Slayer Shock – Basic Rosa Engine Spawn Manager Config

Slayer Shock – Basic Rosa Engine Spawn Manager Config 2 -
Slayer Shock – Basic Rosa Engine Spawn Manager Config 2 -

This guide will explain the basics of the Rosa Engine SpawnManager, and how to adjust its behavior to change the gameplay dynamics.

Basic Information

Navigate to the Slayer Shock install folder (e.g., “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Slayer Shock”)

Create a folder within that called Mods (e.g., “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Slayer Shock\Mods”)

Create a file within Mods with a .config extension (e.g. “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Slayer Shock\Mods\spawnmanager.config”)

Paste the contents of this into that config file: – [] 

Tune as desired!

Configuration Parameters

# Minimum time between new spawn waves (randomly rolled each wave)
SpawnRateMin = 15.0

# Maximum time between new spawn waves (randomly rolled each wave)
SpawnRateMax = 25.0

# How long after spawning an enemy a particular spawn point can be reused
SpawnPointTimeout = 5.0

# Manager will try to maintain this ambient enemy population in low threat neighborhoods
TargetPopulationLowThreat = 4

# Manager will try to maintain this ambient enemy population in high threat neighborhoods
TargetPopulationHighThreat = 8

# Enemies won’t spawn closer than this distance from player
MinSpawnDistance = 6.0

# Enemies won’t spawn further than this distance from player
MaxSpawnDistance = 36.0

# Time in seconds to recheck relevance of ambient enemies (to despawn distant ones)
RelevanceCheckRate = 5.0

# How far from player an enemy is considered irrelevant (should be larger than MaxSpawnDistance)
MaxRelevanceDistance = 48.0

# How frequently to spawn a miniboss (e.g., every 5th spawn turn, or 60-120 seconds with default params)
MinibossSpawnPhase = 5

# Don’t have more than 2 minibosses around at a time
MaxMinibosses = 2

# How far into mission objectives the Big Bad can appear (0-1)
BigBadScoreThreshold = 0.5

# What enemy to spawn for ambient population (don’t change this)
SpawnEntity = “Chump”

# What enemy to spawn as a Big Bad (don’t change this)
BigBadEntity = “BigBad_Mid”

# List of minibosses… this formatting is confusing, but the weights are easy enough to adjust
NumMinibosses = &
@ Miniboss
@@& = “Tarrare”
@@^Weight = 1.5
@@& = “Taboo”
@@^Weight = 1.0
@@& = “Lupus”
@@^Weight = 0.5
@@^MinSeason = 2
@@& = “PumpkinKing”
@@^Weight = 1.5

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Slayer Shock – Basic Rosa Engine Spawn Manager Config, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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