Team Fortress 2 – Simple TF2 Unusual trading guide based on my experience of 2 years

Team Fortress 2 – Simple TF2 Unusual trading guide based on my experience of 2 years 1 -
Team Fortress 2 – Simple TF2 Unusual trading guide based on my experience of 2 years 1 -
The purpose of this guide is to show new players how easy trading can be and how to get started.


The first unusual

As a new player enters the huge world of Tf2, they are exposed to new things that other games don’t possess. One of these features are unusuals. These hats all have different effects and appearances. I remember the first time I saw an unusual was on a casual server, it was beautiful and bright. After that moment all I wanted was a unusual hat. However, I saw that all these hats were expensive and as a kid I did not have that kind of money. As Virtual Economist stated in his youtube guide, starting with 10 keys is the best option rather then experiencing pain like I did in low tier trading. On the verge of giving up, I managed to gather 10 keys which got me my first unusual. 

Low tier unusual trading

As I progressed in the trading scene, I started to learn more about what different words mean such as quicksell or buyout. Basically, a quicksell is a unusual sold under price for only keys or even cash and the buyout is the listing price of it. The first thing I ever did was to buy a quicksell, it took me hours to find the perfect quicksell but I managed to get a 18 key medic hat for 10 keys. This may seem like a great deal but the hat had a old price. Which gets me to my new point, “Cancer” trading. It is basically getting hard to sell items for a cheap price then selling it for its full price by offering it to someones hat. It is not easy to do since it requires searching for hours to 
find a hat that the owner may let go for the hat im offering. I did this over and over for 2 months which got me to about 400 to 500 keys. 

High Tier trading

High tier in my eyes are hats that are priced above 400 keys. These hats usually have effects such as 2013 halloween effects or the first gen effects such as burning flames. These hats need alot of experience to be dealt with since they are expensive and as a hat gets more expensive the amount of people who can afford it are less. My biggest advice would be to ask high tier trades before proceeding with buying a high tier hat. Another option is to do the market research yourself. Which is basically checking the previous sales and if the hats price is under 3 months old. Biggest advantage of high tier trading is the profits are higher. After high tier trading comes god tiers. 

God tier trading

God tier hats are the hats that are priced 1000 keys or above. Usually these hats are scarce and thats the reason they are expensive or maybe it has a iconic value similar to a burning flames team captain. These hats are also end game hats for most players since they are worth thousands of dollars and they do look great. Trading these are quite hard since it takes a lot of time to find a buyer willing to pay 1000 keys or above on a single hat. Id suggest staying away from god tier trading unless its a hat that could be resold easily such as hellfire exquisite racks. 

Written by Heads3z

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