.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Endings - D8C6F1C Innkeeping Expert

You can pay off the loan without having to sell anything you find during the game.

– I recommend that you complete these four achievements simultaneously, but you can also do them in two different playthroughs or more to make things easier.

It’s easy to pay off the loan without selling or raising prices above what is reasonable. Invest in aminities, up-grade stores, and make stars as soon as you can.

I recommend saving your setup time and going to check-in to see how you can set up your rooms. Good luck!

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Endings - 242A658 Co-owner

Pay off a portion of the loan and enter into a profit-sharing arrangement with the bank.

This is what you must do in order to accomplish this. You must have a minimum of 12,000 to 19,999 gold in order to reach day 30, and no more. If accepted, you will be asked to co-own the manor with the bank. This will unlock the achievement.

This is an easy way to do it. Get the desired amount of Gold, disable all advertisements and aminities, and continue to go through each day without booking anyone until day 30.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Endings - C459051 Outsmarted

Someone outsmarted your efforts to find the hidden treasure.

This achievement is possible only if you do the following: Rudolph will find Agatha’s treasure for you.

This is the quickest way to do it. Frank can fix the manor at no cost at the beginning of the game. This will Rudolph will arrive at the manor on day 25 and ask you to let him examine the allegedly toxic materials Frank used to fix the walls.

Accepting it will make it so After a few days Rudolph will locate the treasure. This achievement is possible by going to the hills nearby the farm and interacting with the chest.


After exposing Rudolph as a prankster, you can ban Rudolph from the manor to prevent you from achieving this achievement. Be careful!

New Game +

These achievements can only be unlocked once you reach NG+. To unlock these achievements, you must repay the loan in a normal game. While you won’t be able to retain any of your previous playthroughs, you will unlock a few items that will help you out.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - New Game + - 72CC7C3 Aspiring Architect

Irene (gift+)

– Talk to Irene whenever she appears during NG+. You will eventually receive a gift from her, unlocking this achievement.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - New Game + - C29B6E0 Magnificent Manor

All upgrades for the manor can be purchased from the general shop and the tailor (,), new game+).

– In NG+ you will unlock Two new items were added: the Teleport Stone (purchased from Nobby), and the Pet Pillow (purchased from Yuna). This achievement is possible if you buy them together with everything else they sell.

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - New Game + - 02D6875 Aquatic Visitor

An aquatic visitor and her pet stayed at (new games+).

– This refers Sirena or Largo. They will only appear at your inn during NG+, which is near the end of the game. Keep an eye out for them!

The Lost Art of Innkeeping - Story Achievement Guide - Story Related - 178691F Everyone is Welcome

Every guest stayed at the least once (game+).

– This is self explanatory. Here’s a list you can keep track off of your guests:

  • Marie and Pierre
  • Irene
  • Kathryn and Emily
  • Jia and Lin
  • Ulrica
  • Gwen
  • Johan
  • Shirley and Walter
  • Rudolph
  • Idaho
  • Igor
  • Kyle, Ashley and Nick with Alyssa
  • Siegfried
  • Cleo and Anthony
  • Neko
  • Tim
  • Pat, Anya, Leya and Lukas
  • George, Axel, and Otto
  • Aqua, Terra, Ventus, and Ignis
  • Croesus & Lydia
  • Lance

  • Lance, Lupa

  • Sirena and Largo (ENG+ only)
  • Robin and Sparrow

  • Robin Sparrow and Mr. Turnip

  • Pablo
  • Susanna
  • Vicky and Alberto



There you have it.

If you have any questions or doubts about the guide, please leave a comment. I will do my best to help!


Written by Maid Lulia

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