Siege of Avalon: Anthology – Game Mechanics, Walkthroughs Tips and how to get the Achievements Guide

Siege of Avalon: Anthology – Game Mechanics, Walkthroughs Tips and how to get the Achievements Guide 13 -
Siege of Avalon: Anthology – Game Mechanics, Walkthroughs Tips and how to get the Achievements Guide 13 -

This guide covers everything from game mechanics, to walkthroughs and how to get the achievements, and finally locations for special equipment

Gameplay Basics

****This guide is currently under construction, right now Ch1 is finished, will do more as I can screen shot and inventory later chapters*****

Picking a Class and spending/saving TP

To start, your class doesn’t really matter for base gameplay mechanics, what it does matter for is which of the 3 “Optional” chapters you will be forced to play, and in those chapters, if you’ll have access to a class-specific quest.
During character creation you’ll have 10 TP to spend, I recommend not doing this right away except for getting a scout character to have enough strength to hold a bow, but even then wait until you get your beginner’s bow. In reality, you should be saving these points for trainer’s in each chapter as the upgrades they have available are always better than just raw spending points (exception being you can’t wield a weapon), so you should generally make sure you’ve bought all of that training for a chapter before you do basic upgrades.

Some combat tips

This game doesn’t have the best combat system ever so here are some tips to deal with the quirks.
When you are playing without party members you can do alot more kiting, alot of enemies have such long windups that you can dodge out by clicking far enough to trigger running for your character then dip back in and get a hit in, this works better in the early chapters before you have good gear if you are gonna do any melee fighting.
Early on being a mage is rather difficult (later it’s one of the easiest combat styles) due to restrictions affecting your ability to sling spells and your rather low mana pool. You can try being low armor, but it might be better to be doing melee as a backup for when you run out of mana.
Finally, if you picked the sneaky scout style of play and you’ll wanna get used to going for the stealth crits and trying to one-hit enemies. it is the safest playstyle while it works.

Some general tips on enjoying the game

When they released this game, the company’s slogan was “Played any good books lately” so I feel this game is best approached more like a book.
It is extremely dialogue-heavy with an expectation you figure things out by talking to all the available characters as you come across them, and the atmosphere is enhanced by lots of soldier’s journals that are left about their rooms and some books about the history of the various kingdoms of this world. If you don’t enjoy reading and getting connected to the characters then it might not be the game for you, and I’m not going to say it’s a groundbreaking masterpiece as far as writing goes (it was ahead of the curve with its digital delivery system during its initial release). But it is somewhat of an enjoyable page-turner in my opinion.
The setting is fairly standard fantasy stuff, but its treatment of the Sha’Ahoul orc-like peoples is pretty interesting and more in-depth than alot of other generic fantasy games, and the whole treatment of the game is the story of one siege on a single castle where everything takes place over a short time period is essentially this one location with the castle defenders trying to stop every trick the invading force pulls keeps it to a rather nice and concise narrative that doesn’t end up going down regular fantasy plot tropes too unnecessarily.
***make note of how difficult it may be at the start, and how the bowmen can seem deadly early
***make note of idiot follower AI problems
***make note of save early save often
*** South gate lvl 2 fast travel bug
***finish looting and quests before progressing through a chapter

Chapter 1 Pt 1 – The Castle Under Siege

Outer Keep Lvl 2 Pt 1

After reading the starting journal entries this chapter starts out with 2 scripted conversation events in the Outer Keep Lvl 2.
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The first is with your brother Corvus, you have the option here to tell him of your father’s untimely demise or lie about it, I don’t believe it has any story-changing or mechanical difference to the game so just RP how you imagine your character would here.
The second conversation happens immediately upon exiting your brother’s quarters, where a page will inform you that you should report to Captain Avarous in the Outer Bailey for training.
After those conversations, you should have a letter for your basic equipment requisition, which is just a mediocre starting weapon that you can go receive from Winchell the quartermaster. you can find better weapons lying around the castle unless you picked scout in which case you will get a bow that you could not get until you start looting the enemies’ corpses.
There is one sidequest you can complete at this point in the Outer Keep Lvl 2: Sealed With A Kiss
You can either start this by talking to Kent to discover that he’s stolen a letter from Madden, or talk to Madden himself (I think). Either way you can get the letter along with a rose (this rose has one of the highest charm stat bonuses for equipment in the game) and then return the letter to Madden (I believe you get TP for doing this). If memory serves Kent might have some extra dialogue after completing this.
Quick rundown on the other NPC’s I have marked on the map

