OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Playing? Players Review

OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Playing? Players Review 4 - steamlists.com
OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Playing? Players Review 4 - steamlists.com

Planing to buy OUTRIDERS? and you are not sure if is worth buying and play or not? We will try our best to tell you guys the positive and negative about the game and make your own decision!


OUTRIDERS was released on 2 April 2021, when we create this post is only a few days after the release! The game was developed by People Can Fly


The game was huge hype on the player’s community, and in only a few days we expect they almost reach or close to 1 million copies sold!


About the game:

Outriders’ brutal and bloody combat combines frenetic gunplay, violent powers, and deep RPG systems to create a true genre hybrid.

OUTRIDERS is a 1-3 player co-op RPG shooter set in an original, dark and desperate sci-fi universe.

As mankind bleeds out in the trenches of Enoch, you’ll create your own Outrider and embark on a journey across the hostile planet.

With rich storytelling spanning a diverse world, you’ll leave behind the slums and shantytowns of the First City and traverse forests, mountains, and desert in the pursuit of a mysterious signal.

Combining intense gunplay with violent powers and an arsenal of increasingly twisted weaponry and gear-sets, OUTRIDERS offers countless hours of gameplay from one of the finest shooter developers in the industry – People Can Fly.


OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Play? Players Review 1 - steamlists.com
OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Play? Players Review 1 – steamlists.com


OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Play? Players Review 2 - steamlists.com
OUTRIDERS – Worth Buying & Play? Players Review 2 – steamlists.com



The game has mature content! Only play the game if you are the mature legal age in your country!


Let’s see now some Players Reviews:

Thumbs UP Reviews:

TTV UnexplanedBacon

The most diablo like looter shooter I’ve played. Can’t really be compared to Destiny or the Division. Yes there is a cover system but it is rarely used for most of the classes. Plenty to theory craft build wise. Just finished the story and excited to see what the end game brings. Expeditions are like rifts or greater rifts from diablo 3 for those familiar.


Menphues (Kyle)

A fun game which feels like Gears of War mixed with Fallout 76 (Hear me out first) Overall a fun experience to play with friends.

Graphics: The graphics are pretty decent and overall nice to look at with some decent reflections, lightening zaps, etc, it’s all there and nicely optimised but visually it’s pretty to look at from sparks to lighting etc.There is a lot of particle effects like glitter which would make a parent cry at the though of glitter!

Audio: I turned the music off as usual but it has some decent sound effects ranging from the shotguns to assault rifles to fire buzzing to the basic wind, it’s all there adding atmosphere.

Controls: Controls can all be rebinded but my issue, is the same as others and I hope it is fixed in the future, but at the time of this review it is not. If you are an old school gamer who use the arrow keys (Which is what they are designed for) and use like END as reload, it does not work forcing you to use different keys for some things because the control remapping does not allow it.

Game-play and everything else after: So the game is third person moving from cover to cover, exactly the same as Gears of War with exactly the same linear pathline at the start because once you progress through, you can fast travel around, but still the map is linear in it’s approach.

When I mentioned Fallout 76 above, that is in the way your skills work. You assign skills to a skil tree with your clothing having abilities to make you strong, kind of the same as card system in F76, that’s the feeling I get. (Which is not bad just the closest thing to it)

You are a survivor on the planet Enoch, you get left, basically almost die and now have super powers, 3 to choose from but overall some nice and unique and towards end game you get some awesome looking gear.

No spoilers on story here, but lots of missions to go through and pick at, but I found the map being a little finnicky and tricky to navigate for it all, making it confusing at times.

You are third person with no FPS option unless you have a sniper, that is the only scope you get but you will be using dodge a lot with some fast moving aspect’s to the game.

Another annoyance, when casing my fire ability from cover, the character will stand up, case and then stay standing, like what are you doing!!! There are a few little niche bugs that are annoying but can be looked past for enjoyment aspect.

I do get the feeling a lot of ‘rinse and repeat’ in the game because it allows for repeating the same missions over and over for loot, pushing the difficulty higher each time.

As I write this review, they are having connection issue’s with the servers and that many people trying to connect but that will be fixed so have patients.

There are a decent amount of monsters the further you get into the game, unlocking them but you can raise and lower the difficulty mid game which is awesome.

Would I recommend, yes, it’s a fun game and can be co-oped with friends… When it’s working that is…



Looter-shooter must focus mainly on 2 things: loot and character progression. Outriders nails boths.
I will probably update this review with endgame impressions, but so far this game checks many boxes.

