Portal – List of All Commands in Console

Portal – List of All Commands in Console 1 - steamlists.com
Portal – List of All Commands in Console 1 - steamlists.com

This guide contains all the commands I know about.

How to open the Developer Console

These steps will allow you to open the developer console:
1.Pause the game, go to options, and click on "Keyboard".
2. Next, click on the button labeled "Advanced".
3.Tick the box beside (Developer Console Enabled. You can also switch to fast weapons if you wish to)
4. Scroll down until you see "Developer console"
5.Click on it and then click Edit Key
6. Next, press the button/preferred keyboard key you want to use for the developer console (. Personally, i use)'s KP_ENTER key
7. Save it and exit from the pause menu. Next, press (the key/button that you selected). The developer console should now open.

Spawns (props for)

The props are like fallows
ent_create_portal_weight_box – spawns a standard cube
ent_create_portal_weight_box; ent_fire !picker skin 1 – spawns a companion cube
ent_create_portal_metal_sphere – spawns an edgeless safety cube
ent_create prop_glados_core: spawns a (core that can't be picked-up)
ent_create updateitem2: spawns a radio with no music (
ent_create weapon_portalgun: This creates a portal gun you can use to pick up your weapon.
prop_dynamic_create gladdysdestruction/gladdysbody – spawns GLaDOS
prop_dynamic_create gladdysdestruction/glados_junk_05_ – spawns Hoopy
prop_dynamic_create props/light_rail_endcap – spawns the end of a light rail
prop_dynamic_create props/light_rail_corner – spawns the pillar of a light rail
prop_dynamic_create props/lift_platform: spawns a lift station
prop_dynamic_create props/door_02 – spawns GLaDOS' chamber door
prop_dynamic_create props/switch001: spawns a button
prop_dynamic_create props/toilet_body_reference – spawns a toilet
prop_dynamic_create props/table_reference – spawns a table
prop_dynamic_create props/bed_body_reference – spawns a bed
prop_dynamic_create props/pedestal_center_reference – spawns a portal gun pedestal
prop_dynamic_create props/round_elevator_body – spawns an elevator
prop_dynamic_create props/combine_ball_launcher – spawns an energy pellet launcher
prop_dynamic_create props/combine_ball_catcher – spawns an energy pellet catcher
prop_dynamic_create props/glados_stairs – spawns the stairs within GLaDOS' chamber
prop_dynamic_create props_bts/glados_bunker – spawns the bunker in GLaDOS' chamber
prop_dynamic_create props_bts/glados_aperturedoor – spawns an incinerator
prop_dynamic_create props_bts/glados_screenborder_curve – spawns a screen
prop_dynamic_create props_bts/bts_turret- spawns an hanging turret
prop_dynamic_create player/chell — spawns Chell
prop_dynamic_create props/cake/cake-spawns a cake

Spawns (NPC's)

Portal 1
ent_create npc_portal_turret_floor – spawns a turret
ent_create NPC_Rocket_turret: spawns a rocket turbine
ent_create NPC_security_camera – Creates a security camera
The cores
Morality Core
ent_create prop_glados_core coretype 3 spawnflags 1048904 cycle 1.00 playbackrate 1.00 sequence 2 delaybetweenlines 0.40
Curiosity Core
ent_create prop_glados_core coretype 0 spawnflags 1048904 cycle 0.12 playbackrate 1.00 sequence 3 delaybetweenlines 0.40 skin 1
Intelligence Core:
ent_create prop_glados_core coretype 2 spawnflags 1048904 cycle 0.78 playbackrate 1.00 sequence 5 delaybetweenlines 0.10 skin 3
Anger Core:
ent_create prop_glados_core coretype 1 spawnflags 1048904 cycle 0.91 playbackrate 1.00 sequence 4 delaybetweenlines 0.10 skin 2
Half life
npc_create npc_barney
npc_create npc_alyx
(is not)
npc_create npc_breen
(is nothing and also dies in 1 hit)
npc_create npc_mossman
(is not)
npc_create npc_dog
(is not)
npc_create npc_citizen
(allows you to run in groups of four and avoid zombies, head crabs, etc.
npc_create npc_kleiner
npc_create npc_eli
npc_create npc_gman
(is not)
Metro Police:
npc_create npc_metropolice
(is not)
Combine Soldier:
npc_create npc_combine_s
(can attack your body and can also attack zombies. If the) grenade ammo has not been fully used, it can drop a bomb on death.
Combine Sniper (Instant Kill)
npc_create npc_sniper
(cannot move or shoot behind itself, but it can shoot you far away if they can see you. Being shot once by them instantly kills)
npc_create npc_seagull
npc_create npc_pigeon
npc_create npc_crow
npc_create npc_headcrab
(follows you around until it targets you and then attacks by jumping at)
Fast Headcrab
npc_create npc_headcrab_fast
(is the same as), but it doesn't have a jump cooling down and is faster.
Poison Headcrab:
npc_create npc_headcrab_poison
(instantly brings 1hp to you when it hurts. It has the longest jump cooldown of all the head crabs.) can't kill you and only 1hp to you.
npc_create npc_zombie
(moves around randomly until it reaches something. If it is killed by shooting only the legs or body, a head crab will jump from the dead zombie. A bomb that damages the zombie but doesn't kill) could cause it to become a crawler.
Fast Zombie:
npc_create npc_fastzombie
(is the same as), but it is faster, jumps at you, and can't become a crawler.
Poison Zombie:
npc_create npc_poisonzombie
(is the most powerful of all the zombies. It has 4 poison head crabs (3 of which can be thrown), and can also be turned into a crawler).
Father Grigori
npc_create npc_monk
npc_create npc_barnacle
(is a solitary agent that can only produce bones when it is shot)
City Scanner
npc_create npc_cscanner
(flies around until it targets the player. It flashbangs you with an attack, explodes when destroyed, and has a chance of dropping a battery (used to increase your health)).
Shield Scanner
npc_create npc_clawscanner
(is the exact same as above, except that it has a different look.) is the EXACT opposite.
Combine Dropship:
npc_create npc_combinedropship
(flies around)
Vortigaunt: (WARNING : This crashes the game when) is spawned

