ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 – Crew Level – All Characters in Game List

ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 – Crew Level – All Characters in Game List 1 -
ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 – Crew Level – All Characters in Game List 1 -

this guide is if u want to lvl up specific character and where u have the higher chance to get him


ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 - Crew Level - All Characters in Game List - general - L2Uf
this guide is if u want to lvl up specific character and where u have the higher chance to get him
for this guide i used AngelS_chan’s post and this is his original post – [] 
some groups appear in more than 1 stage e.g. Fishman army appears in 3-4 stages i just selected a random one

All chars

ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 - Crew Level - All Characters in Game List - all chars - EE93F39
Ace 13. Ace army
Akainu 7. Akainu army
Alvida: 55. Alvida army
Aokiji 7. Aokiji army
Arlong 29. Fishman army
Bellamy 41. Donquixote Pirates
Blueno 37. CP9
Brook story
Buggy 15. Terrible
Burgess 68. Blackbeard Pirates
Caesar 51. Science army
Chopper story
Coby 20. Coby army
Crocodile 41. Baroque Works
Doflamingo 14. New World Pirates
Enel 43. Enel army
Franky 60. Franky family
Fujitora 38. Admirals
Garp 34. Garp
Hancock: 16. Hancock army
Hannyabal 66. Impel Down Staff
Hatchan 29. Fishman army
Hody 29. Fishman army
Ivankov 55. Ivankov army
Jabra 37. CP9
Jinbe 29. Fishman army
Jozu 22. Whitebeard Pirates
Kaku 37. CP9
Kizaru 40. Kizaru army
Krieg 14. East Blue Pirates
Kuma 37. Mr.2 & Revolutionary army
Kuro 14. East Blue Pirates
Lapahn 30. Cute army
Law: 1. Ally army
Lucci 37. CP9
Luffy 13. Luffy army
Magellan 66. Impel Down Staff
Marco 22. Whitebeard Pirates
Mihawk 80. Shichibukai
Minotaurus 66. Impel Down Staff
Monet: 17. Monet army
Morgan 20. Navy ( he is the rarest so try to focus)
Moriah 43. Mysterious forces
Mr.1 41. Baroque Works
Mr.2 55. Mr.2 army
Mr.3 41. Baroque Works
Nami: 17. Nami army
Pacifista 51. Science army
Perona: 39. Perona army
Robin: 16. Robin army
Sabo 13. Sabo army
Sanji: 6. Sanji army
Sentomaru 38. Garp
Shanks 52. Red Hair Pirates
Smoker 38. G5
Tashigi: 17. Tashigi army
Teach 68. Blackbeard Pirates
Vergo 14. New World Pirates
Vista 22. Whitebeard Pirates
Wapol 8. Wapol army
Whitebeard 61. Whitebeard army
Wyper 74. Nak*d
Zoro: 6. Zoro army

Non playable chars

Here is list of the non playable characters:
Alvida 55. Alvida army
Arlong 29. Fishman army
Bellamy 41. Donquixote Pirates
Blueno 37. CP9
coby 20. Coby army
Hannyabal 66. Impel Down Staff
Hatchan 29. Fishman army
Hody 29. Fishman army
Jabra 37. CP9
Jesus Burgess 68. Blackbeard Pirates
Jozu 22. Whitebeard Pirates
Kaku 37. CP9
Krieg 14. East Blue Pirates
Kuro 14. East Blue Pirates
Lapahn 30. Cute army
Minotaurus 66. Impel Down Staff
Monet: 17. Monet army
Morgan 20. Navy ( he is the rarest so try to focus)
Mr.1 41. Baroque Works
Mr.2 55. Mr.2 army
Mr.3 41. Baroque Works
Pacifista 51. Science army
Sentomaru 38. Garp
Vergo 14. New World Pirates
Vista 22. Whitebeard Pirates
Wapol 8. Wapol army
Wyper 74. Nak*d