  • Sir Roth – He will be in his locked quarters for a bit, you will be coming back here shortly
  • Mudam – You will be coming back to chat with Mudam in a little bit
  • Elarath and Sherard – Elarath will have a sidequest for this chapter later
  • Lord Harold – Once you get to chapter 3 he will have some tasks for you

Alot of the rooms have chests filled with basic equipment, though this floor doesn’t contain too many useful things.

Outer Keep Lvl 1

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The next area you’ll explore is the first floor of the outer keep. On first visit the only thing you should be able to do (other than reading journals in chests and talking to the NPCs) is to do the What’s In The Basement sidequest, there are some more equipment lying around in some of the chests, but nothing particularly noteworthy.
To start the What’s In The Basement sidequest you can speak to Anora or Bonnie over in the kitchen area (The head chef Anora likes to stand in kitchen areas that are hard to see sometimes so you may need to look around). With either start you’ll need to talk to Anora to get the actual request to go down to the basement near the kitchen. Once in there you will find 13 beetles that are eating the grain supply and need to be dispatched, you may have to poke around in corners to get all of them as they don’t always agro the PC for some reason. Once that’s done Anora will tell you to go have Davet fix the hole in the basement that the beetles came through. After getting Davet to agree return to Anora for some TP.
Before you head out you should make note of the secondary basement near the barracks and infirmary, there are a couple NPCs down there, but none are particularly important, what is important is there is some ok starting gear in some of the chests in the little barrack section in that basement where the NPCs are standing outside of.
Quick rundown on the other NPC’s I have marked on the map

  • Brother Crosby – He can heal you back to full, useful as when you first start getting into combat your recharge rate is slow enough that it might be faster to run back to him real quick and heal rather than try and wait, or continually die in encounters due to low health
  • Friar Massus – Will have a sidequest for this chapter later
  • Brother Mo – Will have a sidequest for this chapter later


Outer Bailey Pt 1

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To progress the main story you should go visit Captain Avarous in the training yard. If you want you can practice clicking on Mulduc or the Target Dummies but it’s not necessary as whenever you talk to Captain Avarous again you’ll trigger the next scripted event being available.
If you walk outside the training area after completing all necessary conversations with Avarous, Penrith will walk up to you with a scripted conversation, delivering you the bad news of how the force your brother rode out with earlier got destroyed in an ambush. At this point he will tell you to go speak with Calum in the South Gate Lvl 2, and that should be your next destiantion as there isn’t anything else to do in the Bailey right now.
Quick rundown on the other NPC’s I have marked on the map

  • Olon – You will be coming back to chat with Olon in a little bit
  • Lahren – You will be coming back to chat with Lahren in a little bit
  • Pellandrian – You will be coming back to chat with Pellandrian in a little bit
  • Freeman – Will have a sidequest for this chapter later
  • Wilfird – Sells leather good, the equipment is ok, but nothing you need, the leather cap might be the best item for head slot that doesn’t lower stealth in this chapter
  • Merchant Gall – Sell’s fancy good, I don’t think there’s anything really worth buying from him


South Gate Lvl 1

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For now this is an area you can just pass through on your way to the second floor, though if you’ve asked the right questions of other castle inhabitants they’ll point you to Lucan for a better starting sword.
This area also contains the merchant Holt. He sells rather expensive armor, it is better than alot of what’s available in this chapter but by chapter 2 or 3 you will probably have completely replaced it and the amount of loot you have to drag back and forth to purchase it is a bit time consuming, sometimes you just want to be a knight in golden armor though.

South Gate Lvl 2

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The cabinets lining the wall are empty up here, and there isn’t much in the few other chests in this area. You can proceed to Calum and he will have info that your brother might still be alive, you can then go confirm this with the seer Elazar nearby.
There isn’t much else of note on this level, but if your charm and perception are high enough there are some interesting conversation options with gate guard with the red tabard.