Loot it’s interesting and meaningful basically since the start, you don’t need to reach the endgame to start thinkiering with your build, even a blue (3rd rarity tier out of 5) can be build changing thanks to a mod.
Skills are unique and fun to use, setting every class apart from the other in terms of play-style.

Story it’s fine, very good for a looter-shooter, average for gaming in general. If you buy a game like this you’re probably focusing on other aspects, but it’s still nice having a story which is not completely garbage and forgettable. Cutscene direction it’s, imo, very poor though, which is a pity since it can ruin some good moments at times.

Graphics are good, not stellar but get the job done.

Bottom line, Outriders it’s FUN, and this is a good thing.

P.S. First week note: if you’re wondering why this game has 100k online players and 60% positive reviews, it’s mostly because the game’s servers had major issues during the first days. Problems that as I’m writing are mostly solved.



A bit of a rocky start (servers struggling on a few evening, crashes semi-regularly) but still one of my most enjoyed loooter shooter game and I’m really not a big fan of the genre to begin with.

The itemization is really great, the classes have a unique enough gameplay from one another.

The story is both cheesy and catchy and I’m quite enjoying it. The gameplay feels a bit rough at times (the cover system is an enigma) but the core gameplay loop of shooting big swarms of enemies and getting really cool mods on gear works perfectly. The adjustable difficulty setting is refreshing as you can have a very challenging campaign or a chill moment (rewards being adjusted too).

I wasn’t expecting much from this game and I end up really liking it, a big yes for me despite all the issues at launch (which should hopefully all be fixed over time).

It’s also worth nothing that the devteam has been flawless communication-wise so far and very transparent about the server issues and quick to fix them which is rare to see nowadays and very much appreciated!


Thumbs Down Reviews:


The game, IMO, was designed; NOT with single player in mind. That is why there is no offline mode. The difficulty to me is beyond my abilities, age is 71, so please spare me the “get gud” comments. Games like this are my nemesis, I love the concept but the concept hates me 😛

The game itself has great graphics and the story is bit “B horror movie” but still engaging.
The implementation just plain sucks. I put 57 hours into the demo and aside from being nearly impossible to log into initially; I had no bugs or problems. The fact that they had to ramp up there log in bandwidth should have been a warning sign. “Lets see, we sold 300,000 preorders, do you think a log in bandwidth of 200K is enough?”

Given the in game bugs and issues it looks like there was no QA play testing at all and many of the issues are linked to connection issues. Do any of you recall “For Valor”; that was a peer to peer connection as well and it sucked. Elite Dangerous is also “peer to peer” and it sucks, so what made me think this would be any better; only GOD knows.

Bugs I’ve encountered so far with 22 hours of game play, most of which was spent at the log in screen.

Multiple crashes on boot

Multiple crashes on the “anti-cheat” code failing to create an ID for me

Constant disconnects in the middle of a fight or just standing still looking at my inventory

Game elements failing to be active. specifically “press E to interact” This is not even on screen, which requires an exit to the lobby to fix and an exit to the lobby is an instant dump to desk top which then requires a minimum of 10 min to log back in. Granted this is sporadic and only occurs about 7 out of 10 times, but it shouldn’t happen at all

FPS drops from 160 fps to 5 which is, IMO related to the dodgy connections issues and not specifically to any given system.

Outriders is, for all intents, the Division without the cover mechanic. Yes, I know the I am not supposed to hunker down in cover, but the classes are, IMO, too single minded. I play the Technomancer which is supposed to be a “long range” class. The issues in this game is it appears that 20 feet is considered long range.

The really hard part to come to grips with is “I loved the demo and I spent 59.99 USD” and its a terrible dog. About as useless as a “soup sandwich”



The game had potential – but right now it is very difficult to get into.
It annoyed me enough to write down my first review, after using Steam for 8 years or so.