Original post

Also he is the original post of AngelS_chan
I got all the names, although I’m not entirely sure “energy” really means Enel. XD But I can’t think of anyone else it could mean, so I went with him.
I’m also not entirely sure what “(total Gen.) means, so I put question marks around it. I think it means that the character definitely appears, though…
*** beside the number means the site gave that island a recommendation to grind something for one or more character, because said character(s) have a high chance of appearing there.
** beside the number means at least one of the more “rare” characters might appear.
Here’s the picture of the map again, for easy reference:
ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 - Crew Level - All Characters in Game List - original post - L2Uf
And here’s the list:
Ally army: Law
Enemy forces: Hody (?total Gen.?)
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Women army: Nami, Robin, Hancock, Perona, Tashigi, Alvida, Monet
Enemy forces: random
Zoro army: Zoro (?total Gen.?)
Sanji army: Sanji (?total Gen.?)
Akainu army: Akainu (?total Gen.?)
Aokiji army: Aokiji (?total Gen.?)
Wapol army: Wapol (?total Gen.?)
Enemy forces: random
Giants: Whitebeard, Kuma, Enel(?), Moriah, Sentomaru, Pacifista
Fishman army: Jinbe, Arlong, Hatchan, Hody
– Arlong, Hatchan, earning “defeat Hody X times”, recommended for Crew Level raising
10. ***
Fishman army: Jinbe, Arlong, Hatchan, Hody
Zoan users: Chopper, Marco, Lucci, Kaku, Jabra, Minotaurus
– Arlong, Hatchan, earning “defeat Hody X times”, recommended for Crew Level raising
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
12. **
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: Buggy, Krieg, Arlong, Hatchan, Alvida, Kuro
Ace army: Ace (?total Gen.?)
Sabo army: Sabo (?total Gen.?)
Luffy army: Luffy (?total Gen.?)
14. **
East Blue Pirates: Buggy, Krieg, Arlong, Hatchan, Alvida, Kuro
New World Pirates: Doflamingo, Caesar, Hody, Vergo, Monet
Navy: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Morgan, Coby
???: Whitebeard, Buggy, Shanks
Hancock army: Sanji, Hancock (?total Gen.?)
Perona army: Sanji, Perona (?total Gen.?)
Robin army: Sanji, Robin (?total Gen.?)
Nami army: Sanji, Nami (?total Gen.?)
Monet army: Sanji, Monet (?total Gen.?)
Tashigi army: Sanji, Tashigi (?total Gen.?)
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
20. ***
Coby army: Coby (?total Gen.?)
Navy: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Morgan
– recommended for Crew Leveling Morgan
Man army: ?following female characters?, Ivankov, all of the other characters EXCEPT Mr. 2
Woman army: Nami, Robin, Hancock, Perona, Tashigi, Alvida, Monet
Whitebeard Pirates: Whitebeard (?total Gen.?), Ace, Marco, Jozu, Vista
Navy HQ: Akainu (?total Gen.?), Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora
23. **
Sanji army: Sanji (?total Gen.?)
Newkama: Ivankov, Mr. 2
Swordsmen army: Zoro, Brook, Mihawk, Law, Tashigi, Fujitora, Shanks, Hatchan, Kaku, Vista
???: Luffy, Jinbe, Garp, Law
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random

