Sniper: Ghost Warrior – Using FFmpeg to correct upside down videos (with full sound in game)

Sniper: Ghost Warrior – Using FFmpeg to correct upside down videos (with full sound in game) 1 -
Sniper: Ghost Warrior – Using FFmpeg to correct upside down videos (with full sound in game) 1 -
This is a guide using FFmpeg to correct upside down videos (with full sound in game)



The upside down menu, black and white videos has been a plague for many who paid for this game. Finally, after preserverance (madness is not doing things again and again expecting different results but it shows results when one is resolute), there’s a method to sort out this issue using FFmpeg (which require the use of a FFmpeg.exe file only and understanding the parameters to output quality videos). 

How to use FFmpeg commands

The WMV videos worked fine when viewed in WM player, etc. or other media players but shows up upside down in black and white when launched in game (intro and main menu). This guide can go on and on, about the many combinations of FFmpeg parameters that will solved the issues mentioned but when one is being finicky about voice cutting off in the opening intro cinematic, everyone feels short changed (eventhough when bought during sale). 
To cut things short, basic knowledge of DOS command prompt is required: 
1. Download FFmpeg.exe (just need this 1 exe file), other FFmpeg files are not required. 
2. Copy the FFmpeg.exe file into Steam’s ..\Sniper Ghost Warrior\Game\Data\Menu\Movies folder. 
3. Start the Command Prompt, then (using cd\), go to the folder mentioned above. 
4. Type md New, this will create an empty folder called New
5. Type for %i in (*.wmv) do ffmpeg -i “%i” -b:a 485k -q:v 0 “./New/%~ni.wmv” 
6. FFmpeg will process all the wmv files in this folder and store the output in the New folder. 
7. Type md Old, this will create an empty folder called Old
8. Good… Just type Exit to quit the DOS Command prompt to go back to Windows. 
9. Copy all existing original wmv files in ..\Sniper Ghost Warrior\Game\Data\Menu\Movies to the Old folder. 
10. Copy all wmv files in New folder to ..\Sniper Ghost Warrior \Game\Data\Menu\Movies and overwrite the existing original files. 
That’s it, enjoy watching flawless videos in game (now corrected in glorious colour with full complete sound without any voice truncations/stutters during cinematic intro 👍) 
Have fun, another issue solved! 

Written by Sha

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