Memoirs of a Battle Brothel – Memoirs Contract System

Memoirs of a Battle Brothel – Memoirs Contract System 1 -
Memoirs of a Battle Brothel – Memoirs Contract System 1 -

Quick(start) guide for the contracts system in "Memoirs of a Battle Brothel". This will allow you to quickly accumulate credits and esteem with minimal trial, error or frustration.


Memoirs of the Battle Brothel This is right up my alley. It's an H/RPG game, which can, depending on how you play it, have very little "H". I love a good H game, but I have a weakness for H-games that have the quality to be played against their content or forego/forestall poontang hunts. There is a great narrative attached, and you can only engage with it if that's your thing. You can get enough reward from playing a good game, right? It's a great game, especially an H-game. I enjoy the experience. Why not? It's not impossible to have immersive or fantastic elements in an H-game. It's a boon for them to defy the expectations of being simple Gallery Collection game. So, kudos to our solodev.
That's all for effusive praise. Anywho…

Okay, Actual Guide Now…

MoaBB contracts come in many forms. There are many types.
We have Vandalize, Hack Protect, Blackmail and Delivery to name a few. The Hosting and Faction-specific contracts (are available for each major faction). Although I haven’t tested them all (, I did test them all at the time of writing this guide. I have played the game twice and I am not an expert (. However, this guide is my first) guide. I know enough to get you started quickly and get the currency you need. That's what you really want, right?
So, tl;dr?
Hosting contracts
Yep, that's it. Although it's not exactly true, it's close enough.
This is the key to the guide's first section. Hosting contracts are the fastest way to build both capital – hard credit and esteem. I was initially intrigued by the idea of esteem in the game. MoonFall apparently holds us in "esteem" (, which allowed me to use my reputation to help me get out of difficult situations. I haven’t seen anything like it myself. It's possible that esteem works as intended. There is no significantly divergent gameplay benefit. Or, it is planned for a later update. Emotional well-being is a major factor in your income, Facilitator. Salary. It does this through your advancements. Specifically?
The Blood Pit.
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The Blood Pit

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The Blood Pit is the fight simulation. Six levels of encounters are available for free (. Upgrade costs) may apply. These encounters are valuable late-game and early-game to level up your party members. It is worth spending some time there. The main feature in this guide is the Level Three upgrade. This grants " Esteem revenue&quot, which contributions " pay equal your esteem per period." It converts whatever your esteem to bonus cash every twenty-four hour (approximately). Good deal!
With every building upgraded to level 3, you'll be able to pull in between 3,250 and 4,000 credits. This is just my endgame save. I had approximately 213 esteem at that point.
3,250 + 213 = 3,463 creds. Cool, cool. Although not an astronomical amount of money, it is still very helpful. This is an additional healing item that you can purchase from the shop. I don't recommend that you grind for 500 or 1000 esteem unless you are a mad lad. But, you can ignore me. You do you. That is, for now, the main reason to increase your self-esteem.