26. **
Brawns: Luffy, Zoro, Chopper, Franky, Brook, Ace, Buggy, Mr. 2, Mr. 3
Brains: Robin, Jinbe, Crocodile, Marco, Law, Doflamingo, Arlong, Alvida, Kuro, Mr.1
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: Luffy, Ace, Hancock, Whitebeard, Doflamingo, Shanks
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
29. **
Enel army: Enel (?total Gen.?)
Fishman army: Jinbe, Arlong, Hatchan, Hody
30. ***
Perona army: Perona (?total Gen.?), Sanji
Cute army: Chopper, Magellan, Hatchan, Lapahn, Sentomaru
– recommended for Lapahn Crew Level
31. **
Mr.2 & Strawhats: Mr.2 (?total Gen.?), Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook
Navy: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Morgan, Coby
32. **
Strawhats: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook
East Blue Pirates: Buggy, Krieg, Arlong, Hatchan, Alvida, Kuro
Rookies: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Ace, Hancock, Perona, Law, Tashigi, Sabo, Lucci, Kaku, Sentomaru, Coby
Legend(?): Brook, Whitebeard, Garp
Luffy & Ace: Luffy (?total Gen.?), Ace
Garp: Garp (?total Gen.?)
Sanji army: Sanji (?total Gen.?)
Wapol army: Wapol (?total Gen.?)
36. **
East Blue Pirates: Buggy, Krieg, Arlong, Hatchan, Alvida, Kuro
Grand Line Pirates: Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Ace, Hancock, Jinbe, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Crocodile, Teach, Kuma, Enel(?), Perona, Law, Doflamingo, Moriah, Shanks, Wapol, Mr.2, Mr.3, Vista, Mr.1, Bellamy, Hody, Vergo, Monet, Burgess
37. ***
Mr.2 & Revolutionary army: Mr.2 (?total Gen.?), Robin, Ivankov, Kuma, Sabo
CP9: Lucci (?total Gen.?), Kaku, Jabra, Blueno
– earning kill #s for Lucci & Kaku, recommended for Jabra & Blueno Crew Levels
Admirals: Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, Fujitora
Garp: Garp (?total Gen.?), Kuma, Sentomaru, Coby
G-5: Smoker, Tashigi (?total Gen.?)
39. **
Perona army: Perona (?total Gen.?), Sanji
Kawai ? army: Teach, Ivankov, Wapol, Blueno, Pacifista, Minotaurus, Hannyabal, Hody
Kizaru army: Kizaru (?total Gen.?)
Aokiji army: Aokiji (?total Gen.?)
41. ***
Baroque Works: Crocodile (?total Gen.?), Mr.2, Mr.3, Mr.1
Donquixote Pirates: Doflamingo (?total Gen.?), Caesar, Bellamy, Vergo, Monet
– Crew Level for Mr.3, Vergo, Monet – kill # for Mr.3, Vergo
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Enel army: Enel (?total Gen.?)
Mysterious forces: Moriah (?total Gen.?), Brook, Perona
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
45. **
Coby army: Coby (?total Gen.?)
Superhuman forces: Chopper, Jinbe, Marco, Lucci, Arlong, Hatchan, Kaku, Jabra, Minotaurus, Hody
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
47. **
Revolutionary army: Robin, Ivankov, Kuma, Sabo
World Government: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Lucci, Magellan, Kaku, Jabra, Blueno, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Minotaurus, Hannyabal, Morgan, Coby
Enel army: Enel (?total Gen.?)
Zoan users: Chopper, Marco, Lucci, Kaku, Jabra, Minotaurus
Coby army: Coby (?total Gen.?)
Newkama army: Ivankov, Mr.2
50. **
Happy Pirates: Luffy, Hancock, Buggy, Teach, Enel(?), Perona, Doflamingo
Cool Pirates: Robin, Mihawk, Crocodile, Kuma, Arlong, Pacifista, Mr.1, Kuro

Science army: Franky, Kuma, Caesar, Pacifista
Mysterious army: Moriah (?total Gen.?), Brook, Perona
52. ***
Whitebeard Pirates: Whitebeard (?total Gen.?), Ace, Marco, Jozu, Vista
Red Hair Pirates: Shanks (?total Gen.?)
Blackbeard Pirates: Teach (?total Gen.?), Burgess
– Crew Level & kill# for Burgess
53. **
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: Ace, Akainu, Sabo, Hannyabal
54. **
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: Zoro, Brook, Mihawk, Law, Tashigi, Fujitora, Shanks, Hatchan, Kaku, Vista, Mr.1
55. **
Alvida army: Alvida (?total Gen.?), Sanji
Mr.2 army: Mr.2 (?total Gen.?)
Ivankov army: Ivankov (?total Gen.?)
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Wapol army: Wapol (?total Gen.?)
Enemy forces: random
60. **
Garp family: Garp (?total Gen.?), Luffy, Ace
Donquixote family: Doflamingo (?total Gen.?), Caesar, Bellamy, Vergo, Monet
Franky family: Franky (?total Gen.?)
61. **
Whitebeard army: Whitebeard (?total Gen.?), Garp
Blackbeard army: Teach (?total Gen.?), Usopp, Sanji, Jinbe, Buggy, Mihawk, Kizaru, Marco, Law, Fujitora, Lucci, Magellan, Shanks, Jabra, Blueno, Jozu, Vista, Vergo, Burgess
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
63. **
???: Sanji, Brook, Jinbe, Kizaru, Akainu, Tashigi, Magellan, Kuro, Vergo
???: Luffy, Mihawk, Crocodile, Smoker, Vista
64. **
Mr.2 army: Mr.2 (?total Gen.?)
Ivankov army: Ivankov (?total Gen.?)
65. ***
CP9: Lucci (?total Gen.?), Kaku, Jabra, Blueno
WG: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Lucci, Magellan, Kaku, Jabra, Blueno, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Minotaurus, Hannyabal, Morgan, Coby
– Crew Level for Jabra, Blueno – kill# for Lucci, Kaku