npc_create npc_vortigaunt
Strider: (is nothing)
ent_create npc_strider
) is a stalker.
npc_create npc_stalker
Ichthyosaur (Cut half-life 2 enemy): Ichthyosaur does nothing)
ent_create npc_ichthyosaur
Half life 2 Turret
npc_create npc_turret_floor
(likes the portal turret, but can still shoot if picked-up, won't shoot together)


Buddha – You can take harm but not die
God – Invincible
sv_portal_placement_never_fail # – allows you to place portals anywhere (0 = off, 1 = on)
Noclip – Allows you to fly
notarget – Turrets won’t shoot at you
Impulse 101 – Get weapons from half life (. Use the mouse wheel to scroll through weapons in)
Impulse 200 – Removes portal gun texture (still can shoot)
fire_rocket_projectile – fires a rocket
Fire_energy_ball – A high energy pellet that can be used to light fires
cl_showfps# – shows fps for (0 = off and 1 = on)
sv_cheats #: Enables cheats (0. = off, 1. = on)
sv_gravity #- Changes gravity (600 is normal for)
Violence_hblood # – Disables blood (0 = off,)1 = on
Thirdperson – Your view is thirdperson
Thirdpersonshoulder – allows you to see thirdpersonshoulder
firstperson – makes your view firstperson again
host_timescale #- Changes game speed (1. Normal)
change_portalgun_linkage_id # – changes the portal gun linkage id for the user (0,1,2,3,)
Give weapon_portalgun – gives the player a standard portal pistol
Upgrade_Portalgun – Converts the portal gun from a stand to a dual gun
Kill – kills player
Bind – Still works with just a few commands
Showtriggers_toggle – Displays the triggers on a map
mat_fullbright # Disables shadows (0. = off, 1. = on)
map – Loads specified map
crash – crashes game
Killserver – Kills the server
maxplayers # – Sets the maximum number of players
ent_remove: Removes what you are currently looking at
ent_remove_all removes the specified entity


Alyx gun:
Weapon_alyxgun (is below you. To use it), you will need to press the pick button.
Hopwire () Cut hl2 weapon (A LITERAL BLUE HOLE GRENADE
ent_create weapon_hopwire
Hopwire_vortex 1 – It is required to make it work
Cubemap (debug weapon)
Give weapon_cubemap
Givecurrentammo – Get ammo for the weapon that you are currently using
These (vvv) are given to you by typing impulse 101
Aperture Science Portal Device for Handheld:
give weapon_portalgun
upgrade_portalgun (Orange portal)
Gravity Gun
Give weapon_physcannon
Give weapon_crowbar
Give weapon_pistol
357 Magnum:
Give weapon_357
Give weapon_smg1
Pulse Rifle
Give weapon_ar2
Give weapon_shotgun
Give weapon_crossbow
Give weapon_frag
Rocket Propelled Grenade RPG ()
Give weapon_rpg
Bug bait:
Give weapon_bugbait


ent_fire airboat enablegun 1 (add gun)
ent_fire jeep enableradar; ent_fire jeep enablegun 1 (add gun)
Jalopy: (WARNING : This crashes the game)

Ent_fire commands

ent_fire!picker skin # – Changes the skin of an object (0-10 –
ent_fire !picker open – opens doors
ent_fire !picker close – closes doors
ent_fire – will pick up the specified entity
ent_fire prop_portal fizzle — Removes portals you have placed
ent_fire toggle npc_rocket_turret – toggles rocket turbines


Written by StabbyBoi275

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