Outer Keep Lvl 2 Pt 2

At this point you’ll want to return to the Outer Keep Lvl 2 and visit Sir Roth. after talking to him you will then be transferred to Mudam’s scouting forces where you will be given orders that allow you to go out and explore the ruined village. One note on Sir Roths room, the script here used to be bugged (idk if any of the patches for this steam rerelease address this) but Sir Roth will run up to you every time you enter the room and continually give you the transfer to Mudam quest in your quest log when he does, so I recommend doing any conversations you want to in this room when you enter the first time, and you should plunder the one chest in his room now if you want the items from it to avoid a bugged quest log (it has some decent magic items for this chapter).
Now you can head over to Mudam’s room where you will have some conversations with him that take enough time for night to fall and be safe for you to go explore the village. He will point you to Olon in the inner bailey as someone you should speak to before you head out. (I do not know if talking to him is necessary before you head out, but he gives access to most of the other side quests in this chapter)

Chapter 1 Pt 2 – Exploring the Upper Ruined Village

Before You Head Out

At this point you should talk to Olon and pick up all the side quests before you head out. First Olon will want you to solve the issues between the lovers Lahren and Pell(andrain), you’ll have to get a little ways along this one before he tells you anything else. This is pretty easy as you just run back and forth between the two until Lahren finally agrees to go reconcile with Pell if you bring him a suitable gift (this is the Pell’s Sorrow quest).
At this point you can talk to Olon again and he’ll give you his personal quest (Case The Chest) as well as informing you that Friar Massus and Elarath might have some tasks for you to do while you’re out in the village as well.
If you talk to Friar Massus he will want you to retrieve the Chalice of Life(Fetch The Chalice) from the abandoned church in the village, this quest is highly recommended as I’m pretty sure you have to get some of the journal entries from visiting the church to complete the chapter anyways. He will also note that Brother Mo has request (though you can probably just go directly to Brother Mo without talking to Massus). Brother Mos request is the Fetch The Herbs quest.
Elarath should be the next questgiver you talk to for his task(Fetch the Amulet). What he tells you for info on where the amulet is is incorrect (on purpose), If you remember earlier there is a seer Elazar in the south gate with the ability to locate and see things, it’s a hard connection to make, but he knows where the amulet is, you can go talk to him now and complete the quest before heading out.
Final thing should be to talk to the blacksmith Freeman (Cold Hard Steel). Lucan mentions him if you ask about better equipment, and he does have a really good sword for you if you can fetch him some steel from the village.
Finally here is a list of the trainers, you should visit them and this is where your TP should be going first before you start leveling stats (unless you need to be able to hold your weapon)

  • Mudam – Outer Keep Lvl 2; he has training that suits scouting style tactics
  • Elarath – Outer Keep Lvl 2; he has training that suits casting spells as well as all the available spells in this chapter, I recommend getting heal at some point early during the chapter with every class as you will be able to fight longer while exploring the village
  • Lucan – South Gate Lvl 1; he has training that suits heavy armored melee fighting

At this point you can head out and start completing some of these tasks.

Village 1

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The main quest you can finish in this village is the Fetch the Herbs quest
There is a house directly down from the map entrance point with a garden on it’s left side. this garden area is filled with creatures called Merscwogs, they wont give TP unless you kill all of them in this area (there are about 7). they don’t have any loot, but it’s hard to get to the bush that has the herbs without killing all of them so I recommend doing so.
Only one Ahoul has story pertinent loot, and the rest are mostly filled with mediocre Items, though I’ve listed anything interesting below

  • Ahoul 1 – Has a magic ring that is pretty good at this point
  • Ahoul 2 – Has a hard leather armour that is better than what you probably have
  • Ahoul 3 – Leather kilt may be good if you don’t care about stealth
  • Ahoul 4 – Has a story important scroll
  • Ahoul 5 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 6 – Nothing of note


