Risk of Rain 2 – Environment log farming

Risk of Rain 2 – Environment log farming 3 - steamlists.com
Risk of Rain 2 – Environment log farming 3 - steamlists.com
Are you frustrated of that one stage that you can’t get the lore for?
Here’s a guide that may help you!


1. Prerequisites

1.Artifact of sacrifice 
2.Radar Scanner(or really good eyes) 
Optional(for an easier time): 
1.Artifact of command 

2. The (not so) fun part

(Optional) Start a multiplayer game with your friends, the more the better! 
1. Activate the sacrifice artifact (and command if you’re not a mas*chi*t). 
2. Pick the monsoon difficulty (and Loader for an easier time). 
3. It is highly recommended to find a Radar Scanner as soon as possible. 
Risk of Rain 2 - Environment log farming 
4.Now that you have the Scanner you can search very easily for the Environment logs. They’re marked as chests for some reason, see for yourself: 
Risk of Rain 2 - Environment log farming 
And because sacrifice doesn’t spawn chests (besides the legendary chests on Abyssal Depths and Sundered Grove) it’ll be very easy to see if there is an Environment log on the stage or you need to do another loop. 
Also sacrifice increases the chance of spawn of Environment Logs by a very little because of the same reason, the game doesn’t need to spawn chests anymore. 
Monsoon and 4-player multiplayer is recommended because more stuff will spawn and more stuff means higher chance for an Environment Log. 

3. The end

All of this won’t guarantee you the logs every time but a little higher chance is better than nothing. 
Thanks for reading! 

Written by DarkCat

Hope you enjoy the Guide about Risk of Rain 2 – Environment log farming, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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