Project Zomboid – Zombies have feelings too – Zombie behavior and how to live peacefully with them

Project Zomboid – Zombies have feelings too – Zombie behavior and how to live peacefully with them 1 -
Project Zomboid – Zombies have feelings too – Zombie behavior and how to live peacefully with them 1 -
For far too long (Past 41 builds) zombies were the lowest level of population, needing to kill to eat and get killed to finally feel happy. They are the biggest civil group in KY and other parts of the world, with no rights and being shunned by those higher. This guide will seek to help this group, and maybe, finally have it co-exist with other groups.



Picture this:
You are coming home from a supermarket trip with some groceries in your bag, And you see streets filled with zombies. You are disgusted, but get a sense of sadness, seeing all these people striked by a virus, homeless and hungry. They start coming to you and try to attack you, but you commit self-defence and several zombies are dead on the street.

What you witnessed here is, a zombie’s behavior…

Zombie behavior

Suprise or not, zombies follow instincts and behavior in order to survive:

1. Physical stuff:
Strenght and fitness is something ALL zombies have. All zombies are unique, but with a normal eye, you can see 3 distinct “options” for both of those physical skills (strenght having 2 physical stuff with 3 options):

a. Fitness:
A: Shambler: These zombies were REALLY hurt by the virus, making them walk really slowly. Imagine a 80 year old without a cane
B: Fast shambler: A zombies very minorly hurt by the virus. Walks somewhat fast, but still a bit slower than those not hit by it
C: Sprinters: A zombie ENCHANCED AND MADE BY A DEVIL. These zombies will sprint at you (duh), so if you get into a horde of them…. Run FAST AS ♥♥♥♥.

b. Strenght:
A: Weak: Probably either very young/old zombie, or one with very little exercise. They will have a hard time getting grips on you, and in groups you could probably escape 5-6 of them EVEN if they were to swarm you
B: Normal: These zombies will be found most often. They will have a somewhat hard time getting grips on you, and about 3-4 of them can take you down.
C: Superhuman: These zombies were either bodybuilders before the infection, or the virus enchanced their overall strenght. Getting overrun with 2-3 zombies is basically death. If you are very weak , only 1 zombie can take you down, so even solo encounters are deadly if you’re not careful.

c. Toughnes:
A: Fragile: Either weak before the infection, or weakened by it, or severely decomposed. These zombies can be easily taken down, even with short weapons (if strenght and skill in that short weapon are good enough).
B: Normal: Most zombies are normal. They require a beating to be put down, but with enough force they can be 1-shoted, even with short weapons.
C: Tough: These zombies were probably used as meat shields or something. They require lots of force to be put down, and knocking them down is also a problem. You need a really strong and talented character to 1-shot them. Short weapons are also VERY weak against them. If you are weak, you will have big problems with these zombies.

Now, for the mental stuff…

Mental Stuff

This will cover most stuff mental, like hearing or eyesight:

a. Eyesight:
A: Poor – These zombies either had poor eyesight before infection, or infection damaged their eyesight. They will have a hard time seeing things, even if they are in front and near them. They also seem to be litteraly blind at night time, and have a very hard time to find lit-up rooms.
B: Normal – What you see most of the time. They can see you from a good distance away, and can can see lit up rooms pretty well. They still have poor eyesight in the dark.
C: Eagle-Eyed – These zombies are REALLY GREAT at seeing things, or Find Waldo. They can see you from great distances, maybe greater than your own. They can see during night time pretty well, and can find lit-ip rooms fast and easy.

b: Hearing:
A: Poor – These zombies will have a hard time hearing ANYTHING. Even a shotgun blast from 100-150 cells away might not be heard. They can be easily snuck up on, and any sound heard from inside a house, as long as it isn’t something like a shotgun blast or a grenade, will be silent.
B: Normal – These zombies have normal hearing properties. They will hear a shotgun blast from normal cell distance. Sneaking up on them is also normal, but any sound inside a house will be decreased but can still be heard.
C: Pinpoint – These zombies will hear sounds from EXTREME DISTANCES. Shotguns blasts could be heard from up to 300+ cells. Sneaking at them is hard, and sounds in houses could be heard easily.

c: Smell:
A: Poor – These zombies have trouble smelling. They will only smell things like blood from extremely close distances
B: Normal – These zombies have no trouble smelling. They will smell things from a good distance away, but not a big distance away
C: Bloodhound – These zombies can smell you from great distances. These distances can be up to 30+ cells.

Cognition: And this is pretty easy to understand
A: Basic Navigation: These zombies will try to follow the target in the most straight way, even if it’s not the fastest way. For example, trying to break down a window, even if there is already a opened door near it.
B: Navigation: These zombies will try to find the fastest way to you or heard sound,
C: Navigation + Use doors: What’s above, but zombies can now open doors, SOO LOCK THE ♥♥♥♥ UP.

Some zombies can also be either nocturnal or not nocturnal (what was this named).

How to (Non-Violently) get rid off zombies.

There are many ways to transport zombies to other areas like forests or already looted places.

Something something shepheard:
Get a large group of zombies using screams or loud objects.
Have it follow you somewhere.
When you are at the location, run away as fast as possible.
The zombies should be stuck there for some time

There are more ways, But I don’t have time to get ALL of them in here

Why use Non-Violent ways?

Before you say, No. Non-Violent ways are not the BEST ways to get rid of zombies.
I still think that zombies can be rid of way easier using Violent ways, But these ways can help you if you arent Strong and Fit, or skilled enough for Violent ways.

Hope this helped!

Written by YepThatsMyName

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