Village 2

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To the right of village 1 is village 2. This part of the village has the Item you’ll need for Lahren, as well as the entrance to the church which is important for story progression
Multiple Ahoul have important Items on this map, and you should potentially head back after finding Lahren’s gift to get the shadow spell as a reward for completing that quest (you’ll need this spell if you want to play ch 4)
After completing that quest you can also have Lahren translate the scrolls for you to figure out what the Ahoul are up to in the village (everything points to the church being important)
There is also a basement to visit with 1 spider you can kill for TP in the house with Ahoul 2 in it

  • Ahoul 1 – Has a great helm and some leather arm splints, useful if you want to start face tanking enemies
  • Ahoul 2 – Has a studded coif which is decent for most playstyles at this point, and is the first Ahoul with a bow you will come across
  • Ahoul 3 – Has a sapphire ring, may be useful as a gift 😉
  • Ahoul 4 – Has a Broadsword and a buckler, but you can find a buckler in the castle and I don’t think the sword is that good.
  • Ahoul 5 – Has a gold ring and the Axe of Confidence, which is a pretty good axe that deals elemental damage (useful in ch. 5), and should have the second scroll (lost track where I picked it up for a second but it’s on this map somewhere)
  • Ahoul 6 – Another Bowman, Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 7 – Leather Pauldron, Bandolier, and a Girdle, though the leather pauldron would probably be the only thing you take, and only if you’re going for heavier armour
  • Ahoul 8 – Another Bowman, fancy hat if you wanna RP I guess
  • Ahoul 9 – Has a mage robe, good for RP, bad for really any actual use


Chapter 1 Pt 3 – Exploring the Lower Ruined Village

Village 3

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Directly below village 1 is village 3. At the top of the map there are 2 basements you can enter with spiders in them. The one on the left contains the elven leather breaches which are decent but have a strength penalty so may not be adviseable if you can barely wield your weapon, the other one contains the steel bar for the Freeman’s quest.
In the mostly intact house there is 1 ahoul with a key to the chest, this is the house Olon was asking about, use the key on the chest to get the black boots of the shadows which are one of the better boots in the game.
At the bottom of the map there is 1 more basement but you won’t be able to visit that until you’ve progressed the story a bit.
If you bring the steel back to Freeman you’ll have to convince Penrith to send some men out to recover the rest of the stash, to do that you need to kill all enemies on this map, there are about 8 wolves and 10 Ahoul, you’ll know the wolves are all dead when your status box finally says you gain TP after killing them, and you’ll know the area is clear when your character has text saying so pop out right over his model on screen. After you finish the quest and get the officer’s sword (which is a pretty good sword for alot of the game) you can take it to Lucan to have it admired in conversation.

  • Ahoul 1 – Has a key ring to get in the chest in this house (the house Olon was curious about for his quest) and a breastplate that might be better than what you already have
  • Ahoul 2 – Has an Arming doublet, might be better than your current gear
  • Ahoul 3 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 4 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 5 – Has leather gloves and bracers if you haven’t picked up any hand armour, and a leather pauldron if you didn’t get one yet
  • Ahoul 6 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 7 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 8 – Has a ruby ring and a splint girdle
  • Ahoul 9 – Has a Kite shield, but you can probably find one in the castle earlier
  • Ahoul 10 – Nothing of note


Village 4

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To the right of village 3 and below village 2 is village 4.
Village 4 doesn’t contain anything except TP for killing Ahoul and some decent loot. There is one stairs to a basement but that doesn’t contain anything. I recommend doing this last right before you go to the church as it is packed with Ahoul and you’ll want to be somewhat proficient in combat to be able to take them down, don’t be afraid to run as there are quite a few and it’s easy to have multiple bowman kill you really quickly on this map.

  • Ahoul 1 – Has a key ring to get in the chest in this house (the house Olon was curious about for his quest) and a breastplate that might be better than what you already have
  • Ahoul 2 – Has an Arming doublet, might be better than your current gear
  • Ahoul 3 – Has Old Magic boots, but these tend to be pretty mediocre even right now
  • Ahoul 4 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 5 – Bowman, has smoldering ring which is ok
  • Ahoul 6 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 7 – Has chainmail which is pretty good for chest slots
  • Ahoul 8 – Has a steel kilt which is one of the best belt armours you can get
  • Ahoul 9 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 10 – Leather Armour and leather gauntlets that are a little worse than the ones with bracers protection wise but have no restriction
  • Ahoul 11 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 12 – Bowman, Has a tower shield, which is the best you’ll find for a while, but may have too much restriction for your character while fully armoured
  • Ahoul 13 – Has a scale Hauberk which should be good armour for the next chapter or so
  • Ahoul 14 – Bowman, Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 15 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 16 – Bowman, Has a Diamond ring that is pretty good for charm and perception
  • Ahoul 17 – Bowman, Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 18 – Nothing of note



