Ravenfield – How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26

Ravenfield – How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 1 - steamlists.com
Ravenfield – How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 1 - steamlists.com

This guide teaches how to make Proper, No X-ray FLIR in unity 2020.

Getting Started

Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - Getting Started - AE75F40
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - Getting Started - 62ADD23
FLIR is a useful tool for Modern attack aircrafts. It allows you to seek the enemies easier in dark or smoke heavy environments. Many people including me have made a FLIR system previously, but due to lack of experiences, the units were visible through walls and grounds like a X-ray. Some talented modders including Thor have made a proper Thermal camera that don’t cause X-ray effect, But ravenfield is now had been ported to Unity 2020 and previous methods don’t work anymore.
With my great neck-breaking and eye-straining frustrations, I have managed to make proper FLIR in Unity 2020 for EA26 and future versions.
I really hope no more modders would suffer like me, so I decided to make a guide of making FLIR for Unity 2020.

Things you need

– Unity 2020 (2020.3.25.f1 is recommended)
– Unity 2020 toolspack (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PBHoEtdvtAkpQ3yaPSHbibtfO5EC6Onn/view) – [] 
– Post processing unity package
In Unity 5, various visual effects were available for camera but they are all gone in unity 2020. Instead you can use post-processing effects.
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - Things you need - 4319E6D
Post processing is not available by default, you need to download the package.
go to windows – package manager and select packages : unity registry.
then find Post processing package and install it.

How to make FLIR

1. you need 3 cameras and 2 render texture.
MMS camera back display ground and walls that are suppossed to be dark in FLIR.
MMS camera mask masks units in front of walls to make them transparent.
MMS camera unit displays units and background.
2 render textures can have exact same settings or not, your choice.
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - 49F6E88
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - 1951C02
2. assign camera mask components as these pictures.
(about Post processing layer, all 3 cameras have Default, water, ragdoll, vehicle, actor, capturepoint checked)
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - E07B78B
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - F43CC43
3. assign camera back components and apply post processing effect as these pictures.
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Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - 28DC8A7
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - 846C3DD
3. assign camera unit components and apply post processing effect as these pictures.
note that both back and unit camera should have same pose process volume. for some reason ravenfield can’t display more than 2 post processing effects at once. (Any unity experts please explain why this happens.)
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - 417827E
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - A38AA96
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - F648C25
The important factors are camera depth and rendering path.
if camera depth is not in this order the FLIR will look broken, and I recommend to use legacy vertex lit as this rendering path has very primitive graphics, which is rather suitable for FLIR and boosts performance.
4. put each render textures at 2 raw images and put them in the same position. the background texture should have darker color and higher order in layer, vise versa for unit texture.
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - 1D31270
Ravenfield - How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26 - how to make FLIR - E7073B3
then it’s finished.


while FLIR works fine in most maps, I found that my FLIR is not working properly in some of Sofa’s custom maps : Oblast highway, Archipelahgo revisitied, border highlands, and wooded hills
It is completely mystery why FLIR is bugged in these specific maps. I can only assume that it’s unity version issue, but most old maps that made before EA26 are working fine so It’s not really right.

Written by Hijong park

This is all about Ravenfield – How to Make Forward Looking Infra Red camera for EA26; I hope you enjoy reading the Guide! If you feel like we should add more information or we forget/mistake, please let us know via commenting below, and thanks! See you soon!

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