The Contracts Theyself…

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Let's get back to the point. Hosting contracts are for you if you are a min/max person. This means you want to make the most of your efforts and earn the most income. The game warns that your overworld map may have unresolved or unforeseen issues/bugs. This is where you will be conducting all your business. This is easy enough to find on one's own, but there were no guides available when I wrote it. I want to be of assistance.
A standard contract, or "General", such as vandalize, or delivery, will direct you to one the major cities centers on the world map or an NPC/interactive place on the map that has been created for that specific contract. A Blackmail General contract might grant you an NPC described as "near Civic". Civic is located in the northeast by north of the map. If you get the contract from, say… It's quite a walk from Civic to the Stormbreaker’s (western edge of map). Each contract is dependent on certain stats and a dice roll.
Vandalize uses Athletics. Hack uses Tech. Delivery uses Charisma. Protect uses Charisma. Intimidate uses Athletics. The task is something like Survey or Relic. It relies on knowledge, which, according to my understanding, is impossible to raise (at the moment.
Faction contracts can be described as twofers. They include a planning phase and an execution phase. You can spend SP or credit to increase your rolls in the execution phase. You can buy tools, scout your area, and coordinate with your allies. Other things, such as calling in favors, are possible, but I haven't done that. Random events will occur during missions. Guess what? Random attributes. But, it's not so random. This is largely dependent on the approach you take in the planning phase. For example, choosing "Alert" will give you perception checks. You can be defensive or others will change what is used so use your strengths. You have the option to attack or bumrush your target, which will result in an immediate battle. However, you lose any bonuses (, such as wounding enemies during Hunts).
Hosting contracts are a great way to save money. They are also much faster to complete. You will be tested with a dice roll, just like Faction contracts. The events firing will determine the required attribute for Hosting. You will receive different clients: "A blade of a woman with a group of friends around her age" or "a middle-aged man with muscular guards and a balding face." They will, lorewise spend time in your guild hall at the request of a major faction. It is important to keep them happy. Randomly, the lights might go out or the guest might become rowdy. A technology check, perception check, or charisma check could be done. It's randomized.
Here's the kicker: this guide is my entire purpose.
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Once you have chosen your faction, you can take a hosting contract. Let's say you choose the Iron Cartel or Dockside. This is a short distance from your Saint Gorfu headquarters. You don't have to walk all of the way back to Saint. You will have the option to immediately or wait to be teleported to the city. You can save yourself the trek! You can save yourself the trek! This can also happen with deliveries. This bug can be fixed by reloading an older save. However, I have found that when in doubt… The Spire. You can either walk or take the train to get back into the overworld) and the Spire. You might have been told to go to "Industrial", but the event meant The Spire. I digress… Hosting contracts reduce the need for this tomfoolery, and search missions for your quest objective. After you have chosen to teleport Saint Gorfu, she will be done.
This allows you to save. Hey! While I don't advocate save-scumming, It can be useful if you get an award for a skill that you didn't plan or haven’t buffed, as it might be in the early game. Perhaps you have three Charisma left from character creation. You built the Security office and talked to the Athletics trainer for an extra boost. However, a perception test won't help you. A lucky six might be what you get on a roll. However, if you only get one and don't have an attribute modifier, you could lose your reputation. You could lose your faction reputation and fail the event. Bad. Sad.
To pass, you will need at LEAST four rolls for all contracts. This can be flat out or with attribute score. This is stated in the game. In the Blackmail quest, OPFOR, the bodyguards watching your target, will spot and initiate combat even if you score only four or five. Only scores of six or more will allow you to complete Bodyguard without being charged with any battle. A six or higher on any contract will usually lead to a better outcome. You get an additional twenty credits for a delivery job. It's not a great deal, but you could still get nothing for a four if you did a job well done!
You won't normally make more than 1000 credits. I mean 900 credits and some change. Faction reputation is also earned, usually +1 or, in case of Faction-specific quests for Mandate, Stormbreakers and Three Moons, +3. The Board, the shadow council for MoonFall? They don't seem like they give faction reputation for any jobs so, the highest you could get with them is (. Taking the bonus in creating and completing Mercantile Freeze,). However, they are not a factor in terms of the stated endings. Although the Three Moons may have Faction agreements, I didn’t test them extensively, they do give jobs and work exactly as I’ve described. I will update the guide if I find any issues. I think they might have knowledge checks, but I can do nothing about that. I would love to be corrected on that count.

Wrap up and Recap

That's all. I will update the guide as the game changes or I play more. This is a good starting point, I think. Although the contracts system isn’t difficult, I could have said more. But, I’m not the type who begins explaining what I know or am passionate about and then goes off to the races. The quick and dirty are the details. Chassis would approve. Maybe.
My recommendation is: Hosting is the best way to go. Bing, bang boom. Done quickly, like Zafra getting the troublemakers out of his guild hall. You can quickly complete hosting contracts and increase your reputation by 10 for every major faction except The Board. This is the threshold at which they will consider you an " Associate", a true ally. This, of course, has a big and small impact on the ending. Wunderbar!
Anything more than ten is just icing. Trust me; I tried that with the Guild factions and Stormbreakers. You don't have to push the Stormbreaker’s to +30 rep to do deliveries and host random, grizzled, (young) veterans. Get it to ten, and then do the main quests.
Okay, that's it. Facilitator(s), have at em'.
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Written by Wolfensteppe

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