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The first level of the church has some ahoul wandering about it, but you only need to kill the 2 at the end of the entrance hall with all the pews and the altar, the others in the courtyard area are just for TP and some loot.
There is a lone candle stick against the wall behind the altar, you can pull that to get access to the basement by the nearby secret door.

  • Ahoul 1 – Ruby ring
  • Ahoul 2 – Common steel pauldrons, these should be a decent upgrade for most tanks
  • Ahoul 3 – Amulet, though this is just to make you upset with Elarath when he says it isn’t his
  • Ahoul 4 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 5 – High splint boots, but I don’t think they are particularly great
  • Ahoul 6 – Another tower shield
  • Ahoul 7 – Has a mace and chain flail if you love having that kind of item as your weapon, you should have better from elsewhere in the village though
  • Ahoul 8 – Emerald ring

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Once in the Basement you’ll have to kill 3 Ahoul before you get to the shaman lieutenant who act’s as a kind of mini boss for this chapter and can be a pretty hard fight as he’ll be the first magic user you encounter.
Upon killing him you will get 2 more scrolls to take to Lahren and the Chalice of life which has some decent buffs, but can be turned in to Massus for TP and will add dialogue to alot of the castles inhabitants praising you for bringing it back. He also has the Signet of Latigid ring which is a rare minus restriction ring.
After killing the Shaman you’ll want to explore the hole in the wall behind him, you’ll get a journal entry about how the Ahoul appear to be digging towards the castle and you need to check the South Gate. At this point the 2 guards blocking the basement to the south gate will have disappeared and you’ll be able to investigate

  • Ahoul 1 – Steel Half Greaves, decent leg armour for the moment
  • Ahoul 2 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 3 – Bowman, Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 1 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 2 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 3 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 4 – Nothing of note
  • Ahoul 5 – Nothing of note


Chapter 1 Pt 4 – Finishing the Chapter

South Gate Basement

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Upon going down the stairs you’ll find Neci and Kelemen the guards from upstairs, but they will be hostile to you as you have just uncovered a group of traitors working with the Ahoul to build a tunnel from the village to right inside Avalon’s walls. At this point you’ll want to kill everyone in this basement and then report back to Mudam as to what has occured
Neci and Kelemen might have some armor pieces you want if you’re going for a heavier armor build
In a room along the way there is Naul who has the Giant’s Pauldrons which are some of the best you can come by due to the strength buff
At the end of the basement in the actual tunnel connecting to the church are Heflin and Hector, they don’t really have any equipment of worth taking by the time you reach this point in the game

Finishing the Chapter

After Telling Mudam of the traitors he will inform you that there has been a large humanoid seen near the library in the village (the stairs you could not previously go down in village 3. It is now time to prepare yourself for the final boss of the chapter, the Ogre that has been trapped by the Ahoul with your brother.
The ogre has some nice steel equipment, but depending on what you’ve purchased and looted you may only need a couple of the pieces if you’re going for the heavily armored playstyle. The club is really to slow to be useful, though you won’t be able to get another ogre club till way later.
Upon talking to your brother (if you finished the herb quest and brought the extra you’ll get a bit of dialogue here) and exiting the basement you’ll be teleported back to the Outer Keep Lvl 1 where you’ll get a scripted conversation with Sir Roth informing him on what happened, after this you can take your brother over to Brother Crosby for healing. You can also go give your final report to Mudam. At this point you can now move on to Chapter 2 by heading to the north most exit of the Outer Keep Lvl 1 (the double doors in the north direction, you’ll trigger a teleport when you get close enough)

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about Siege of Avalon: Anthology – Game Mechanics, Walkthroughs Tips and how to get the Achievements Guide; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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