Firstly, I want to say i bought the game for the co-op experience with my bf and was sorely disappointed as it is almost impossible to play the game in its current state and enjoy it with someone else. For the purpose of this review, I will also note that both of us share the same fast and reliable internet connection and same high-end rigs.
Now, the main issues I have with the game are listed below:
– lagspikes, server issues – considering the game has -just- been release, I do hope these issues will be addressed. Right now, the connection to the servers is mandatory, meaning every time you crash, you lose progress – or, depending on a mission – need to restart it from the beginning. throughout one boss battle, either me or bf crashed 4 times – and since you cannot rejoin mid boss battle – guess what? We had to restart progress all four times until merciful servers finally let us go through.
– rubberbanding, enemies teleporting – sucks to be you, snipers. I had it more times than I can count. Somehow, my bf (the server host) has no issues mowing down the enemies – but the moment too many of them appear on the map, me as guest experiened rubberbanding galore. One second I am shooting this one pesky elite, the next moment they are on me and from 100% health I end up dead. I have no idea what happened nor how they got there. Before someone asks – no, the type of the mob did not have teleportation as part of its skillset. The amount of times when I aimed and shot at nothing because mobs decided to rubberband few metres away is just… too damn high and damn frustrating.
– Bodyblocking. One could say – ‘just don’t get trapped and you will be fine, alrite?’. Well. Yes. Usually tactical positioning is a life-saver in these situations. Unless you have dozens of enemies rubbernabdning and surrounding you. However, there’s no issue! Even as you die, you have one revive, right? So I click E… only for the game to revive me -inside- an epic mob. I cannot move. I cannot attack. I cannot -anything- as the mob quickly cuts down my health to zero.
– ‘Reload freeze’. I don’t even understand that bug, to be fair. Having ammo to reload with, my character just randomly decides that -you know what?- reloading is for suckers, let’s see how good I am at dodging the enemies attacks instead of actually responding with fire. So, throughout my shared co-op experience, I had few instances of 10-15s where I simply couldn’t attack back, for no reason.

The amount of glaring bugs, frustrations, server issues and the sheer inability to enjoy the content with someone else is definitely not worth the price. It needs a lot of fixing and I hope the issues will be addressed.
If you still can, refund. If you cannot – well, you and me, brother – I feel you.



Ok i really wanted to like this game. I was excited and gave it a fair chance, but i was severely disappointed.

Bad Things:
-good looking and diverse maps BUT extremely linear, no exploration… the map is in little instances so no big areal and
once you’ve been in a side quest area you can not go back there(unless u replay the quest <- not a good solution)
-you have the most unnecessary cutscenes -> traveling to a side area -> cutscene of you OPENING A F..ING DOOR ->
loading screen -> new area …. and that every single time
-the WORST map i have ever seen, no clue where you are or where some side quests are and no this does not provoke
-the same enemies for my whole playtime… footsoldier, melee, sniper, shotgunner… <- even the same for monster enemies
-Legendaries look amazing but they are NOT SPECIAL … just destroy them and you can have the same Power/skill on a
green pistol
-Weapons are boring in general … you only shot bullets, there are no laser beams, shock wave launchers, flamethrowers…
just boring everyday lead shooters
-calibrating gear is too easy, once you understand, that you can change the mods on your gear you can have a PERFECT
Build in like the first 5 Hours of the game
-Story just sucks, you dont care for any of the characters, your main char is the literal GOD in cutscenes , but dies in one
shotgun blast on worldtier 5
-Endgame is just running through maps with hundreds of the same enemies over and over again, timed, for some loot that
wont be better than the one you already have (because u calibrated it to be best in slot)
-major Bugs and crashes… i normally forgive these but these are not your typical “funny” bugs like glitching through the
floor or t-posing, no audio levels are off, some skills will destroy your ears even on mastervolume 1, questwaypoint dont update -> you complete a side quest and want to track the main story again ? to bad the waypoint will just point you back
to the location of the side quest
-Bulletsponges that are aware that they are bulletsponges … meaning they just rush you no matter what and chase you
Good Things:
-looks nice, really nice locations
-good and stable framerate, no idea why some reviews complain about that , was stable for me
-classes and build possibilities are great and plenty -> full gun damage, skill damage or supporter with more than just


Overall Steam Players Reviews:

At the moment we create this post, on steam they are 12,000 Positive Reviews and 7,500 Negative Reviews of total of 19,000 Reviews… A lot of negative reviews for an early game …

At this moment are over 90,000 Players online and they rank top 5 in Steam the most played games on Steam! even with a huge amount of negative reviews the game still is getting a huge amount of players online at least for now …


Is it Worth Buying And Playing?

This is only our opinion you don’t need to follow what we suggest, you decide if you want to buy it or not!

Our suggestion buying the game is only 70% the reason is there is a lot of players complain the game is not optimized for single players, and most players want to play the single-player … so if you plan to buy the game and play single player better wait for more updates … the game has few bugs but we expect all games on the early release have bugs … if you want to play a game with fewer bugs then wait for a few months more … ( more information can be found on players review )


Hope this post helped you to decide if you want to invest your money and buying the game or not, the game is not really cheap $59.99 … if this amount of money is not a big issue for you and you can’t wait for a stable version then buy the game. The game is a lot of fun!


We have a good amount of guides for this game and you can find them here https://steamlists.com/tag/outriders/

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