Original post continue

66. ***
Impel Down Staff: Magellan (?total Gen.?), Minotaurus, Hannyabal
Prison breakers: Luffy, Buggy, Crocodile, Ivankov, Mr.1, Mr.2, Mr.3
– Crew Level & kill# for Minotaurus, Hannyabal
Zoro army: Zoro (?total Gen.?)
Sanji army: Sanji (?total Gen.?)
68. ***
Whitebeard Pirates: Whitebeard (?total Gen.?), Ace, Marco, Jozu, Vista
Blackbeard Pirates: Teach (?total Gen.?), Burgess
World Government: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Lucci, Magellan, Kaku, Jabra, Blueno, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Minotaurus, Hannyabal, Morgan, Coby
– Crew Level & kill# for Burgess
Ally amry: random
Enemy forces: random
70. **
Women army: Nami, Robin, Hancock, Perona, Tashigi, Alvida, Monet
Enemy forces: Ivankov, Mr.2
71. ***
Afro faction: Usopp, Brook, Aokiji, Ivankov
Individualistic: Buggy, Mr.2, Mr.3, Hannyabal, Wiper
– all things Hannyabal, Wiper
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: Enel, Perona, Marco, Doflamingo, Monet
Shichibukai: Hancock, Buggy, Mihawk, Kuma, Law
Former Shichibukai: Jinbe, Crocodile, Teach, Moriah
74. ***
Navy: Kizaru, Akainu, Smoker, Garp, Tashigi, Fujitora, Sentomaru, Pacifista, Morgan, Coby
Nak*d: Enel (?total Gen.?), Chopper, Wiper
– all things Wiper
Rookie: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Ace, Hancock, Perona, Law, Tashigi, Sabo, Lucci, Kaku, Sentomaru, Coby
Veteran: Characters who aren’t in “Rookie” or “Legend”
Legend: Brook, Whitebeard, Garp

Expert(?): Zoro, Sanji, Mihawk, Garp, Shanks, Vergo
DF users: All DF users
77. **
Over ??? Pirates: Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Whitebeard, Mihawk, Teach, Kuma, Enel(?), Law, Doflamingo, Moriah, Shanks
Under ??? Pirates: Usopp, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Hancock, Jinbe, Buggy, Crocodile, Perona, Marco, Krieg, Arlong, Hatchan, Wapol, Mr.2, Mr.3, Jozu, Vista, Alvida, Kuro, Mr.1, Bellamy, Hody, Vergo, Monet, Burgess
78. **
Paramecia users: Luffy, Robin, Brook, Hancock, Whitebeard, Buggy, Teach, Kuma, Perona, Law, Doflamingo, Fujitora, Moriah, Magellan, Ivankov, Wapol, Mr.2, Mr.3, Blueno, Jozu, Alvida, Mr.1, Bellamy
Zoan users: Chopper, Marco, Lucci, Kaku, Jabra, Minotaurus
Logia users: Ace, Crocodile, Teach, Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, Enel(?), Smoker, Caesar, Monet
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Navy HQ: Akainu (?total Gen.?), Kizaru, Aokiji, Fujitora
Yonkou: Whitebeard, Teach, Shanks
Shichibukai: Hancock, Buggy, Mihawk, Kuma, Law
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: random
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: Luffy, Ace, Teach, Garp, Law
Ally army: random
Enemy forces: All Strawhats + Ace & Sabo

Written by seutelos™

I hope you enjoy the Guide we share about ONE PIECE PIRATE WARRIORS 3 – Crew Level – All Characters in Game List; if you think we forget to add or we should add more information, please let us know via commenting below! See you soon!

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